How to use "glowing" in a sentence


Flowers filled the room, glowing blood-red flowers

Hundred-foot-long signs-five - hundred-foot-long signs - towered five or even ten stories above the street, glittering, winking, thousands of miles of bright glass tubing filled with glowing gas, blinking, swirling, hundreds of thousands of bulbs, spelling out hotel names, forming pictures with light

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

Stone posts and softly glowing electric lamps marked the way to the front door, and warm light radiated from several first-floor windows.

But when I read further, I discovered that Tina comes to a glowing red road

I simply said, "Well, a red-hot glowing road is a great visual." In fact, it would be such a fantastic visual that it would be visible at night from orbiting satellites, like a neon arrow pointing toward the secret installation that it served.