How to use "footsteps" in a sentence


At that moment he heard footsteps

He blew out the candle and, just as he was kissing Cosette on the forehead, the footsteps stopped

At daybreak, as he was falling asleep at last, he heard footsteps in the corridor outside his room again

Suddenly, she thought she heard the sound of footsteps in the garden

He sat for a long time listening to the sound of distant gunfire in the city, wondering how to get his revenge, when suddenly he heard footsteps

The door to the tower is in another corridor, and when they open it, they hear footsteps on the stairs

The footsteps stop, and Miss White steps into view.

The hall seemed very big, and my footsteps sounded very loud on the stone floor.

I heard footsteps

And then we heard the sound of footsteps on the terrace below us.

His pounding footsteps were as thunderous as drumbeats in the quiet night air

As I sat there, I heard footsteps outside, they paused for a minute, then went away

Our muddy footsteps still went up the stairs.

Then there was only Mercy's footsteps as she went to wash her plate, and then left the kitchen

Ah, but the footsteps were unmistakably Mercy's

As Laura was reading Anne's note, she heard footsteps behind her