How to use "gave" in a sentence


It gave me ideas

None of the answers she gave worked but she kept trying

Steve gave him the latest license-plate number for Aron's truck and Officer Ekker sent his men out to look for it.

"Mr Land, you gave me no choice

They gave us wonderful sea food and we were free to visit any place we liked on the ship.

Captain Nemo gave us gnus, and we were all excited to return to land and feel free again.

Captain Nemo gave us all axes to cut the squid's tentacles if they attacked.

'Give it to me,' said the Dodo and Alice gave it to him.

They all stood round Alice again, and the Dodo gave her the box.

That afternoon, he gave me the ball to run with

But they gave me the ball, and I ran over the goal line two or three times

He had a car, and sometimes he gave me a ride to the practice field

We didn't talk, but after about an hour, I asked, 'Can I try it?' and he said 'OK', and gave me the harmonica

At last the army man finished reading, and then the President came up and gave me the medal

Soon after that, I heard that I was leaving the army early, and they gave me some money for a train ticket to go home.

That gave me an idea

Take Sue back to Alabama with you, and start your shrimp business.' He shook my hand and gave me his address

'How long have we been friends, Forrest? Thirty years? Sometimes it doesn't seem true.' She moved nearer, and gave me a kiss

He gave Mr Slinkton a filthy saucepan

That's why you also gave me small amounts of poison.' Mr Slinkton was surprised by Beckwith's behaviour

She looked pale, so Amelia gave her two pennies to buy something to eat

The place was badly-lit, but one man, Joseph Lawende, gave a description of them

He frequently visited her and gave her money

On November 12th a labourer named George Hutchinson gave the police a very good description of a man he saw with Mary Kelly at about 2 o'clock on the morning of her murder

He gave a detailed statement on the evening of November 12th, after the inquest on Mary Kelly

The newspapers gave his age: 28

It began 'Dear Boss' and there was a postscript which included the sentence 'What a pretty necklace I gave her'

The old woman opened her purse and gave him a few coins

He gave the door a gentle push and crept into the bedroom

'But what about the candlesticks? I gave you those as well, don't you remember? They're silver like the rest, and worth at least two hundred francs

He fetched them from a shelf and gave them to Valjean.

Valjean produced two five-franc pieces and gave them to the priest

I had to carry her and she's fallen asleep.' As she spoke these words, she gave her daughter a loving kiss, which woke her up

The couple dressed Cosette in rags and gave her very little food, which they made her eat from a wooden bowl under the table

They gave the dress to their daughter, Eponine, and Cosette went on shivering.

Then she gave a blood-stained smile

Madeleine for some time, but finally gave in

'Do you think I'm stupid?' Javert gave an unpleasant laugh

The old man gave her the bucket, and they entered the inn together.

The Thenardiers gave the old man their best room for the night

The next morning they gave him the bill, charging him three times the usual price for a meal and a bed for the night

When Cosette came downstairs, the old man gave her new clothes to wear: a black woollen dress, black stockings, scarf and shoes

Valjean gave Cosette lessons in reading and writing, and spent hours watching her as she dressed and undressed her doll

He often gave money to beggars, which was unwise, because he soon became known in the area as 'the beggar who gives money to beggars'.

One evening, towards the end of winter, Valjean gave some money to a beggar sitting under a streetlamp outside a church

This gave Valjean a shock

This time, Valjean spoke to him as he gave him some money

At last, the soldiers gave up their search and went back in the direction they had come

He gave up studying law and earned his living by working in a bookshop and helping to write dictionaries

She looked up when Marius passed for the second time, and gave him a casual glance

'It gave me so much happiness just to look at her, and now, through my stupidity, I've lost even that.'

With those words, she gave a little laugh and wave, grabbed some dry bread from the table and disappeared out of the door.

I saw him with his daughter in the church, and gave him the letter

Thenardier then took the letter and gave it to his wife.

But why are you wearing that dirty old hat? 'When Marius gave no answer, she went on, 'And you've got a hole in your shirt

The old man gave a high, unpleasant laugh.

He had to bend as the roof of the tunnel became lower, but when he reached the light, Valjean stopped and gave a cry of despair

I gave you my address this morning, if you remember, so you would know where to find me anyway.'

He gave his neighbour, a pretty woman, a bunch of flowers, which greatly annoyed her husband.

Valjean, as her guardian, gave Cosette a large amount of money - half a million francs - but did not tell her that the money was his

Then he gave a strange smile.

Thenardier's presence, however, offered him another opportunity; it gave him the chance to solve the mystery of Cosette's fortune.

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

I gave you a little medicine to help you sleep."

He smiled and kissed her, then gave her a taste-pot with a spoon: "I got your favorite

that's so sweet of you!" Taste-pots were great, because they weren't expensive, but gave you the taste of something luxurious like double chocolate ice cream

She gave Cham a package, then sat watching his expression as he slowly opened it.

"A woman gave it to me

"The one who gave you the fruit."

The one who gave you the fruit."

you know that fruit the woman gave me?"

She rushed up to him and gave him an enormous hug

"I saw the woman who gave us the fruit and the letter

We've been having a lot of fun! This week, they gave us the chance to try snowboarding as well as skiing."

They gave her a big welcome, and Dani made green tea

Sala gave a fixed smile

Gran gave her a long, hard stare

De Winter stood up politely as I gave Mrs Van Hopper her letter.

But I don't suppose you remember an old woman like me?' And Mrs Van Hopper gave de Winter one of her biggest smiles.

Then he gave me his handkerchief

'Mr de Winter gave very careful orders in his letter about this room

Maxim picked up a fallen flower and gave it to me

I gave Jasper a piece of cake and took out the handkerchief to wipe my hands

'What? He's left you all alone? That's not fair, is it?' The man gave an unpleasant laugh

It gave me something to look forward to

She gave me a kiss and then looked at me carefully.

They gave me his new address

'Perhaps Mrs de Winter gave you a different name,' Colonel Julyan suggested.

'Rebecca gave the wrong name, of course,' he said

If audience reaction was as strong and as positive as Tina hoped, her financial future was assured, for her contract gave her two and one-half percent of the gross receipts, minus liquor sales, after the first five million

A lavish use of blue velvet, dark leather, crystal chandeliers, and thick blue carpet, plus an excellent sense of dramatic lighting, gave the mammoth chamber some of the feeling of a cozy cabaret in spite of its size.

She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

Step by step, her curiosity gave way to fear

Tina gave her address to him, and then somehow they were talking about jazz and Benny Goodman, and then about the miserable service provided by the Las Vegas phone company, just chatting away as if they were old friends

"So I'm not a giver, huh? Then who gave you the house you're living in? Huh? Who was it had to move into an apartment when we separated, and who was it kept the house?"

At her request, Elliot poured RS 233; my Martin into two snifters and gave one glass to her

"But this is the address he gave us

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

He had taken pleasure in stalking human prey; hell, there had even been a measure of joy in being stalked, for it gave him the opportunity to prove himself by outwitting the hunter on his trail

The contact gave him strength

Their ineptitude gave Willis Bruckster a chance to shine

Alexander picked up the phone and gave the order.

The low ceiling was covered with a spongy, pebbly, yellowish soundproofing, which gave the chamber a peculiar organic quality

Self-preservation is one of the most powerful drives God gave us

He decided he would kill her himself when the time came, and that thought gave him an instant erection.

He was driving at only ten miles an hour, but she gave him so little warning that he passed the turnoff

Elliot took the remaining rope from Tina, and he gave her the pistol

Elliot gave her the pistol and started toward the bed.

Having carefully closed the door, he took me to the other end of the room and gave me a pair of very dark sun glasses

And where's the weapon? I'd better call the police.' He picked up the telephone and gave the facts as simply as possible.

So I gave him what he asked for.

'He gave himself up,' said Griselda.

Then Miss Marple gave us both a shock as she said, 'Has Mrs Protheroe confessed to the crime now?'

He thought that it gave him a perfect alibi.'

I gave a little cry

I gave evidence next

She gave me a wide smile

Miss Wetherby gave a little cry 'The day of the murder, of course!'

'You'd better come here.' I gave him the address

'Wrong number! HELLO, you gave me the wrong number..

'I think you should read this,' I said, and gave her Protheroe's unfinished letter

I gave her the second anonymous letter I had received

No one gave a thought to possible threats from other planets.

This gave people confidence and as darkness fell, a slow, uncertain movement on the common began

This certainly gave the Martians much greater strength

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

It was a long time before he was able to answer my questions, and the answers he gave were puzzled and came in broken sentences.

I gave a cry of surprise

I gave no answer.

They never gave the guns any chance against them

'Take this!' the younger lady said, and she gave my brother the gun.

Then curiosity gave me courage and I got up, stepped across him and went to the hole.

They gave me a place to stay and protected me from myself.

She gave a faint cry.

I gave her the cheque, and forgot about the matter

She turned around to us, and I gave a cry of surprise and horror

He lifted the little child, kissed her, and, with the little girl in his arms, he gave his other hand to his wife.

After that, he wrote a prescription I and gave it to me

I took it to the chemist's and gave it to him

He read it and gave it back to me

Instead of giving me liver pills, they gave me blows on the head

We gave him the rope

Harris gave his cold meat to Montmorency

He looked at the wet night and gave a short bark of agreement.

The man gave the policeman a piece of paper

A servant gave me dinner and showed me to my room

Her clothes were old, so I gave her some of Laura's white dresses

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

After he had gone, Laura gave me a book of drawings that Mr Hartright had given her

I suppose my face gave away my secret

Imagine my feelings, Walter, when I saw my dear sister there in the asylum, and that everyone believed she was Anne Catherick! I gave the nurse one hundred pounds to help Laura escape

When I left his office, he gave me a letter to give to Marian

At home, I gave the letter to Marian

I liked beautiful things, and Sir P gave me beautiful presents

I gave it to him.

When he had finished, he cried, 'Done, Mr Hartright!' He gave me his confession and a letter from Sir Percival to him, dated 26 July 1850

The fact that Anne had escaped from the asylum first gave me the idea for the conspiracy

After Finland came Norway, which gave the vote to women in 1913

She went to the USA and gave many talks there

All over the world, feminists fought to change family laws that gave husbands control over their wives

World War Two (1939 - 1945) gave millions of jobs to women in the USA and in the United Kingdom

But men scientists in France gave Marie a lot of problems, and she never got enough money for her work

She changed Ceylon a lot, and she gave it the new name of Sri Lanka.

Time magazine gave the "Person of the Year" for 2017 to the brave women who spoke about the problem of sexual harassment and assault.