How to use "fast" in a sentence


Things were now moving fast.

But now, with no sign of a rescue, my hopes are disappearing fast.

My heart is going much too fast

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

Blood is now coming from my arm really fast and I'm in terrible pain from the amputation

I walk as fast as I can

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.

There was a ship travelling very fast towards us.

And very clever and fast

She ran fast and after a short time, she came to a pretty little house

He ran after her but Alice ran too fast for him

But the Mad Hatter ran very fast and they could not catch him.

'Yes, but not as fast as you,' said the Mouse

I ran away fast!

The others started running after me, and I ran as fast as I could

And this meant that the enemy was able to come back and find us, so we had to get out fast.

I ran fast, shouting and screaming as loudly as I could

He immediately started talking fast in a language that I couldn't understand, but he took me somewhere - past all the boats and the beach

The three of us ran out of there fast, and Miss Welch shouted and screamed.

The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers

Inside the room everything is silent, apart from the slow and constant tick of the small clock on the wall, and the fast, irregular beat of your heart.

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

"I know I was going a little too fast

Do you know what I mean when I say cheat? I mean you use the little tricks, the fast fingers and the good memory, but you use it to break the rules of the game.

But he entered my competition, and he used his tricks and his fast fingers, and he won every game until it came to the final."

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

Sala was thinking fast

"It was a special offer - if you bought one experience, you could get another for free." He suddenly started talking very fast

Where was Cham, the real Cham? She had to invent something fast

Sala ran up the steps so fast she almost tripped

He was walking very fast now

'It's your fault,' I said, 'you walk so fast.'

Favell drove away noisily and much too fast

My heart began to beat fast

We were in his car now and he was driving very fast.

'I can drive really fast.'

Natalie drives fast and it is a dangerous road.

The train is moving fast.

'How fast are they going, Joe?'

'Too fast, Sam,' says Joe

Get out as fast as you can.

When he does finally stand up, he moves too fast

You always spent your money on fast cars, good clothes

But how could he possibly make the air grow so cold so fast?

"If your husband's likely to cause trouble, then we'll move fast and without fanfare

If we move fast, it isn't likely Michael will find out what we're up to

"At least it was fast

It was fast but right, inevitable.

"Too fast?" he asked.

"Not too fast for me."

"Not too fast at all," she agreed.

He was convinced that, with her arrival on the scene, he had been granted too much happiness, too fast, too soon, too easily

And if they do pick up our trail somehow, we can put pressure on them to drop it fast

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

When she opened the door, he came in fast, almost in a crouch, glancing past her, left and right, toward the living room, then toward the dining area, speaking rapidly, urgently

"Can you pack a suitcase fast?"

"We'll be moving fast and loose."

The gasp drew the deadly mist up his nose, where the active poison - a particularly fast-acting neurotoxin - was instantaneously absorbed through the sinus membranes

"Our people in Reno will have to move fast, but they'll manage

He was briefly immobilized, dazed by his own ability to strike so fast and so violently

"If we abandon the car with them so close, they'll run us down fast

You drive on down the street, but not too fast

But you have to move fast

As the sound of the Chevy faded, he could discern the roar of another vehicle, approaching fast

The Ford had rounded the corner too fast

Eventually Tina said, "My God, they move fast!"

"But what if they're watching my accounts down there? That would lead them to us fast

As they ascended into the night, snow began to fall hard and fast in sheets of fine, dry flakes.

He was wearing a sidearm - a monstrous revolver - and he was fast with it

Elliot ducked, but not fast enough

"Bollinger knew how fast Wuhan-400 claims its victims, and he just panicked

But once he's out of here, he should put weight on fast

And for God's sake, splash it all over the newspapers as fast as you can

But we've got to be fast about it."

'Young man, you must do something fast

We discovered Mrs Price Ridley talking very fast to a patient policeman.

Overhead the clouds were passing fast, mixed here and there with clouds of black and red smoke, although no wind moved the bushes around me

And I was driving fast to meet it

They were described as, 'great machines like spiders, nearly thirty metres high, as fast as an express train, and able to shoot out a beam of strong heat.'

There had never been such a large or fast movement of war equipment in England before.

A closed carriage came up the street, quickly followed by a number of other fast-moving vehicles

Every moment brought more and more fast-moving people in vehicles.

As I did, I heard another bang and something flew fast over my head

There were shouts of fear, the guns suddenly left behind, men on the ground struggling to breathe, and the fast spreading of the dark smoke - a silent black cloud hiding its dead.

They pull the boat too fast, and they are soon tired

A girl needs a boyfriend with a nice fast car, and a nice fat wallet.

Handsome, maybe not rich like this man here, but with enough money to afford a fast car

'Dow-dah-dee-day! How's my dear young man today? Grow up fast and come to take care of Auntie Mercy.'

My heart beat fast.

The touch of her fingers or the sweet smell of her hair made my heart beat fast

Now that she was better, my heart began to beat fast again when she was near me, our hands began to shake when they met.

The world was changing fast.

In Europe and North America, changes were happening fast

Things are changing fast in the world

He travels on the El Camino Real on his fast horse

Zorro is fast and light

It is difficult to follow him because his horse is very fast

Zorro's horse is very fast.