How to use "incredible" in a sentence


Owen feels an incredible pain in his behind, and he screams and falls to the floor.

She had counted only twenty-two names when she came to an incredible message that the computer had inserted in the list.

Frightened, dazed by the incredible speed at which her world had begun to disintegrate, she did as he said.

it all seems just too incredible."

The two words blasted out of the speakers in all corners of the diner with such incredible, bone-jarring force that it was difficult to believe that the machine had been built with the capability of pouring out sound with this excessive, unnerving power.

Elliot said, "If Danny has this incredible power, why is he sending messages just to you? Why doesn't he at least contact Michael too?"

How long could Danny continue to pave the way? The boy appeared to have some incredible powers, but he wasn't God

Apparently afraid that she would voice her thoughts and alert Dombey to the incredible truth of the situation, Elliot consulted his wristwatch and said, "We ought to get out of here."