How to use "fun" in a sentence


Have fun with the girl, but don't marry her

'A fool who prefers fighting to dancing and having fun

"Come on, Son, this is going to be great fun," he says, and Junior follows him but says nothing.

When Owen was a boy of fourteen, he played rugby or football every day, he ran to the school in the village just for fun, and he spent every Sunday in the forests with his dad.

We take one or two rabbits home and we have a little fun

Oh, we had a lot of fun!" Gran laughed gently

Now that they were actually on their way, it was all so much fun.

Sala did the same with another dolphin and they had a lot of fun, diving down through the water and back up to the surface with a splash.

I still smile when I think of all the fun we had as children, playing on the beach and in the forest

We've been having a lot of fun! This week, they gave us the chance to try snowboarding as well as skiing."

"He's having lots of fun," said one of his sisters

It had been so much fun, in spite of their lives being so limited

'What fun it all is,' said Beatrice

When they were first married, he'd been fun, charming, easygoing, but he had not been that way with her in a long time.

They wanted to have a little fun during the evening that lay ahead, and now they began putting themselves in the mood for it.

I wanted to have all the fun myself

The malicious tormentor wanted her to suffer mental anguish and spiritual pain; but he didn't want her to die, because that would spoil his fun.

"But we're sure going to have fun trying!"

He pretended that the lemons were rats, and killed three of them! This was Montmorency's idea of fun.

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes