How to use "guardian" in a sentence


Having been a mayor, he knew how to solve an awkward problem: the question of Cosette's real family He told everybody that he was not her father, but her guardian

Valjean, as her guardian, gave Cosette a large amount of money - half a million francs - but did not tell her that the money was his

One evening, when Marius was talking to Cosette and Jean Valjean about the mystery and his unsuccessful attempts to solve it, he became angry with Cosette's guardian's lack of interest in his story.

It was the happiest night of Cosette's life, spoilt only by one thing: the fact that her guardian - whom she still thought of as her father - went home before the feast had started, saying that he felt ill

He persuaded Cosette, therefore, not to use any of the money her guardian had given her, and to live on the money that he had started to earn as a lawyer

'The man you think is your wife's guardian is a murderer and a thief

His brother Frederick Fairlie is Laura's guardian