How to use "feelings" in a sentence


The optimistic feelings of earlier in the day have disappeared

But he knew about the strong anti-semitic feelings in the area.

I stood beside Maxim and I had no feelings at all

She had to admit that he sparked the same feelings in her that she apparently enflamed in him.

Later, after Danny was dead, she'd repressed her feelings because she'd known that Michael had been truly suffering from the loss of his child, and she hadn't wanted to add to his misery

Why would a stranger harbor such passionate feelings about Danny's death?

My feelings were quite different

In her eyes, Mensar-Arthur and everything that went with him meant trouble for her sister and for her own feelings too

I cannot describe my feelings of shock and joy at that moment

Imagine my feelings, Walter, when I saw my dear sister there in the asylum, and that everyone believed she was Anne Catherick! I gave the nurse one hundred pounds to help Laura escape

He said he'd come for two reasons: first, to express his feelings for me (I refused to listen to them) and secondly, to repeat the warning in his letter