How to use "found" in a sentence


All they found was a truck from Colorado with a bike inside and skis on the roof.

The mosquitoes have found me

I have found the best way to sit and feel calmer in the warm air

Aron had an email address - but what was it? She found his name, but had to answer a secret question to read his emails

He had found a list of email addresses for Aron's climbing friends

She called and an officer searched the records and found Aron's name

Already that morning, his men had searched the top and centre of the area and found nothing.

We've found the truck you're looking for

I found myself underwater

You found me

We found bananas and coconuts, and we made a small camping area for the day

I found Captain Nemo in a small room next to the museum

I found the Captain in his library

"Professor, you found me

There I found Ned and Conseil

I found Ned Land and Conseil in the small boat on the platform

Some fishermen found us and took us to the shore.

Alice found a place and sat down

I found a young man who was sitting in his room playing the harmonica.

But suddenly I found that I was playing my harmonica with them!

It was almost night before we found our other soldiers in the jungle.

We found a place to put the gun and stayed there all night

It started to rain one day, and it didn't stop for two months! But we still had to look for enemy soldiers - and one day we found them

Then I ran out again and found Bubba

I went to look for Colonel Gooch, and I found him in the middle of a group of policemen

'They threw me out after they found a boy in my room one night

Instead of coming down in the sea when we returned, the space ship came down in the jungle somewhere, and it was four years before the NASA people found us! But the ape and I were soon good friends

So we went with Mr Felder, and I found myself acting in a film about the jungle - with Raquel Welch, the famous film star! 'Is that really Raquel Welch?' I asked Mr Felder

We walked into the town and finally found a place to sleep in an empty building.

'Perhaps I can put things right with Jenny,' I thought, 'now that I've found her again.' But the more I thought about it, the more I finally understood that it was better for the boy to be with Jenny and her husband, and not to have an idiot for a father.

It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you

Then he found his courage

He found her safe with some club members and told them about the woman

He found two policemen in Commercial Road, who rushed to Dutfield's Yard

At 8.30 on Saturday night Constable Robinson found a woman lying on the pavement in Aldgate High Street

In the ashes Abbeline found some women's clothing, which Maria Harvey had left in the room

On December 31st 1888 his body was found in the Thames near Chiswick

So he had to go to the police before they found him and asked him why he was there

He lived at the Victoria Home, a workingmen's lodging house in Commercial Street, right in the middle of the murder area, and very near Goulston Street, where the piece of Eddowes's apron was found

When the police found a leather apron at the scene of the Hanbury Street murder, they hunted a man called John Pizer, a Polish boot-maker who always wore a leather apron for his work

They found him hiding with his family and arrested him on September 10th

The search ended on the 18th, and the police admitted they had not found the smallest clue

Finally, he found himself in the cathedral square

'I found it in one of the flowerbeds.'

'Monseigneur,' said the sergeant, 'do I understand that this man was telling the truth? We found this silver in his bag, and

Fantine, meanwhile, found work in Montreuil and asked for news of her daughter every month

When Fantine first arrived in Montreuil, she had immediately found work in a factory

After all her pain and suffering she had, for the first time in her life, found kindness in another human being

Madeleine sent the money, but the Thenardiers found even more dishonest excuses for not sending Cosette back.

If he's found guilty of stealing from the bishop - who, as you know, died a couple of years ago - and of robbing the small boy, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.'

One evening, he found a handkerchief lying on the bench which M

He found that she lived in a small house at the quiet end of the rue de l'Ouest

That night at home, Marius opened the package and found that it contained four letters, all addressed to different people, and smelling strongly of cheap tobacco

'So at last I've found you,' she finally said

She sat on the bench where she had found the notebook and, moments later, had the strange feeling that she was being watched

One beautiful, starry evening, Marius found Cosette sitting unhappily in her garden.

When they found a letter in his pocket which proved that he had been sent to spy on them, they tied him to a post inside the inn,

Here, he found the unlit streets suddenly filled with soldiers

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

He found two objects in Marius's clothing: a piece of bread and a wallet

Valjean ate the bread and, opening the wallet, found a note which Marius had written:

Give me half of what you found in this man's pockets, and I'll unlock the gate for you.' He produced a large key from his pocket, and a piece of rope

I've found out that she's a charming girl and that she loves you

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

Despite enjoying an occasional conversation with him, he found something strange about the old man

We never found the driver, but William died instantly, they say."

At half past two in the afternoon on the fifth of January Miss Stella Lee found Mr Dawson

I saw the tracks from your truck, and I told the police, but I made sure I found the cabin first

So he found a casino

Sala had soon found out that he lived near her, in an earth apartment

It had taken years for Gran to make her garden because it was so difficult to find soil or plants, but she had made some soil with rotten vegetables and fruit, and slowly found bits and pieces here and there

"Maybe someone found it in a dusty corner and thought of my little garden..

Back inside the apartment, Sala found her nine-year-old brother Apat playing games on the ultranet in his room.

Sala and Apat arrived at the energy center before it opened, and found Cham already in line to get in

"Well, I suppose I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is still life in the outside world - and maybe someone from that world has found a way across the city boundary."

But that fruit - someone must have found it in a closet or somewhere."

Cautiously, she tried moving her arms and legs, and found that it came naturally

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

They've found out that it isn't true about the contamination

And the fruit - well, maybe they found it somewhere in the city

But none of Cham's grandparents were alive, so maybe it wasn't surprising that he found it hard to believe in another world.

"Coming!" Sala left her room and found that Gran had just prepared some fresh juice.

After looking around to check that no one was watching her, she slipped quietly down the passageway, and found the same door as before

"What's strange about a letter? I'm talking about the one Mom found under her bed."

She found an old letter under the bed."

She got up and found Gran in the kitchen, drinking fruit tea.

Here, Mrs Van Hopper found out which well-known people were staying in the town

She always found an excuse to speak to them

To my surprise, I found that Maxim had nearly finished his breakfast.

I found my way into the little morning-room

I found the piece of paper and looked at it quickly.

'I found it in the cottage

'They found her two months later

I found an envelope in a drawer and carefully put the pieces of china into it

It must be found

I found the light and switched it on

'I found this, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said

I found Clarice waiting for me in my bedroom, her face full of excitement

When we sent the diver down to look at the ship, he found something else

'The man found something else,' Captain Searle answered slowly

They've found the boat

They've found Rebecca.'

'I found out the truth five days after we were married

'I knew the boat would be found one day,' he said

'Is it true,' she asked slowly, 'that Mrs de Winter's boat has been found and that there was a body in the cabin?'

'We found a body in the boat this morning

As you know, Mr de Winter identified the other body found in the sea as his wife

All the papers said that Rebecca's body had been found after the Fancy Dress Ball

'I found that in my London flat

'But we found your old telephone number in Mrs de Winter's diary.' Dr Baker looked at the page from the diary that Colonel Julyan was holding out to him.

Perhaps he had wandered away from the wrecked bus and had been found miles from the scene of the accident, without identification, unable to tell anyone who he was or where he came from

She glared at her tightly clenched hands again and found the strength to break her grip on the steering wheel.

On four or five occasions during the past two weeks, she had taken the pistol from the nightstand and searched the place, room by room, but she hadn't found anyone

What if they came, lights flashing and sirens screaming - and found no one? If she had summoned the police every time that she imagined hearing a prowler in the house during the past two weeks, they would have decided long ago that she was scramble-brained

In a country that worshiped youth, most elderly Americans devoutly desired to discover a place where they belonged, but unlike the duchesses, many of them never found it.

She stepped out of the kitchen and found the light switch to the right of the doorway

Vivienne reached inside, fumbled for the light switch, found it, and entered warily

Each time that Tina moved on to talk to someone else, she regretted leaving Elliot, and each time that she found him again, she stayed with him longer than she had before

If the mess had been here when Vivienne arrived, the old woman would have cleaned it up and would have left a note about what she'd found

She pulled the telephone directory from a drawer and leafed through the Yellow Pages until she found the advertisements for locksmiths

She opened her purse, found her makeup, and covered the tearstains as best she could.

She found it after another twenty-six names.

Tina paged through the book until she found the code that she needed to call up the list of the hotel's best customers

She imagined herself leaving her office, walking down the long hallway, opening doors, peering into silent, deserted offices, until at last she found a man sitting at another terminal

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

Elliot found the bottle of liquid soap and the dishcloth that were stored under the sink

The more they talked, the more they found in common

But when he returned, she kissed him tentatively, found that nothing had changed, and pressed against him once more.

After twenty minutes of diligent mixing, Elliot found Harold Kennebeck

"The only way you could have found out about the exhumation so quickly is if Kennebeck told you."

He found some small change, a comb, a wallet, and the sheaf of papers on which were typed the questions that Elliot had been expected to answer.

They arrived at the grave by dawn, had it opened, and found their son alive, released from his coma

The roots of all dreams were to be found in the store of experiences in the psyche; dreams were not sent like ethereal telegrams from spirits or gods or demons

She found him waiting by the front door.

"I found it when I was cleaning out Danny's room

Vince Foster found dead in a Washington park and officially declared a suicide even though most of the forensic evidence points to murder

The old man crouched beside the machine, reached behind it, found the button

found me in the office..

One day, about two years ago, I was in the kitchen, making an apple pie, and Danny came in to tell me Elmer wasn't anywhere to be found in the yard

We never found him at all."

"Just because you never found him - that's not proof he was killed by a truck."

In the dim light, where the brightest thing was mauve shadow, he found her eyes, held her with his intent gaze

If they found Danny and then perished trying to save him, that would be a nasty trick of fate, for sure

He hadn't gotten his papers yet when we found ourselves needing a cooperative mortician

In an airport-terminal telephone directory, Tina had found the address of the Luciano Bellicosti Funeral Home

"Like hell there isn't!" Zachariah turned away from the video displays, went to the window, and found his own spot of clear glass

He didn't have any choice but to commit the installation to it once we found out the damn Chinese were deeply into it

He found a man dressed in a white, insulated ski suit

His time was enormously valuable to the country; his work was sensitive and often-required urgent decisions based upon first-hand examination of information to be found only in distant places

"I want them found before another day passes," Alexander said

Elliot and Tina found what they needed in one of the gun shops: a set of twelve wilderness maps of the Sierras, designed with backpackers and hunters in mind

"They found the car that Stryker rented

Even if she had not known that these deep woodlands harbored secrets about Danny and the deaths of the other scouts, she would have found them mysterious and unnervingly primeval.

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

From somewhere deep inside of him, from far down beneath all the pain and fear and anguish, Danny found a smile for her

Occasionally wind found the aircraft and pummeled it, but the chopper bobbed and weaved like a good boxer, and it no longer seemed in danger of being dealt a knockout punch.

Security eventually found them

"Oh my God, my God, they've found me!"

Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly out of the house, and in the morning we found him dead in a river

Haven't you found anything which will help us?'

'Well, I found this in the locked room,' said John Openshaw

A policeman found him in the river near Waterloo station

I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, weren't on the ship last night, so I'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw

But there was no possible doubt because the fingerprints of his left hand were the same as those found all over his laboratory and up at the house.

I sent the servant down with some food, but she brought it back with a note she had found outside the laboratory door: DO NOT DISTURB ME, I AM WORKING.

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

If it is not found, I shall have to find a way to put an end to all this.

Andre must be saved! The fly must be found!

Yes, he remembered, he had found the fly by the kitchen window but had released it immediately as ordered.

Slowly, the monster, the thing that had been my husband, covered its head, got up and found its way into the other room.

I must have fainted because I found myself on the floor of the laboratory, staring at the closed door

'We found more of the fatal drug sewn into her dress.'

I had found it early this morning, caught in a spider's web in the garden.'

My young nephew, Dennis, said, 'We'll all remember that when the old man is found covered in blood

Father found out about it

'I've thought about what you said at lunch,' she told me, 'and I've found some good things to eat.'

And then Dennis came in full of excitement because of a footprint he had found in one of the flower beds

'Dennis', said Griselda, 'is very excited about a footprint he found, and has gone to tell the police about it.'

Said he came here to see you and found Protheroe

You found Protheroe there, argued with him, shot him, and left.'

I decided to leave them and found my wife and Miss Marple in the sitting room.

'What about that footprint I found?' he said to the Inspector.

When I found a place where the plants beside the path looked as though someone had walked on them, I left the path and forced my way through

'I've found out about that telephone call that you received.'

'And I've found out something else

I found Miss Marple in a very excited state

Lawrence Redding told how he had found the body, and admitted that the pistol belonged to him.

I described how I had found the body.

Well, of course, there must have been a shot, because the gentleman was found shot - but she had not heard it.

Unless the real murderer is found, I shall be the suspect until I die

I found her here when I came back from that inquest

I left the kitchen and found Griselda and Dennis waiting for me in the hall.

And I found this!'

'But you know,' she sat up, 'unless the real murderer is found people will always think it was Lawrence

And when I found Lettice alone downstairs in the sitting room, I went in and shut the door.

I hoped it would get her into trouble.' I told her that I would return the earring to Anne and say nothing about how I had found it.

Griselda and I went home separately as I wanted to go round by the barrow to see if the police had found the suitcase.

The day after the murder, I had found broken bushes beside the path

How clever of you! You've found it!'

I returned to the vicarage and found my curate, Hawes, waiting for me in my study

I found that in the letterbox.'

I also wondered whether Inspector Slack had returned from Old Hall, so I went to the police station and found that he had

Then I thought of something, and I took from my pocket the shiny brown stone I had found in the woods

And I also told her about the shiny brown stone I had found

The second possibility is, of course, that he was sitting at the desk writing a note, but it must have been a different note from the one that was found

'She came back from the inquest and found Lettice Protheroe here

I then took out of my pocket the note that I had found in the vicarage letterbox

Where are you? I've found out about that call

Perhaps Protheroe had found out about it and was going to tell me

But when he left the letter, he found the one written by Colonel Protheroe

And remember, Vicar that you met Mr Redding carrying a large stone in that same place in the woods where you found the picric acid later.'

When the poor young man was found dead and the letter was read, everyone would think that he had shot Colonel Protheroe and killed himself because he felt so guilty

In fact, I think that Mr Hawes must have found that letter tonight

And if he hadn't, he would have been found guilty of murder

Lawrence Redding and Anne Protheroe were accused of the murder and found guilty in court

But when she had found nothing, she had dropped Anne's earring by the desk.

I found it hard to imagine Griselda like that.

'I wonder,' I said, 'if you were to commit a murder whether you would ever be found out.'

The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

When I got there, I found a little crowd of perhaps twenty people surrounding the great pit in which the cylinder lay

Going to the edge of the pit, I found a group of men in it - Henderson, Ogilvy, and a tall fair-haired man I afterwards learnt was Stent, the Astronomer Royal, with several workmen holding spades

I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off

Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers - engineers, I think, men wearing small round caps, dirty red jackets and dark trousers

I found the pub's owner in his bar, with no idea of what was going on

He found himself lying under a group of burnt dead men and horses

He had eaten no food since midday, and I found some meat and bread and brought it into the room

By Byfleet station we came out from the trees and found the country calm and peaceful in the morning sunlight

We remained there until midday, and at that time found ourselves at the place where the River Wey joins the River Thames

Here we found an excited crowd of people

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

The big man tripped over him, and when my brother got to his feet he found himself facing both of them

They destroyed any weapons they found and wrecked the railways here and there

As we passed other small towns, we found them unaffected by either Heat-Ray or Black Smoke, and there were some people alive, although none could give us news

The one we chose was in a walled garden, and in the kitchen we found some food

Under a shelf we found some bottled beer, and there were two bags of green beans and some lettuce

Towards the end of the day I found that I was very hungry

A young Martian, we now know, was born on Earth during the war, and it was found growing out of the body of its parent, just like some young plants.

The curate, I found, was quite unable to discuss anything

On the sixth day of our imprisonment I looked out for the last time, and I soon found myself alone

It had found the door

When at last I did, I found that the food cupboard was now empty

Here I found some young vegetables, which I took

After sunset I struggled on along the road towards Putney, and in a garden I found some potatoes, enough to stop my hunger

I broke into the house - and afterwards found that the front door was unlocked

I searched every room for food until, when I was ready to give up, I found some bread and two tins of fruit in one of the bedrooms

Later, in the bar, I found some sandwiches that no one had noticed

As I lay in bed, I found myself thinking of the killing of the curate.

I found some old bread in a baker's shop there

Here I found more black powder and some dead bodies

It seemed that all the empty houses had found a voice for their fear and loneliness.

I also found that I was very tired, and hungry and thirsty again.

I was tired after eating and went into the room behind the bar and slept on a black leather sofa that I found there.

I awoke to find that sad howling still in my ears: 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' It was now getting dark, and after I had found some bread and cheese in the bar I walked on through the silent squares to Baker Street and so came at last to Regents Park

Then I found myself in a house of kind people, who had found me

At Waterloo I found that free trains were taking people to their homes

I followed them to my study and found, lying on my writing- table, the page of work I had left on the afternoon of the opening of the cylinder

Certainly, in all the bodies of the Martians that were examined after the war, no germs were found except ones that came from Earth

Perhaps, across the great distances of space, the Martians have watched what happened to the ones that landed on Earth and learned their lesson - and have found a safer home on the planet Venus

I walked into the house and found no one, but upstairs I found a comfortable room, and on the mantelpiece stood a full-length photograph of my wife

When someone finally found it, Uncle Podger lost the hammer.

When we found the hammer, he lost the place on the wall to put the picture

I found George's toothbrush

I found Harris's toothbrush

In the end, I found it inside a boot

We found a pretty place

We found only six of them.

We left the lock-keeper's place and we found some water at another house.

We found half a pork pie, a tin of fish and a few broken eggs

He had found me a job in Cumberland in the north of England: four months teaching drawing to the nieces of Mr Frederick Fairlie of Limmeridge House

They needed someone to draw the plants and animals they found there

She dug in the earth under the word and found a piece of paper

When I went to see her, I found the room was locked

I went to Laura's room and found the door unlocked

I opened it and found Madame Fosco there, holding my handkerchief

'When I woke up from my illness,' she said, 'I found myself in a strange room

I found two apartments in the same house in London

I found the record of the marriage of Percival's father, Sir Felix Glyde, to Cecilia Elster in September 1803

I found the record of the marriage of the man called Walter, but the space at the bottom of the page was empty! On the next page was the record of the double marriage

There I found two letters for me

My foolish husband found the presents hidden in my room