How to use "gasped" in a sentence


Slinkton gasped, ran a few steps and fell to the floor

"Live there!" gasped Sala

Sala looked around, and gasped

Sala turned her head, and gasped

Sala gasped

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" gasped Sala, and she bent down at once to help him pick them up.

He's changing! The pod is having some kind of effect on him!" she gasped.

"No!" Sala gasped, horrified

Tina could see only the side of his face, but she gasped in painful recognition.

Vivienne gasped, turned

A flickering, nervous scowl played across her face, alternating with a tentative smile that appeared when the audience laughed, applauded, or gasped in surprise.

When she opened the door, she gasped and halted.

She gasped in shock.

She flinched and gasped.

He gasped in surprise as he realized he was being squirted.

He gasped, jerked loose

Tina gasped in horror.