How to use "gaze" in a sentence


What he had experienced in that moment was not the honest, innocent gaze of a child

When he felt that they were near him, he looked up and saw that the girl was looking steadily at him with a soft, thoughtful gaze that made him tremble from head to foot.

They would sit and hold hands and talk, or just gaze into each other's eyes and smile.

At that moment, Marius's eyes slowly opened and his gaze rested upon M

The boy became conscious of her gaze and turned toward her

Pulling her gaze away from his, she studied her hands, which were gripping the steering wheel so fiercely that they ached.

She watched the performers intently, unaware of his gaze

She put the magazine aside, cover-down, so she wouldn't have to meet Death's wormy, red-eyed gaze.

Pulling his covetous gaze from the car, Tom said, "What're you doing here?" There was still neither suspicion nor belligerence in his voice.

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

But any organization was composed of ordinary men and women, none of whom had the all-seeing gaze of God.

In the dim light, where the brightest thing was mauve shadow, he found her eyes, held her with his intent gaze

Elliot stared into the flat dead gaze of the pasty-faced corpse, and he knew that he was looking at Luciano Bellicosti

Even in the dim, illusory light from the surrounding snow, Elliot could see that the sentry's eyes were fixed in the same unseeing gaze that Bellicosti was even now directing at the bathroom window.

Tina lowered her gaze from the empty air to the map, and her hand began to move

She lifted her gaze from the map

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.