How to use "far" in a sentence


So far, things are going well

'How far is it back to your truck?' Megan asks.

'That's too far

Stuck between them, as far as I can see, are boulders of different sizes

I lie down, put my hands in two holes on the far edge of the boulder and push my legs over the opposite side to jump down.

'He's probably left already,' said Megan, 'but he can't be far away

I keep the far end open to let fresh air in

7.30 am That last video recording was the most pessimistic so far

But today it's only thirteen degrees, the coldest day so far

The moon came out from behind the clouds and we saw that Abraham Lincoln was too far away

We were far from the beach

I saw Captain Nemo looking through a telescope at something far away

The cinema was not far from our house

It was some of our men on the far side of the hole, and there was blood all over them

Doing this I deem to be only a simple duty on my part; and I shall perform it so far as practicable, unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means, or in some authoritative manner direct the contrary

So far as possible, the people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security which is most favorable to calm thought and reflection

To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

Hanbury Street is a long street that goes from Commercial Street to Baker's Row, not far from Buck's Row

a young woman screamed 'Murder!' not far away

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

He could see four figures in the distance on the far side of the bridge.

I believe that he recently managed a small inn in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris

She seemed to fill the far end of the Gardens with a kind of blue mist

Something had happened at the far end of the Gardens

Within seconds, the soldiers had left the barricade, leaving their dead and wounded behind, and were running into the darkness at the far end of the street.

While the soldiers waited at the far end of the street for further orders, and the rebels removed dead bodies from the barricade and took care of the wounded, Marius walked around the stronghold in a kind of dream

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

He walked in total darkness, the silence broken occasionally by the thunder of gun carriages and horses racing along the streets of Paris far above his head.

He did not know what part of the city he was passing under or how far he had come

The only thing he was sure of was that the light through the grilles far above his head was growing weaker, which meant that the sun was setting

"Does she live far off?" said the wolf.

Sometimes he's so close that I think he can touch me, and other times he's far away, but I still know that he's there

This is far enough

He thinks about home for a moment, but that is too far away now, and too long ago.

So instead he just wants to get as far from the town called Needles as he can before the night comes.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

She could say with her hand on her heart that this year - her eighteenth - had been the best so far

Instead, there was calm blue ocean as far as they could see, under a cloudless sky

Her mind seemed far away

It wasn't far to Cham's apartment block, but another storm had gathered

Cham had so many things to consider, far more than her.

From far down on the ground floor, Cham sent a message: "Ready when you are!"

The week rushed by far too quickly

We've been checking him as far as possible, too."

At that moment, a door opened at the far end of the room, and a man appeared

They will soon discover he's telling the truth - that as far as he knows, we did receive a letter

At the far end of the room, she saw Ding, and waved

Sala forced her mind to go still; the voices seemed to come from far away

We were not far from the house now

There was far too much food for two people

It was the normal Manderley breakfast, but far too much for two people

Then I thought of Mrs Van Hopper, far away in New York

'My dear, the water is always far too cold here,' said Beatrice.

Even the sea seemed far away.

But the books were far too heavy

How far away that seemed! I felt calmer, much older now

The boat sank too far away from them

It was hot in that crowded room, far too hot

In the dream, Danny was standing at the edge of a bottomless gorge, and Tina was on the far side, opposite him, looking across the immense gulf

Although Michael was still living in town, less than a mile from her, he was, in some respects, as far away and as unreachable as Danny.

Then the new dreams began, and they were far worse than the dream that she'd had immediately after Danny had been killed.

Danny had left it at the far end of the room, beyond the bed, against the wall, and that was where it had stood the last time that Tina had been here

Thus far, the thirtieth of December had been a busy, noisy, exciting day at the Pyramid

She had given Danny permission to go on the field trip, and as far as Michael was concerned, that had been equivalent to driving the bus off the cliff

In the health-obsessed final decade of the century, eating fatty foods was widely regarded as a far more delicious - and more damning - sin than envy, sloth, thievery, and adultery.

He was interested primarily in learning more about the mind that could create a work like Magyck! He had seen less than one-fourth of the program, yet he knew it was a hit - and far superior to others of its kind

The person who paid a fair price for something was likely to place far more value on it than the one who got the same item for nothing

She heard his frightened voice calling to her, and she peered over the edge of the pit, and he was so far below her that his face was only a tiny, pale smudge

Then a man dressed entirely in black from head to foot, his face hidden by shadows, appeared at the far side of the pit and began to shovel dirt into it

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

When Tina squeezed into the narrow gap between the tables and caught Michael's attention, his reaction was far different from what she had expected

The ice-cream parlor was at the far end of the arcade

As far as she could tell, no one was tailing her.

How could the temperature have dropped so far in such a short time? She listened for the sound of the air conditioner, but the telltale whisper wasn't issuing from the wall vents

Why would he do something so dumb, so reckless, as to drive that far along that road in those conditions?"

Do you really think you're so far gone that you could do something like that and not remember it? Do you think you've got multiple personalities and one doesn't know what the others are up to?"

"So far it hasn't

The gun wavered, but it didn't move off target far enough to give Elliot a chance.

When Elliot refused to move away from the sink to the breakfast table in the far corner of the big kitchen, Bob, the smaller of the two men, hesitated, then reluctantly took a step toward him.

As far as Elliot was concerned, the absence of ID was more sinister than a collection of patently false papers would have been, because this absolute anonymity smacked of a secret police organization.

She had given it to him two nights ago, at the party after the premiere of Magyck! She didn't live far from him

As far as she could see, only one rational explanation presented itself

A door stood at the far end of this narrow, rectangular work area

Elliot's Mercedes was parked at the far curb, and she was six or eight feet from the car when the sudden outward-sweeping shock of the explosion shoved her forward

"So far."

They were far from Tina's neighborhood now

"If you want to launder dirty money, this is by far the easiest place to do it

"But even if Kennebeck's bosses have a lot of influence with the Vegas police, would the cops let us be killed? Would they really let it go that far?"

They were getting too far out of town

Elliot and Tina sat as far from everyone as possible, in the last booth in the short wing of the restaurant.

that seems so far out."

"I'm with you that far," Elliot said

"As far as I can see, you haven't shot one hole in it yet

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

"That's a bit sloppy of him," Kennebeck said, "considering how clever he's been so far."

As far as he could tell, no one followed them.

They underestimated me and you, which is why we've gotten this far

Although he spent more than half his time working in his Las Vegas office, he often had reason to fly to far points at the spur of the moment: Reno, Elko, even out of the state to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah

In Tina's dream, Danny was at the far end of a long tunnel

Snowshoes in case we have to walk very far in open country

What I felt in it was far more important

So far, I'm batting a thousand

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

Two hundred yards away, at the far side of the concrete field, stood a one-story windowless building, approximately a hundred feet long, with a steeply pitched slate roof.

God knows how far they cut back into the rock

The fact that they had gotten this far unhurt didn't make Elliot feel any better about what lay ahead of them

The young guard wheezed in pain, but as far as Tina could see, he was not mortally wounded

At the far end a window filled the center of the other short wall and apparently offered a view of a cold-storage vault; it was white with frost

My country's far from perfect, but what's been done to Danny Evans isn't something that my country would approve of

From somewhere deep inside of him, from far down beneath all the pain and fear and anguish, Danny found a smile for her

"As far as we know, he's the only one who ever has."

"As far as we can determine, it's not a tumor

And as far as Tina could see, it was the only thing that explained Danny's phenomenal new powers.

We won the arbitration, and the writer has not, in the intervening twenty-odd years, become a famous director or, as far as I know, a director of any status.

It can't be far away

Mrs Protheroe did come to the study, but only as far as the window, not inside the room.'

'Oh, yes! When we lived in Westmorland, I had a surgery not far from his house

Its air is much thinner than ours, its oceans have become smaller until they cover only a third of its surface, and from its far north and south the ice is steadily moving forwards

They were too far away for me to recognize anyone there, but I learned afterwards that Ogilvy, Stent and Henderson were with others in this attempt at communication

And far away to the west I saw flashes of trees and bushes and wooden buildings suddenly set on fire.

Very far away, lit by red fire, the common was visible

Then we saw a cloud of smoke far away up the river

Quickly, one after the other, one, two, three, four of the Martian machines appeared, far away over the low trees towards Chertsey

A violent explosion shook the air, and a column of water, steam, mud and broken metal shot far up into the sky

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

'Are we far from Sunbury?' I said, very quietly.

'Are we far from Sunbury?'

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

Then, far across the river, we saw another, similar hill

These continued for a quarter of an hour, firing blindly at Martians too far away to be seen

By midnight the burning trees along the slopes of Richmond Hill lit up clouds of Black Smoke which covered the whole valley of the Thames, and went as far as the eye could see.

As they passed the bend in the road, my brother saw a man lying not far away

My brother, watching beside the women in the cart in the field, saw the green flash of it far beyond the hills

This was the Thunder Child, the only one in sight, but far away to the right a column of smoke marked the position of other warships

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

The Martians had taken away the digging-machine and apart from the fighting-machine on the far side of the pit and a building- machine that was busy out of my sight, the pit was empty

It stretched far and wide and I hesitated on the edge of that large open space

And as I came out of the top of Baker Street, I saw far away over the trees, in the clearness of the sunset, the top of the Martian fighting-machine from winch this howling came

The nearest pub is far away,' I said.

Harris did not fall into the river, because the river was far from us

A lady was standing by a window at the far end of the room, looking out

"Oh, your hacienda is far