How to use "fall" in a sentence


If these boulders move or fall, they can be dangerous.

Suddenly, my feet hit a pile of loose stones and I nearly fall to the ground.

As I fall, I look up and see the boulder crashing towards my head

I fall back with a single thought screaming through my head.

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.

"When I saw you fall into the water, sir, I felt it was my duty to follow you."

"Did you fall into the water too?"

I saw the men on the other ship fall into the water

'The Duchess! The Duchess! She'll be angry! They'll cut off my head, I know! Oh, where is it? Where did it fall?'

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir

'I'll take care of myself, and I won't fall into his hands.

She took out her comb and let her blonde hair fall down to her waist.

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

He pushed it into her hand, but she opened her fingers and let the coin fall to the ground

'Mother!' Cosette murmured, and began to fall.

Neither did he see, at the moment the soldier fired, a young boy dressed in rags jump in front of the gun and fall wounded as the bullet meant for Marius hit him in the hand.

She let her head fall back on his knees

Suddenly, there is a sound like a gun shot, and I fall

I watch the light fall and illuminate the hillside.

For a moment more I run, and I can see the shape of the stone where Catherine is tied, and I fall to the floor in front of it

And the brothers laugh as they watch Gerry and the truck drive up the road to Hobbs Creek while the great Australian sun begins to fall behind the horizon.

You hear your new computer fall to the floor and break, and the burglar shouts again.

Sarah considers sitting on one of the seats by the wall of the tunnel, but she is so tired that she thinks that maybe she will fall asleep if she rests.

Do not fall asleep, she tells herself.

It was one of the best illusions available in the simulator, because if you stood at the edge of the cliff, it really felt like you could fall.

For one awful moment, she thought Gran might even fall over.

Confuse us." It was Sala's turn to fall silent

As we reached the car, the sun went behind a cloud and a little rain began to fall

The fall would kill me

There were clouds, but the rain did not fall.

A few drops of rain began to fall.

Just before seven, the rain began to fall heavily

Heavy objects didn't just fall of their own accord in deserted rooms.

"If you convince yourself he's alive," Elliot said, "you're only setting yourself up for another fall."

He had an awful suspicion that fate was setting him up for another hard fall

It seems to me as if you're just setting yourself up for a bad fall, a lot of pain."

Snow began to fall more heavily - yet ahead of them, not a single flake lay in their way

As they ascended into the night, snow began to fall hard and fast in sheets of fine, dry flakes.

He was trying hard not to think about the chopper, the bad weather, and the likelihood that they would take a long, swift, hard fall into a remote mountain ravine.

Then he set fire to the end of the rope, knowing that it would take about twenty minutes to burn through and for the stone to fall and cause the explosion

But poor Ogilvy had seen it fall and so he got up very early with the idea of finding it

A few seconds after midnight the crowd in the Chertsey Road, Woking, saw a star fall from the sky into the woods to the north-west

His back was hurt by the fall of a horse and he lay there for a long time

I saw people struggling towards the shore and heard their screaming and shouting faintly above the noise of the Martian's fall.

A flame rose up through the steam and then the Martian began to fall over

'I knew-knew -' She put her hand to her throat and started to fall

When I'm asleep, you'll probably rock the boat, and I'll fall into the river

The wind continues to blow and the rain continues to fall

Harris did not fall into the river, because the river was far from us