How to use "headed" in a sentence


She headed toward the center booth in the VIP row, where Charles Mainway, general manager and principal stockholder of the Golden Pyramid Hotel, waited for her.

She headed toward the Golden Pyramid, where she had an office, and where work was waiting to be done.

She pulled the Honda back into traffic and headed for the Pyramid again.

She headed for the master bedroom, confused and beginning to be frightened.

Too late, he saw the sign at the fourth intersection - NOT A THROUGH STREET - but they were already around the corner and headed down the narrow dead end, with nothing but a row of ten modest stucco houses on each side.

"If they actually headed for Flagstaff," Alexander said, "they ought to have landed by now

"Surely you don't want to take such drastic action until you're positive Stryker actually is headed for Reno

"There's a way to find out if it's really Reno he's headed for

And I guess they were so sure of where we were headed, they didn't think it was necessary to keep a close watch on us

The road descended into a gully, swung hard to the left this time, and then headed up again.

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

Finally, I said, 'The letter is headed 6.20

And young men are so hot-headed and so quick to believe the worst.'