How to use "excitement" in a sentence


I do not consider it necessary, at present, for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety, or excitement.

'You really mean it?' he asked, his voice trembling with childish excitement

'Let's go at once!' he cried, wild with excitement

Putting them in his jacket pocket, he went out and continued to wander aimlessly around the streets, noticing only occasionally the strange atmosphere of excitement that was growing in the town

"Right then, Son," he says feeling extremely happy and enjoying the excitement in his boy's eyes

"Here goes," said Cham, his eyes shining with excitement

He looked pale and tired, but a feverish excitement was burning in his eyes.

I have forgotten the places we went to, but I have not forgotten the excitement of those mornings

'Manderley at last.' I could hear the excitement in his voice.

Jasper ran after the stone, barking with excitement.

It was a look of strange, terrible excitement.

I found Clarice waiting for me in my bedroom, her face full of excitement

Sinatra was in town, at Caesar's Palace, perhaps for the last time, and even at eighty years of age, he generated more excitement in Vegas than any other famous name

Of course no amount of amusing talk, no quantity of icy Dom PS 233;rignon could render her unaware of the excitement that was building in the showroom as curtain time drew near

Vivienne liked the action, noise, lights, and excitement of Las Vegas

The cast of Magyck! Took several bows, then the crew, then the orchestra, all of them flushed with the excitement of being part of an unqualified hit

The frantic activity and the unrelenting excitement, which bordered on hysteria at times, abraded her nerves.

There's so much going on, so much to see and do, constant excitement, so people get out of their normal rhythms

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

Her heartbeat became less like the pounding of a jackhammer, but it still did not settle into a normal rhythm; now it was affected by excitement rather than terror

"What're you saying - that Danny reached out to you from the grave to cause that excitement in the restaurant? Tina, you really don't think his ghost was haunting a jukebox?"

The excitement rose, then Miss Marple said, 'Bad girl! If you make things up, people often believe them, and sometimes that leads to problems.'

'Oh, how I would like some excitement,' Griselda said

And then Dennis came in full of excitement because of a footprint he had found in one of the flower beds

Oh, could it have been...?' She stopped, pale with excitement.

'A girl also wants a bit of excitement

And there, with great excitement, I saw something smooth hidden under the leaves

Maybe there was talk in the village streets, a new topic in the pubs - and here and there a messenger, or even an eye-witness of the later events, caused some excitement

There was very little excitement at the station

Then he crossed the room and began to dress, running with each piece of clothing to the window in order to miss nothing of the growing excitement

I felt no fear, only a wild, shaking excitement, as I ran up the hill towards the unmoving Martian

Harris stood up and said, 'Be thankful for a bit of excitement in your lives! Your lives must be so boring, just sitting and fishing all day