How to use "fell" in a sentence


They returned as night fell

I fell out of a chair once.'

There was a loud crash, and we all fell to the floor

I fell asleep quickly

Alice fell down and down

But she fell very slowly and didn't feel afraid

He ran out of the room and his hat fell from his hands

But before she got there, she fell into some water

Something came through the window and fell on the floor

The three gardeners fell to the ground, with their faces down

But she was tall now, and chairs, tables and people fell here, there and everywhere.

One day a big box of bananas fell down on my daddy and killed him.

Honest Ivan fell off his chair, and everybody started screaming and running everywhere

Slinkton gasped, ran a few steps and fell to the floor

On August 30th the weather was cool, the sky was black with smoke from domestic fires, and rain fell; rain and more rain

and fell asleep

The East End community fell into panic and hysteria

Valjean was so tired that he fell asleep, fully-dressed, on top of the sheets, but he didn't sleep for long

Finally, as evening fell, he sat on the ground, exhausted, and gazed across the fields at the distant mountains, wishing that he was back in prison

As he sang, he threw a coin into the air and caught it before it fell

Javert.' The woman fell to her knees

Without a word, she fell to her knees and kissed the back of M

Instead, with a small sigh, she fell back against her pillow and lay completely still.

Marius, however, who had been going to fire the gun as a signal for the police to arrive, shook so much that he almost fell off the cupboard.

Thenardier was advancing towards his prisoner, knife in hand, when his wife cried, 'Something fell!'

He fell on his knees in front of her and pressed her hand to his lips.

Marius left his grandfathers house in a state of despair, and returning to his room, fell asleep fully-dressed on the bed

Night fell, but nothing happened

He began to shake and he fell back into an armchair, feeling angry and betrayed

He stared down at the four uniforms but, as he did so, a fifth uniform fell as if by magic at his feet.

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

Many fell, but many more reached the barricade

His eyes closed and, in great pain, he felt a hand grab him as he fell.

It was Jean Valjean's hand that had caught him as he fell

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.

He remembers the way that Greg fell

She broke it down the middle, and the little dried fruit fell out into her hand.

They fell silent

Sala's heart fell

Then he fell silent

They all fell silent for a moment.

"We have to get him out!" Gran and Mom fell silent

Silence fell

The soft summer rain fell and the air was full of a sweet scent

As we walked along the path, drops of rain fell on my hands and face

First one fell and then the others followed

Mrs Danvers' hand fell back to her side.

I fell asleep at about seven o'clock

All the men fell in love with her, Mr de Winter, Mr Favell, Mr Crawley

Rain fell in the night

Favell fell heavily to the floor

It was dark now and I fell asleep almost at once

A sliver of ice broke loose under her finger and fell onto the nightstand

Inside the closet, shirts and jeans began to swing wildly on the pole from which they hung, and some clothes fell to the floor.

Exhausted, slightly tipsy, she went directly to bed and fell into a sound sleep.

The printer fell silent.

Eventually he fell asleep, but at four o'clock in the morning, he was awakened by cries of distress.

They fell easily into the pace and rhythm that had earlier best pleased them

She took the graphic novel out of the carton and sat on the edge of the bed in the tarnished-copper sunlight that fell like a shower of pennies through the window.

It was the tale of a boy, Kevin, who fell off a roof and took a bad knock on the head, thereafter slipping into a deep coma

She stumbled and fell into the side of the sports car, banging her knee painfully.

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

A wall of dust fell softly over the car.

Bruckster fell in beside and slightly behind his target as they pressed through the teeming mob that jammed the enormous casino

His eyes rolled back in his head, and he fell.

I practically volunteered to help you with the exhumation, and it all just fell apart from there

She reached Danny, and when she touched him, the chains fell magically away from his arms and legs

Elliot almost fell into a trance himself

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

He crashed into a desk, sending a pile of white and pink papers onto the floor, and then he fell on top of the mess that he had made.

A wall of frigid air fell on the chopper and drove it down

"I don't know anyone in Pondicherry!" he said, but when he opened the envelope, five little orange pips fell on to his plate

The police said that he was walking home in the dark when he fell down a hill

He moved away quickly and fell over one of the chairs

As he fell, the velvet cloth slowly dropped off his head and shoulders.

'When he fell forward, the clock was pushed over and it stopped

And the clock fell over and has stopped at 6.22.'

'You've never done one.' Before Griselda could reply, a shadow fell across the table, and a very gentle voice said, 'Please forgive me

It seemed to him that it fell to Earth about a hundred kilometres east of him.

If I had looked up I would have seen the strangest thing that ever fell to Earth from space, but I did not

Someone pushed against me, and I almost fell down on top of the screw

I turned, and as I did the screw came out and the lid of the cylinder fell onto the sand with a ringing sound

I fell a number of times because I was running with my head turned round

This gave people confidence and as darkness fell, a slow, uncertain movement on the common began

I stood staring, watching as man after man fell over

I ran until I was totally exhausted and I fell down beside the road

Then one of our chimneys cracked and broken bricks fell down onto the flower-bed by my study window.

I fell heavily into a shallow pool of water.

It hit a church tower, knocking it down, then moved on and fell into the river out of sight.

The houses fell as it touched them, and exploded into flame

I fell in full view of the Martians on the stony beach

My younger brother was in London when the Martians fell at Woking

Then the fourth cylinder fell - a bright green star to the north-east.

Suddenly, my brother fell

The sixth one fell in Wimbledon

That night the seventh cylinder fell in London, on Primrose Hill.

As the Martian fell, the captain shouted and all the crowded passengers at the back of the steamer joined in

There was a crash of glass, the sound of falling walls, and then the ceiling fell down in pieces on our heads

After eating we went back to the hall, and I fell asleep

He fell forwards and lay flat on the floor

I climbed a wall and fell into a neighboring garden

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

It seemed that it had been driven blindly straight at the house, and had been turned over when the house fell on it.

We fell in love with each other, and we married a few weeks afterwards.

He finally had the nail in his hand, but it fell on the floor.

When Uncle Podger climbed up on the chair, he fell on the piano

I saw him looking at the church, as we passed near it, so I moved the boat suddenly, and Harris's cap fell into the water

Harris sat up suddenly and Montmorency fell off the bed

But suddenly, the branch of the tree broke! I fell into the river along with my towel

I wanted to put on my shirt, but it fell into the river

I did something wrong, because I fell into the river

The three old fishermen fell off their seats

He fell into the deep hole without knowing anything

I, a humble drawing teacher with no money, fell in love with the rich and beautiful Miss Laura Fairlie as soon as I saw her