How to use "every" in a sentence


I have decided to do this every ninety minutes

I can now only sit for a few minutes so I take smaller sips every hour.

But my problems are getting worse every minute

Only three more kilometres to my truck, but I'm feeling weaker every minute.

This ship goes above water every two days to fill it with clean air

Ned Land still wanted to escape, and he thought about it every day

She catches a mouse every day - Oh! You're angry again! We won't talk about Dinah any more-'

'Cut off her head! Cut off his head!' she shouted, every two or three minutes.

Well, after that, Jenny asked me to play with their group every Friday, and paid me $25 every time!

It went well, and I played with them every night after that.

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."

From every mountainside, let freedom ring! And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.

From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

The course here indicated will be followed unless current events and experience shall show a modification or change to be proper, and in every case and exigency my best discretion will be exercised according to circumstances actually existing, and with a view and a hope of a peaceful solution of the national troubles and the restoration of fraternal sympathies and affections.

But no organic law can ever be framed with a provision specifically applicable to every question which may occur in practical administration

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention, and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

On the contrary, I hold that non-cooperation is a just and religious doctrine; it is the inherent right of every human being and it is perfectly constitutional

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

What is more, I have done every one of these things in my life, and nobody has questioned the constitutional character of it.

But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, - in the midst of a nation which has built up its magnificent constitution, - for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly - it will be highly unconstitutional for the people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to them; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohammedans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole of India to sit still and cooperate with an unjust Government which has trodden under its feet the honour of the Punjab.

In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory

Values have shrunk to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; and the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone

It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations

May He protect each and every one of us.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

Constable William Smith's beat took him along Berner Street every 25-30 minutes

His beat took him there approximately every thirty minutes, so at 2.55 he was back in Goulston Street

On October 13th the police began to search every house in a certain radius of the crimes

'I've knocked at every door.'

Fantine, meanwhile, found work in Montreuil and asked for news of her daughter every month

They made her get up before dawn every day and do all the dirty jobs around the house, while Eponine and Azelma wore pretty clothes and played with dolls

He walked for a couple of hours every evening, sometimes alone, sometimes with Cosette

He did the same every day for two weeks

His desire for the girl was growing daily, and he dreamt of her every night

'Ah, this is for the old man who goes to church every day

He sent money every Monday to Thenardier, who was in prison, which meant that he had even less money for himself

Her heart on fire, she took the notebook upstairs to her bedroom and read every word again

During that month of May in the year 1832, Cosette and Marius met every day in the wild garden of that small, secret house

To which Cosette would reply, 'I love you more with every minute that passes.'

He had suffered terribly over the years and, until now, he had survived every disaster

'She comes here every day in the shape of an old man who asks for news of you

Cosette, accompanied by Jean Valjean, visited Marius every day

'You can come every evening,' said Marius

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

She did not realize that, every evening, Valjean would walk slowly from his house until he reached the corner of the street where she lived

And they watch me every day, and I think that they watch me at night too."

Red, sandy plains stretch out in almost every direction, and only to the east are there thin, light-green trees that lead to the low, orange mountains.

I suppose every ship needs some pirates, and these are they

"I do, my son: it's on every radio and every television

They say he punishes them for every mistake."

When Owen was a boy of fourteen, he played rugby or football every day, he ran to the school in the village just for fun, and he spent every Sunday in the forests with his dad.

It doesn't have to be every weekend if Junior does not want to, but occasionally

He could cut and shuffle the deck like he had eight arms instead of two, and he could remember every card he saw in a split second and could use his fingers and little tricks to put the cards where he wanted them in the deck.

But he entered my competition, and he used his tricks and his fast fingers, and he won every game until it came to the final."

Everyone wanted to hear about Sala's pod experience, so she described it slowly, giving every last detail

"They've put in new nanobots that stay inside the equipment and check everything, every day

Sala spent every possible minute with Cham

We want to have them beside our beds, so we can think of you every night." Cham looked over at Sala apologetically

Sala went to the energy center every day, hoping she'd see Wena

I could not tell Mrs Van Hopper that every morning I drove with de Winter in his car

But this was the tea served at Manderley every day.

It is what he has done every evening for years.

The same things happened at the same time every day

But, every hour of the day, the past made a wall between us.

Then he said, 'The Manderley Ball was held every year

But Frank did not sit in the morning room every day as I did

'I come into these room and dust them every day,' Mrs Danvers said

I felt I was growing up a little more every day

This is what I had wanted him to say, every day and every night

That terrible word - murder - would be on every front page.

The flowers would come every year, the birds would sing

Though she always resisted the grim truth, it gradually exerted itself every time, and she was repeatedly brought down hard, forced to accept that the dream was not a premonition

They began as lovers, sharing every detail of their daily lives - triumphs and failures, joys and frustrations - but by the time the divorce was final, they were strangers

After all, as fantastic as it was, the show was only a come-on, a draw, with the sole purpose of putting a few thousand people into the hotel every night

What if they came, lights flashing and sirens screaming - and found no one? If she had summoned the police every time that she imagined hearing a prowler in the house during the past two weeks, they would have decided long ago that she was scramble-brained

His desk occupied one corner; tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel in every color, and a variety of model-crafting tools stood in soldierly ranks on one half of the desk, and the other half was bare, waiting for him to begin work

Joel Bandiri, Tina's co-producer, had watched the show from a booth in the first tier, the VIP row, where high rollers and other friends of the hotel would be seated every night of the run

You earned every penny you're gonna make out of this baby, just like I knew you would

The Pyramid had been built at a cost in excess of four hundred million dollars, and the owners had made certain that every last dime showed

The Pyramid, with almost three thousand rooms, was booked to capacity, as was every hotel in the city

Jaborski, the scoutmaster, had taken other groups of scouts on winter survival hikes every year for sixteen years, and no one had been even slightly injured

They didn't hike all the way into the true wilderness, just a reasonable distance off the beaten path, and they planned for every contingency

Whenever the military exploded a high-yield weapon, the tall hotels swayed in Vegas, and every house in town shuddered a little.

It seemed to be coming from every corner of the house.

Not every week, of course

Although no second show was scheduled this evening, as would be the case every night henceforth, busboys and waitresses were busily clearing tables, resetting them with fresh linen and silverware for the following night's eight o'clock performance.

I just have to check on the show once every couple of weeks to make sure the tone of it isn't drifting away from my original intention."

In fact, Joel says it isn't healthy for a producer to be backstage every night..

"Still, I guess you'll be here every night for the first week or so."

She edged around the pit, determined to make the hateful bastard stop what he was doing, but he took a step away from her for every step that she took toward him, and he always stayed directly across the hole from her

Danny's collection of paperbacks had been pulled from the bookcase and tossed into every corner

Fuming, Tina went through the house, meticulously checking every window and door

It was a mentally and physically debilitating experience - it was hard -and I loved every minute of it! God willing, I'm going to do it again

I paid every loan installment

At night, the fabled Strip was a dazzling sight, a surging river of light: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, turquoise - every color within the visual spectrum of the human eye; incandescent and neon, fiber optics and lasers, flashing and rippling

And the past two weeks, I've dreamed about him every night without fail

You're the kind of person who meets every problem head-on."

For five or six months, I was an emotional wreck because every object in the house reminded me of Nancy

You would eat every scrap of it, lick your fingers, and beg for more."

He walked her to her Honda in the driveway and leaned in the window after she was behind the wheel, delaying her for another fifteen minutes while he planned, to her satisfaction, every dish of this evening's dinner.

Although a judicial purist might have disapproved, prosecutors and public defenders and tax attorneys and criminal lawyers and corporate counsel were mingling and getting pleasantly drunk with the judges before whom they argued cases most every week

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

Scary stories of every kind, in every medium

In every repulsive detail, he was precisely like the hideous creature that stalked her nightmares.

But we're trying to check every house

Most of the story dealt with Death's attempts to stop the mother and father on their desperate night journey; they were assaulted by every form of the walking dead, every manner of living corpse and vampire and ghoul and zombie and ghost, but they triumphed

But she stared into his dark, expressive eyes, and she knew that he'd meant every word he said.

As he drove from one residential street to another, steadily heading away from the smoke, working toward a major thoroughfare, Elliot expected to encounter the black van at every intersection.

Each time he glanced at her, she was either crouched forward, squinting at every new street they entered, or twisted halfway around in her seat, looking out the rear window

No matter who was searching for them, no matter how large the organization pitted against them, this city was too big to harbor danger for them in every nook and crevice

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

She wanted to be enjoying an ordinary meal, on an ordinary evening, in the middle of a blissfully ordinary life, with every reason to expect a long, comfortable, ordinary future

Michael used a jar full of peanuts to represent casino chips, and Danny won every nut in the jar."

"And if he is dead?" Elliot asked, every bit as insistent as she was.

She was in great distress, and she suffered from horrible dreams that plagued her every night

The famous Pennsylvania Alexander's had always been prominently associated with the struggle for minority civil rights, the Equal Rights Amendment, the crusade against capital punishment, and social idealisms of every variety

We've got men checking every hotel and motel-"

"We've got men going over the passenger lists of every outbound flight." He picked up an ivory-handled letter opener, turned it over and over in his hands

Elliot said, "Why does it get cold every time he uses his..

With every step he took, Elliot expected to hear a shot fired a cry of alarm, and the sounds of men in pursuit of quarry.

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

It was true that every dollar had to count, for every dollar of the Network's budget was difficult to come by

A dozen times, she passed chinks in the wall, and Death glared out at her from every one of those apertures, screamed and cursed and raged at her, but none of the holes was large enough to allow him through

"I take my act to Lake Tahoe a few weeks every winter," Billy said

The deciduous trees, stripped of every leaf, appeared to be charred, as if this particular winter had been more severe than others and as cataclysmic as a fire

Yet the weak illumination that the lamps provided was apparently sufficient for the security cameras to obtain clear images of the entire plateau, because cameras were attached to every lamppost, and not an inch of the area escaped their unblinking attention.

Dombey said, "Although he gets weaker every day, for some reason he wins out over the virus faster each time

A second writer, a surly fellow, believed that he would soon be a famous director and informed us of this at every opportunity

He looks in every room of the house.

'And she always knows every single thing that happens in the village,' said Griselda

'Old Mrs Archer comes in every morning.'

Your servant should water this plant every day

'Always some good reason nowadays for every dirty action, isn't there?'

And it proved that Miss Marple had been right in every detail.

An enormous hole had been made and the Earth had been thrown violently in every direction, forming piles that could be seen two kilometres away.

The sound of drums came from the army base in Albany Street and bells were ringing in every church

There were people of every class and profession, but they were all dusty; their skins were dry, their lips black and cracked, and all of them looked very afraid.

It one had flown over London that morning, every road to the north or east would have seemed black with moving refugees, everyone a frightened and exhausted human being.

By chance the kitchen had escaped and now stood buried under earth and bricks, covered on every side except towards the cylinder

I could see in every direction except behind me and there were no Martians in sight.

I searched every room for food until, when I was ready to give up, I found some bread and two tins of fruit in one of the bedrooms

I had no regrets about this, but in the stillness of the night, with a sense that God was near, I thought again of every part of our conversation from the time we had first met

These green stars - I've seen none for five or six days, but I've no doubt they're falling somewhere every night

Two days after I was imprisoned it had been destroyed, with every person in it, by a Martian

The churches were giving out bread sent to us by the French government, and tired-looking policemen stood at the corners of every street.

I took every possible precaution so that there would not be gossip about a little black girl

I had every symptom that was written.

Taxis usually come every three minutes.

We looked in every corner of the boat

It was delicious - excellent in every way

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

I won't let you question me like a prisoner every time I am a little late.'

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

The days and weeks at Limmeridge House passed so quickly! What a happy time that was! I spent every day in the company of two excellent ladies

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

They are the same for every person.

Little by little, women have got the vote in almost every country in the world.

These waves are also about the sexism that happens to women every day

The project shows that sexism happens to women every day in many ways.

In the USA in 2016, women earned about 82 cents for every dollar a man made.

They are often paid less, and sexism and sexual harassment at work are a problem every day

Today, women in many different countries are using MeToo every day to tell people about the assault and harassment they get

We must find Zorro! We must look in every hacienda and in every home

I have your father's permission to court you! I know that Don Diego wants to marry you, but I am superior in every way