How to use "everyone" in a sentence


'Hi, everyone

I guess everyone missed me when I didn't arrive for Leona's party last night

The men wanted to find and kill the sea monster, but after all this time everyone on the ship started to believe that there was no monster

You will stay here with me, but you will have the same freedom everyone else on the ship has."

He trusted everyone

'The police say that he looks dangerous, and it would be better for everyone to lock their windows and doors.'

The tall, grey-haired man was doing useful work on the larger barricade, and Eponine (whom everyone thought was a boy) worked hard too

At night everyone worries in New York

He opens the bag for everyone to see, and there is a cry from a woman near to him, followed by another and another

And there are more cries from the crowd, and everyone seems to know what is happening now

And now there is silence in the carriage, and Sarah sees that everyone is listening to the conversation.

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

Usually, Cham had plenty to say, and loved making everyone laugh.

Gran had a chip buried under her skin like everyone else, but she wore a bracelet to hide it as a small way of protesting about the government's tight control over everyone.

The center was always busy, because everyone was eager to earn energy units

"Has everyone gone crazy?"

"In a few years, everyone will be doing it

"That's our name for everyone who signs up," said Leti

and anyway, maybe she would come back with exciting news for everyone.

Strange faces surrounded her; everyone looked miserable and gray

We're opposed to the government controlling everyone the way it does."

Cham's last day was difficult for everyone

Sala watched as everyone gathered around Cham for their final goodbyes

The girls cried, and Cham kissed everyone

Technicians appeared at the door and everyone began to stand up.

It was clear to them now: the pods were just another way of controlling everyone

"Sala! Cham is here!" Sala forced herself to smile as Cham came over and hugged everyone

Mrs Van Hopper sat down at her usual table and stared at everyone in the restaurant.

She wanted to tell everyone that she was leaving.

Be yourself and everyone at Manderley will love you

I hoped everyone would go soon

She had been charming, interested in everyone

Soon everyone at Manderley was talking about the Fancy Dress Ball

What's everyone going to wear? I suppose you refuse to wear fancy dress, Maxim?'

I expected everyone to laugh and clap as I walked down the stairs.

I'm going to tell everyone that your dress didn't fit.'

I stood there smiling at everyone

They said how everyone had loved Rebecca

Ben stepped into the room and stared at everyone with his small eyes

'She kept it a secret from everyone, even Danny

With the memory of the applause still fresh in everyone's mind, the party was soon jumping.

Tina mingled, moving back and forth, upstage and downstage, through the crowd, thanking everyone for his contribution to the show's success, complimenting each member of the cast and crew on his dedication and professionalism

And everyone seemed to be talking at once.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

That's what everyone said

Perfectly safe, everyone said


"Nevertheless, I have a duty to protect everyone's interests in the matter."

The truth of it isn't anything like the version everyone's been told

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

Elliot and Tina sat as far from everyone as possible, in the last booth in the short wing of the restaurant.

"These days, everyone's phone seems to be tapped

Nearly everyone was engaged in animated conversations, couples and cozy groups of friends, enjoying themselves, looking forward to the remaining three days of the four-day holiday.

After a second of surprised relief, everyone in the diner applauded the old fellow.

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

Most of them had served their country openly, in a supremely visible fashion, where everyone could see and admire their selfless public-spiritedness

They brought everyone here and put them in isolation

The world would regard him as a freak, and everyone would want to gawk at him, put him on display

'You think the best of everyone.'

'But everyone thinks my interest is in Lettice.'

'This afternoon I was asked to go to a dying man, but when I got there everyone was very surprised

'So everyone knew!'

And I expect everyone thinks it is somebody different

'It's strange,' I said, 'that everyone says the shot came from the woods.'

And the next thing is to find out what everyone was doing that evening between six and seven

I'm asking everyone where they were yesterday evening between the hours of six and seven p.m.'

'Of course! That's what he wants you to think! That you know the truth - and that it's best for everyone as it is

When the poor young man was found dead and the letter was read, everyone would think that he had shot Colonel Protheroe and killed himself because he felt so guilty

I don't want everyone telling me to lie down all the time

I think everyone expected to see a man come out - possibly something a little unlike us on Earth, but more or less a man

I ran because I realized that soon everyone on this side of the hill would be moving

It one had flown over London that morning, every road to the north or east would have seemed black with moving refugees, everyone a frightened and exhausted human being.

The Martians, it seemed, had killed and eaten everyone around there, except for a few lucky ones like myself

'But they didn't kill everyone

Harris said, 'Oh, how boring! In the country everyone goes to bed at eight o'clock

He tells everyone what to do, and he does nothing.

At the Alhambra Theatre everyone looked at our clothes and smiled

Imagine my feelings, Walter, when I saw my dear sister there in the asylum, and that everyone believed she was Anne Catherick! I gave the nurse one hundred pounds to help Laura escape

He told everyone in the village that Sir P had been my lover and that Anne was Sir P's child

'I want a full confession, written and signed, of your conspiracy with Sir Percival Glyde against Laura Fairlie,' I said, 'and I want proof of your story so that everyone knows the truth at last.'

In 18th-century Russia, for example, Catherine the Great believed in education for everyone.

In countries where women do well, she said, everyone does well.

She showed everyone that a woman could be a housewife and still win gold medals! In 1999, Fanny Blankers-Koen was voted Female Athlete of the Century because of her four gold medals at the 1948 Games.

Because of this, everyone learned that there is a lot of sexual assault in the film business

Good night everyone." He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain.

He watches everyone carefully.

The next day everyone talks about the magistrate's punishment

Good night everyone!"

Pass the word to everyone."