How to use "fourth" in a sentence


It's now Tuesday, April the 29th: my fourth day trapped in the canyon.

Catherine Eddowes was the Ripper's fourth victim

Three of them were policemen; the fourth was Jean Valjean.

So, on the fourth day he said yes.

The first explosion was followed by another, then a third and a fourth.

"Tina, my dear, I want you to meet a friend of ours," Helen said, indicating the fourth person in the booth

He was interested primarily in learning more about the mind that could create a work like Magyck! He had seen less than one-fourth of the program, yet he knew it was a hit - and far superior to others of its kind

After their fourth encounter, she lost track of how long they were together

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

Too late, he saw the sign at the fourth intersection - NOT A THROUGH STREET - but they were already around the corner and headed down the narrow dead end, with nothing but a row of ten modest stucco houses on each side.

According to the indicator board above the doors, they were on the fourth of four levels

Tables were arranged along the fourth wall, covered with books, file folders, and numerous instruments that Tina could not identify.

I opened the fourth note.

Its head twisted round in time to receive, but not in time to avoid, the fourth shell.

The third and fourth stood beside him in the water

Then the fourth cylinder fell - a bright green star to the north-east.

But on the fourth or fifth night I heard a sound like heavy guns.

The fourth wave started around 2012, and it is about sexual harassment and crimes against women at work

The third and fourth waves of feminism, from the 1990s until today, have often been about women's fight against sexual harassment and assault, and the fight to be "themselves"

Examples of fourth-wave feminism are: the 2017 Women's March; the 2018 Women's March; and the MeToo movement

She is the world's youngest female prime minister, and the fourth-youngest woman or man prime minister