How to use "front" in a sentence


On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water

I realise we are landing in front of the hospital

Just then, I saw Ned Land, with his harpoon in his hands, climbing to the front of the ship.

Two men stood there in front of us

I stood in front of the window like a small boy at the zoo, and, believe me, I didn't feel at all like Captain Nemo's prisoner.

For many hours, I stood in front of the window in the museum.

As he said this, a bright light appeared from behind the mountain of rocks in front of us.

There was a tree in front of the house

The Knave of Hearts stood in front of the King and Queen

I tried to put my hands in front of her, because there were people looking at us

The shooting was in front of us, which meant that the enemy soldiers were in between us and our men

There were bullets flying all round me from behind - and then I saw more enemy soldiers in the low grass in front of me! They were shooting at our men on the hill.

And there I was, on the front page, with my trousers down!

Some American soldiers planned to take off their Vietnam medals and throw them away in front of the crowds of people.

A few moments later he noticed something on the pavement in front of Brown's stableyard, and crossed the road

A carman, John Davis, occupied the attic at the front with his wife and three sons

Two lower front teeth were missing

There was a front door to the club in Berner Street, and a side door in Dutfield's Yard that opened into the club kitchen

Two front teeth were missing at the top

Mrs Cox saw the stranger in the light of the gas lamp opposite Mary's front door

'If you sold me your two front teeth, I'd pay you forty francs.'

She was cold and hungry as she dragged the bucket behind her along the crowded street, but she could not resist stopping in front of one of the stalls

'Here,' he said softly, placing it gently on the floor in front of Cosette

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

What would he be thinking when he saw a strange young man walking backwards and forwards in front of his bench? Without another thought, Marius left the Gardens and went home.

He avoided walking directly in front of the bench, partly from shyness, partly because he did not want to attract her father's attention

Sometimes he saw a shadow pass in front of a lamp, and his heart beat faster.

Thenardier walked up and down in front of M

Cosette spent a long time in front of the mirror, making her hair look beautiful and deciding which dress to wear

He fell on his knees in front of her and pressed her hand to his lips.

Gillenormand was sitting in front of a large fire, staring into the flames and thinking bitterly of Marius

Neither did he see, at the moment the soldier fired, a young boy dressed in rags jump in front of the gun and fall wounded as the bullet meant for Marius hit him in the hand.

'But I put my hand in front of his gun.'

Suddenly, he saw his own shadow on the floor of the passage in front of him

With Marius in the back seat, Valjean and Javert side by side in the front, the carriage drove off quickly through the dark and strangely empty streets of Paris.

Then he pulled down the window in front of him.

At the end of the rue de l'Homme-Arme, which was too narrow for the carriage to enter, Javert paid the driver and accompanied Valjean to his front door on foot.

It was cold and damp, but a fire had been lit and two armchairs had been placed in front of it

But in front of me the fog seems to be thinner, and I begin to slow

For a moment more I run, and I can see the shape of the stone where Catherine is tied, and I fall to the floor in front of it

We are standing there, the three of us, in front of the bank

We are standing there in front of the glass doors, and no one is looking at us

And this is my part; I take the laptop from the bag and put it in front of him and open it, "Do you know what this is?"

"Right," he says, and tries to smile to relax her, "what's all this about, then? The officer at the front desk says you need to speak to someone."

"About a crime." Branwell pulls his notepad from his pocket and places it in front of him on the table

He walks up the corridor to the front desk and is about to shout for an officer when he sees the tall figure standing at the door of the police station

He looks at the food on the small tables in front of the cafes and bars.

Or something closer? Something inside the house? The sound of breaking glass? The noise of the front door opening? A voice in the dark?

Then, standing right in front of you in the dark, you see the burglar, and he looks back at you and shouts

Two women sitting together on the front pew, their eyes closed and heads down

"The truth, Jimmy." And Hank throws the end of the cigar into the pool in front of him

On the front there is a picture of a man with a short beard and pale skin and unkind eyes

She enters the ladies' and stands in front of the mirror

"So, where did it come front?" Gran, still pale, said nothing.

I would love to believe it's front him

She managed not to say anything in front of her little brother, but Gran could see at once that she was upset.

"It's front the same woman," she said

She opened her eyes, and Wena was still there, real and solid in front of her.

Sala played with the plate of food in front of her; she couldn't eat a thing.

Gran put Sala's tea in front of her

Mrs Van Hopper walked in front of me on her high-heeled shoes

There was a long seat in the hotel lounge, with a low table in front of it

On the front page there was some writing - hard, clear writing in black ink:

'Can you see those trees on the hill in front of us? Manderley is in the valley beyond those trees.'

Maxim drove up to the wide stone steps and stopped the car in front of them

I was glad to see the dog, Jasper, there, sitting in front of the fire.

Jasper ran on in front.

Maxim went on staring straight in front of him.

When I came back from my walk, I saw Maxim's car standing in front of the house

As I went down to dinner, I stopped in front of the picture of the young girl

I sat up, looking straight in front of me.

That terrible word - murder - would be on every front page.

We all walked slowly up the path to the front door

We shook hands with Dr Baker and he walked with us to the front door.

But the sky in front of us was full of dreadful light

The boy was in the front passenger seat of the wagon, waiting for someone in the store

He was staring at the front of the grocery store again, waiting.

Holding the pistol in front of her, she approached the closet, hesitated, then slid the door back

Twenty minutes later, at 3:45, she stepped onto the smooth cobblestones in front of the hotel's main entrance and handed her claim check to the valet parking attendant

After the relative quiet of Christmas week, an uninterrupted stream of guests was pouring through the front doors

Vivienne Neddler parked her vintage 1955 Nash Rambler at the curb in front of the Evans house, being careful not to scrape the whitewalls

She got out of the car and, carrying a purse the size of a small suitcase, marched up the walk toward the house, angling away from the front door and past the garage.

Beside the front walkway and then along the side of the house, low-voltage landscape lighting revealed the path.

Toward the front

The opening number was followed by a first-rate magic act in front of the drawn curtains

Sitting in the dark theater, he smiled, not at the comic magician who was performing in front of the closed stage curtains, but at his own sudden, youthful exuberance.

When the aisle in front of her booth was finally empty of well-wishers, Tina got up and met Joel as he started to come to her

"I'll park the car in front of the restaurant door, and I'll leave the engine running just in case."

After retrieving the morning newspaper from the front stoop, she read the rave review of Magyck! Written by the Review-Journal's entertainment critic

Halfway across the long room, they stopped at a clearing where a middle-aged man lay on his back, unconscious, in front of a blackjack table

She walked back through the shopping arcade, rode the escalator up to the casino, and made her way through the noisy crowd to the front doors

Even a snowplow on the front

He picked up his brandy snifter from the low table in front of the sofa, and he sat on the edge of her desk

They sat side by side on the sofa in front of the fireplace, watching the flames and the occasional bursts of orange sparks, listening to music, and talking, talking, talking

As an hour passed in front of the fire, and then another hour, Tina discovered that she liked Elliot Stryker more with each new thing she learned about him.

If they had intended to let him live, they wouldn't have used their real names in front of him

The bell rang again, and she realized that someone was at the front door.

Bob was already out of the kitchen, in the dining room, running toward the front of the house

By the time, Elliot reached the front door and rushed out of the house, Bob had run the length of the driveway and crossed the street

The gas company workman called from the front of the house, startling Tina.

She found him waiting by the front door.

It rang three more times during the ten seconds that she took to reach the front door.

The front door

In the foyer, Elliot jerked open the front door, pushed her through ahead of him, and they both plunged into the golden late-afternoon sunshine.

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

She faced front and buckled up

They put their heads down and scurried past the front of the diner, around the side, through the purple light under the single mercury-vapor lamp, and into the deep shadows behind the building.

Stone posts and softly glowing electric lamps marked the way to the front door, and warm light radiated from several first-floor windows.

"Storming right up to the front door, demanding answers from Bellicosti - that would be emotionally satisfying, brave, bold - and stupid."

Consequently, their attention would be focused largely on the front of the house.

They slipped around the corner of the building and moved stealthily toward the front.

She pushed in front of him

Instinctively he whipped the pistol in front of him and squeezed off four rounds

"But they expected us through the front door." He took her by the arm

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

He didn't hear a shot, but a bullet shattered the rear side window behind his head and slammed into the back of the front seat, spraying gummy bits of safety glass through the car.

He slammed the car door and ran to a row of evergreen shrubs that bordered the front lawn of a low, brick, ranch-style house

The first two clanged through sheet metal, but the third punctured the right front tire.

The front bumper was clean too

A neatly folded pair of twenty-dollar bills, placed without ostentation into the hand of a front-desk clerk, was almost certain to result in the timely discovery of a forgotten vacancy.

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

He held his hand in front of Tina's eyes.

All Sandstone did was move one hand slowly back and forth in front of Tina's face, simultaneously speaking to her in a quiet, rhythmic voice, frequently using her name.

Kurt Hensen was standing in front of Alexander's desk, picking through the junk that had been brought over from the hotel

You're seeing just the front wall

Jeeps, Land Rovers, and other four-wheel drive vehicles - eight in all - were lined up in front of the low building, side-by-side in the falling snow.

The intersecting hall began directly in front of them, across from the guardroom, and bored at least four hundred feet into the mountain; a long row of doors waited on each side of it, and other corridors opened off it as well.

Leaning forward to view the Explorer through the bubble window of the chopper, George Alexander said, "Put us down right in front of them, Jack."

I turned and was violently sick in front of a young policeman, whose face was as green as mine must have been.

He pointed to the control switch as he went past, and I watched him stop in front of that terrible instrument.

There is a path from Old Hall, where she lives, to our garden gate, so most people coming from there come to the study window instead of going along the road to the front door.

The front door is always open, but I rang the bell and Mary answered it.

I couldn't understand what was in front of me.

Then he went back to the vicarage and asked for the vicar at the front door

'At the front door, I was told that he was out, but that Colonel Protheroe was in the study waiting for him

We went up to the neat front door of Mrs Price Ridley's house and the inspector rang the bell

Second way, by the front door

Whoever shot the colonel came through the front door

I had gone to the front door with him, and on the hall table, I saw four notes

'My servant, Clara, was standing at the front gate, when she heard a sneeze.'

I took it out, but as I did so, the bell rang again, so I put the letter in my pocket and opened the front door.

I paid little attention to the road in front of me, and then suddenly my attention was caught by something

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

After trying unsuccessfully to get onto a train at Chalk Farm my brother came out into the road, pushed through the hurrying lines of vehicles, and had the luck to be at the front of a crowd which was taking bicycles from a shop

He put a hole in its front tire while he was pulling it through the broken window, and cut his wrist, but he managed to get away on it

A kilometer before the village the front wheel of the bicycle broke

'I'll sit here,' he said, 'if I may,' and he got up on the front seat

They also noticed a long line of dust rising among the houses in front of them

My brother went into the crowd and stopped a horse pulling a cart, while she drove in front of it

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

The front part of it had been destroyed completely

Each body had a face in front of it

I broke into the house - and afterwards found that the front door was unlocked

I sat staring in front of me, trying without success to find a way of arguing against him

The front part of it was pushed in

In front of me the road became black and I saw the twisted shape of a body lying across the pavement

They stand up in front of me, torn and dog-bitten

There is an inn and two houses near our house, and a single cottage across the field in front of our house

Well, I like walking past that cottage, and last Monday, as I walked past the cott age I saw an empty van going away from the cottage, and furniture in front of the cottage

I stopped for a minute in front of it to look for that strange face

He tied it at the front of the boat

Montmorency stood on his back legs in front of the window

And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door.

James heard the baby's loud cries the moment he opened the front gate

She stopped in front of me and lifted up her veil

As I read it I became so angry that I insulted him out loud in front of Anne - I said he was a miserable impostor

White people sat in the front of the line, and black people had to sit behind it

This meant that, when a black person caught the bus, they had to get on at the front of the bus to pay

She sees standing in front of her

There are many people in front of the Presidio that morning