How to use "kissing" in a sentence


But the next minute we were kissing and making love! And when we finished, Jenny said, 'Forrest, where have you been all this time?'

She was laughing and kissing me, and I didn't know what to do.

After hugging and kissing their mother, they sat on the floor by the fire and played with a doll

He blew out the candle and, just as he was kissing Cosette on the forehead, the footsteps stopped

Then, as if by magic, her lips were next to his and they were kissing

'And you can't refuse this time,' Cosette agreed, sitting on Jean Valjean's lap and kissing his forehead

He remembers that afterwards they were in the hotel room kissing, but then something happened, and she laughed

He stayed there, tongue kissing the floor tiles.

The man's arms were round the woman and he was kissing her.

As we walked over to Old Hall, I told Melchett and Haydock how I had seen Redding and Mrs Protheroe kissing in the studio

'I agree,' said Marian, kissing me on the forehead