How to use "explosion" in a sentence


It was like a big, underwater explosion!"

There was a loud explosion and then, silence.

At sixteen she married a miner named Davies, who was killed in an explosion in the mines

The cannonball crashed into the bottom of the barricade with a loud explosion, but did little damage

At first, I think that maybe I am quick enough, but then I hear the snap of the gun and feel the explosion in my back.

A loud explosion shook the window where we stood

The first explosion was followed by another, then a third and a fourth.

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

Elliot's Mercedes was parked at the far curb, and she was six or eight feet from the car when the sudden outward-sweeping shock of the explosion shoved her forward

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

Along the street, people came out of their houses, seeking the source of the explosion

They wanted it to appear as if you'd died in an accidental gas explosion

In the rush to get out of her house before the gas explosion leveled it, he hadn't noticed that she'd been carrying anything

Perhaps Evans didn't know about the explosion at his former house

Then he set fire to the end of the rope, knowing that it would take about twenty minutes to burn through and for the stone to fall and cause the explosion

At about six in the evening, as I had tea with my wife in the garden, I heard an explosion from the common, and immediately after that the sound of gunfire

The ground moved and a heavy explosion shook the air, smashing two or three windows in the houses and leaving us shocked.

A violent explosion shook the air, and a column of water, steam, mud and broken metal shot far up into the sky

There had been no explosion, no answer from the guns

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood