How to use "lit" in a sentence


The place was badly-lit, but one man, Joseph Lawende, gave a description of them

He lit a candle and sat by the bed, watching her while she slept

She had soft brown hair, pale, smooth skin, deep blue eyes and a lovely smile that lit up her face like sunshine.

Her eyes lit up when she noticed the books on his writing desk.

In the bright mist that clouded his vision, Marius could hardly see the features of the sweet face that had lit his life for six months and had then disappeared, filling his life with darkness

The street was lit with a sudden flash of light and filled with the thunder of gunfire.

Jean Valjean, meanwhile, went home, lit his candle and went upstairs to bed

It was cold and damp, but a fire had been lit and two armchairs had been placed in front of it

When he arrived, he discovered that the fire had not been lit, and the armchairs had been left near the door

The little chip under her skin lit up for a second, showing how many energy units she had left

A little flame of hope lit up inside Sala

Hope lit up inside Sala

We drove slowly through the brightly lit streets towards the hotel

I lit a match and set fire to the pieces

He put a cushion behind his head and lit a cigarette.

Maxim stood up and lit a cigarette.

The fire was laid, but not lit

'The fire in the library is not usually lit until the afternoon, Madam,' he said

Of course, I can give orders for the fire in the library to be lit.'

He lit a cigarette and looked round the room.

Maxim lit a cigarette and moved away from me

His hand shook as he lit a cigarette.

From bitterness, pain, tragedy, and unrelenting sorrow, she had turned around to face a horizon lit by rising promise

Without haste, with a breathless anticipation that lit up his face, he undressed her.

Then he pushed a switch and the whole room was brightly lit by an orange flash of light

I lit it and watched it burn

He watched until one, and then we lit the lamp and walked over to his house.

At that moment a bright green light lit up the road around me and showed the distant woods to the north

Very far away, lit by red fire, the common was visible

By midnight the burning trees along the slopes of Richmond Hill lit up clouds of Black Smoke which covered the whole valley of the Thames, and went as far as the eye could see.

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

I stood staring into the pit, and my heart grew wonderfully happy as the rising sun lit up the world around me

I changed into dry clothes, lit a candle, and wrote down the conversation