How to use "disturbed" in a sentence


very probably disturbed the killer, so he only had time to cut his victim's throat

'I'm very sorry to have disturbed you, Madam.'

She thought of herself as a tough, competent, levelheaded woman who was able to deal with anything life threw at her, and she was disturbed by her continuing inability to accept Danny's death.

When she had suspected Michael of doing the dirty work, she had been disturbed and distressed, but she hadn't been frightened

Tina was disturbed by his analysis because it matched her own, and it led her into the same blind alley that she'd traveled before

"Not now," Dombey said, stopping at the door, turning to them, evidently disturbed by what he had to tell them

If anyone could see me turn on the light to answer it, I suppose I would look like any other sleepy man annoyed at being disturbed

I told the servants that I would have only a light supper and that I was not to be disturbed afterwards

Sorry I disturbed you.

Years later, Sir Percival heard that her husband had abandoned her and her daughter was mentally disturbed