How to use "are" in a sentence


You are going to die.

Its words are calm and sensible and nearly always help me

My friends are having a party there

The walls there are very narrow and the trail goes up and down, sharply

There are also a lot of very large rocks called boulders, stuck between the canyon walls

Some of them are more than five thousand years old

So far, things are going well

I guess they are about twenty-five years old.

Both Aspen and Moab are important tourist centres for hikers.

We are on the trail together for about five kilometres

Here, the canyon walls are a lot narrower

There are plenty of holes in the rock for my hands and feet so I climb down easily

Stuck between them, as far as I can see, are boulders of different sizes

The boulders are both good and bad news

My parents are Donna and Larry Ralston of Eaglewood, Colorado

There are several at my feet and some drinking the blood on the canyon wall

Most of my body feels warmer, but I'm still shaking because my head and neck are cold

Clouds at night are good because they trap the day's heat in the canyon, but clouds during the day are bad because the sun doesn't warm the air

All I see in my mind are pictures of the food and drink left on the floor of my truck.

I know they are protecting me

To me, they are real

It is only when they disappear and the cold and pain return that I know they are not

The sound of its wings and the light in the canyon are beautiful

But now, with no sign of a rescue, my hopes are disappearing fast.

But there are no tears - my body is too dry for tears.

There are metal rings in the rock for climbers

There are still twelve kilometres to go.

The paintings are amazing but all I can think of is water

But my problems are getting worse every minute

About seventy metres ahead of me are a family of three people - a man, a woman and a young boy

They are walking away from me.

They are tourists from the Netherlands

'Where are we going?' I ask the second man.

By the time I finish, we are circling around Moab

I realise we are landing in front of the hospital

He pulls at the things over my right arm and asks Steve what they are.

'There are a couple of tourniquets under there,' Steve replies.

I believe we are on Earth to do the things we love, even if that means making a hard choice

"Sir, are you all right, sir?" Thank God, it was my faithful assistant Conseil.

"Conseil, my boy, what are you doing here?"

You are a true friend

"You are on the Nautilus

"That means that you are free to sec all the wonderful things under the sea

I am saying, gentlemen, that you are very lucky!"

We have wonderful food, and your rooms are very comfortable."

"Our escape? We are underwater! How can we escape?" "Not now

"The waters we are in now are full of sharks, Mr Land."

"Captain, there are cannibals outside the Nautilus."

There are many sharks in these waters, and it's very dangerous to go looking for pearls there.

And we are going through."

Only tell me when you are ready."

"There are giant squid in the holes of those walls."

Many people like to tell stories about giant squid, but no one knows if they are true

'Here we are,' she said, and opened the box

'What are you doing out here, Mary Ann?' he asked angrily

'Mary Ann, Mary Ann! Where are you? Bring me my hat!' The words came from the garden, outside the window

'Pat, Pat, where are you? Come here!' shouted the Rabbit.

Then it said slowly, 'Who are you?'

'For you? Who are you?' said the Caterpillar and laughed

Who are you?'

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

Repeat, "You are old, Father William."'

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'You are old and really quite fat;

Some of the words are different,' said Alice.

'Of course you are,' the Cat said

'There are a lot of cats without a smile, but a smile without a cat! Now that's very strange!' Alice said.

'There are a lot of places,' Alice said

'What are you doing?' she asked.

Who are these men?' she asked.

'How are you?' the Cheshire Cat asked.

'Who are you talking to?' he asked.

'Oh yes you are,' said the King

'You are,' said the King.

'Where are you from?' he asked.

There are some pots in the cupboard,' he said

'People are different here,' he told me

'You men are all the same! Just stay away from me!'

'Just who are you?' he said after the game.

'You are a big, strong man, aren't you?' he said

The business was doing well, but I asked myself, 'What are you doing all this for?' And I knew that I had to get away.

'What are you doing here?' I asked her.

'Why are you playing your harmonica in the park?' asked Jenny

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "Unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned

We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality

We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by a sign stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote

No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican administration, their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered

I now reiterate these sentiments; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration

To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that Resolves and Ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances.

That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pretext to do it, I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them

Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruction of our national fabric, with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes, would it not be wise to ascertain precisely why we do it? Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence? Will you, while the certain ills you fly to are greater than all the real ones you fly from - will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake?

All the vital rights of minorities and of individuals are so plainly assured to them by affirmations and negations, guaranties and prohibitions, in the Constitution, that controversies never arise concerning them

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

I do not forget the position, assumed by some, that Constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court; nor do I deny that such decisions must be binding, in any case, upon the parties to a suit, as to the object of that suit, while they are also entitled to very high respect and consideration in all parallel cases by all other departments of the government

At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made, in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal

The fugitive-slave clause of the Constitution, and the law for the suppression of the foreign slave trade, are each as well enforced, perhaps, as any law can ever be in a community where the moral sense of the people imperfectly supports the law itself

Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.

I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the national Constitution amended

Such of you as are now dissatisfied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either

If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action

Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.

We are not enemies, but friends

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

Values have shrunk to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; and the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone

We are stricken by no plague of locusts.

Recognition of that falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing

It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, unequal

There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped by merely talking about it.

These, my friends, are the lines of attack

Our international trade relations, though vastly important, are in point of time and necessity, secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy

If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize, as we have never realized before, our interdependence on each other; that we cannot merely take, but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because without such discipline no progress can be made, no leadership becomes effective.

We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and our property to such discipline, because it makes possible a leadership which aims at the larger good

And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich

For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt, can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you

Then he said to me, 'You are surprised that Mr Meltham's story affects me so strongly

His family are worried about him, you see

He says it's obvious that you are very fond of one another.'

'It's true we are very close,' Mr Slinkton said very seriously

'We are alone, you know - since Margaret died.' Miss Niner looked sad at her uncle's words

You are in great danger! You must come with me and talk to that man in the hand-carriage

'I knew what kind of man you are, you see

'Think how stupid you really are!' Beckwith continued

'You are seeing me under my real name now for the first time

'The woman's legs are still warm,' said Constable Mizen

The Juwes are the Men that will not be blamed for nothing.

But that does not mean they are murderers.

I know who you are

'What are you doing?' she asked.

'What are you talking about?'

This man's name is Jean Valjean, and he's a criminal no better than you are

'I'm sorry, the rooms are full,' she said.

'Times are very hard,' Mme Thenardier replied immediately

'Do you know who they are?' Marius asked him one day.

You are some kind of policeman.'

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

'Let's see what these people are really like,' Marius thought

When he sees how miserable we are, he'll give us a lot of money, you'll see.'

'You are extremely generous, Monsieur,' Jondrette said, again bowing to the ground

'But as you can see, we are unfortunate in many ways

We are without food, Monsieur, and without heating

'I don't know who you are, but I know what you are

On top of the cupboard, by his feet, he noticed the piece of paper that the elder daughter had written on: Be careful! The police are coming!

The police are coming and we've got to go!'

There are five of you, and fifteen of us

But why are you wearing that dirty old hat? 'When Marius gave no answer, she went on, 'And you've got a hole in your shirt

'How lovely you are,' Marius would sigh

'There are moments when I think this is a dream

There are other moments when I think I'm a little mad

Marius rose to his feet and said coldly, 'Cosette, are you going?'

'Oh, Marius, why are you being so cruel to me?'

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

'But what are you going to do?'

'Where are you going tomorrow evening? I won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me.'

'Where are you?'

'Your friends are waiting for you at the barricade in the rue de Chanvrerie.'

'Who are you?' he asked.

'What are you doing here?' he said

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

'But there are only four,' Marius observed.

'Who are you?' he asked.

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

'The wound to his body is not serious, but there are deep cuts on his head

What kind of man are you? Are you mad? But it makes no difference

Gillenormand said and, turning to Marius and Cosette, he added, 'My children, you are free to love one another.'

But why don't you say something? Why are you letting me do all the talking? Do you still love me? Oh, I'm so wild with happiness

'Monsieur, you are very kind,' said Jean Valjean, shaking Marius's hand and leaving the room.

Thenardier looked puzzled for a moment, then said, 'Monsieur, I think you are mistaken.'

'What! Are you denying what I said? Those are facts!'

'They are incorrect, and I do not like to hear a man unjustly accused

'And what crimes are those?'

'Your hands are so cold,' she said

They're made of silver, but to me they are pure gold

She was as rich in sorrow as you are in happiness

When I pull my fingers away, they are wet, and even with no light the blood is bright and easy to see.

The jeans are new, but now they are dirty: muddy stains cover the legs from the wet grass

Her long blonde hair is beautiful, and her kind, friendly, blue eyes are perfect

When I look to see why, I see that she is not there: the white ropes are still tied to the stone, but she is not.

We are standing there, the three of us, in front of the bank

We are standing there in front of the glass doors, and no one is looking at us

They are all focused on the road, and in the distance I can hear the music and the commentator, and I know that the race is starting soon.

Behind the counter there are two women

"You idiots! This is an investment bank! There's no money here! Everything is done by transfer." And he looks at us all like we are children, with that arrogant expression on his face

Banks are difficult to rob

"We understand that hundreds of local businesses are in serious trouble because of you and this bank," I say

"The police are out there

"Oh, and just to let you know, there are no bullets in any of our guns." Hastings starts to shout, but we do not listen

Then we are at the doors

Then there are more, many more, hundreds more, thousands more.

And now we start to smile, because we know we are nearly out.

He tries to picture Emily: her eyes are so loving, her laugh so light and pretty

Sylvia and the boat are gone, and the half-light is complete darkness now

He tries to swim, but his clothes and his coat are too heavy.

And she has deep-green eyes that at the moment are tired and nervous and show something which he does not completely recognise.

She puts her hands on the table, and he sees that her red fingernails are chipped and bitten

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

Red, sandy plains stretch out in almost every direction, and only to the east are there thin, light-green trees that lead to the low, orange mountains.

They both look similar: messy blond hair under hats that are the same colour as their khaki shorts and shirts

And they are both dirty: their skin, boots and clothes all covered in red sand.

"Yeah, where are you staying? There are no hotels around here."

There are a lot of them up in the creek

His face is bearded, and his eyes are full of violence and pain

In its place there are a thousand adverts on a hundred television screens, a sea of lights that constantly move and change.

And on the television screens there are giant faces, clips from movies, news headlines, commercials for cars and perfume, chocolate and beer.

So many, that they are impossible to understand

They all mix together and are little more than noise to an onlooker

But the smells are the worst

"How dumb are you?" his new friend says, and he looks annoyed

The new clothes are not new, Jake knows: not really

But they are better than the dirty old jeans and green jacket that are now in a bin behind the shop where they sit.

"And you remember where the cameras are? The NYPD ones? The others are nothing

They all have a camera and are all taking photos

But their bags are on their shoulders, and there are too many of them, he knows

Nick calls them weekend bags; he says they are the best

Inside them there are wallets, phones, tablets, everything.

And you remember where the cameras are? The NYPD ones?

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

And there are more cries from the crowd, and everyone seems to know what is happening now

He thinks that the people are shouting at him, and he wants to explain

Sure, there are one or two bigger than her, but none of them has her romance or her luxury," Mrs Carolina Heath says as they enter the dining room.

The tables are covered in white, and the lights are low and atmospheric

"Well, I wonder what the other people at our table are like

Oh my, look, here we are, table six

I suppose every ship needs some pirates, and these are they

They are, in fact, writers, and I don't know which is worse."

"Oh, well, I suppose we can change the subject, but we are having a really interesting conversation."

"So, are you all writers?" she asks.

For me the important things are the character and the motive."

"A beautiful, young couple who are happy and in love."

And if they are detected, so what? They are his pills."

There are people there already, neighbours, and this is just what she wants

And sometimes the cases are interesting, and he likes having some good stories to tell the guys in the pub

But only sometimes, because the defendant and the rest of her family, the Lee family, are wild, and he does not want to make her, or them, angry

There are pictures of these injuries, but there is no proof that Mr Dawson hit Mrs Dawson

However, that is not why you are here

You are here because when Miss Lee saw her younger sister, she took a pair of scissors from her kitchen table, said something to her sister and left the house

So you can tell them what you want, but they can do nothing, and you are still here in Bristol, and so is my family

Keep quiet and you are going to be okay

They are savage, terrible people, who love violence

One moment you are asleep, your dreams calm and gentle and your body warm in the blankets of your bed

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

And for a few moments you are so afraid that you cannot think

You know you are still in your bed, still in your house, still in your quiet street in the north of Manchester

You know that you are awake because something woke you.

Yes, outside the house the streets are silent

There are no shouts or loud voices coming from university students returning home from the pubs and bars

And there is no birdsong to let you know that the sun and the new day are nearly here.

But you are not sure

What if there are two people? Two burglars? Or three?

There are no voices

The backstreets of Dublin are quiet, and the sun is slowly setting on the old city

The gardai are everywhere, and they are looking for him

And so he waits, and the evening becomes darker, and he thinks that there are now only one or two people left in the small old church

He was right: there are a few people inside

He wonders if there are still any people there, but he thinks there are not.

the police are looking..

The guy's eyes are covered by silver sunglasses, and there is something strange about his uniform, Dan thinks

"Yep," the cop says, "these roads are funny like that

the police are looking..

His clothes are wet and his skin frozen

Every year" Greg said, "hundreds of tourists come here, right? Most of them are rich, and some of them are very rich

Some of these people are millionaires, Brandon, millionaires

Their clothes are better than ours, their cars and trucks are better

In Canada, in the mountains, when you are cold you are okay, but when you are warm, you are in trouble.

"How? How can they know where we are?" said Greg

There are fewer trees now, and the sound is louder, much louder

In the distance the church towers, cathedral and university buildings of the city of Oxford are all visible

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

Several areas in the school are being renovated."

"Detective, the young men at this school are very clever and come from very important families

They are not criminals."

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

"Oh really, and who are you?"

Back in the courtyard Smith stops by the workmen, who are still sitting and eating their lunch

I suppose you didn't notice, but those two are having some sort of romantic affair."

And he looks back at the workmen, who are enjoying a slow lunch.

But if these men are not hammering.

The grass below their feet is green and fresh, the trees are heavy with leaves, and the air smells so good that Owen forgets about Junior's mood

Soon they are deep in the forest, and Owen finds a small clearing

For the first time in many years Owen and Junior seem to be exactly what they are: father and son

And don't forget there are two shots and that I should empty the gun before I give it back to you."

You see, there are two things you can do with a talent like that

He always wears a grey suit, he always walks in a slow manner, and his eyes are always cold and dark.

There are people everywhere, but here on the roof there are only four people

His hands are tied

His legs are tied

And Jimmy Lane shakes his head and tries to say something, and his blue eyes are wet.

You really are a stupid kid

Twenty tired faces: some talking, but most are silent and waiting like her.

But there will be no fighting today: the few people that are here look half dead.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

Is he strange? Or are you just being silly?

He has a short beard and pale, unhealthy skin, and she thinks that his eyes are probably unkind.

You are an idiot, she tells herself and pulls a book out of her bag

You need to stop reading this rubbish: you are losing your mind, she tells herself.

There are loud voices on the platform and Sarah knows why.

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

And when she hears the topic that they are talking about, she suddenly feels cold.

She does not want to think about what the police are calling the tube murders

The strange man, the man who looks like the evil character from her thriller; his eyes are open now.

And they are watching her.

Is he watching her? She looks again and, yes, his hood is still covering his face, but she is sure that his eyes are focused on her.

There are still several people in the carriage: the young couple is still there and the two businessmen.

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

It also notes where they are at all times, to keep them safe.

"What are they all doing there?"

Anyway, there are loads of robots doing the work for now."

"Sala, you and Cham are going to swim with dolphins."

There are tiny hairs inside that make you want to scratch

"Gran, you never know! Maybe there are places outside the city that didn't get contaminated - where people survived."

are you interested?"

"Come on, are you joking? Your gran is fantastic

"So, when are you going to the pod center?" asked Niki.

"Once you've got all those energy units and extra money, you are free

But who are you? Where did it come from?"

From far down on the ground floor, Cham sent a message: "Ready when you are!"

"These are your body suits," Zee told them

"Here you are

"It doesn't matter what your reasons are

"Who are you?"

"Tell me who you are first."

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

Our two sons are doing well, and we have three grandchildren

We have a very nice house near the ocean and there are wild roses in the garden, just as there were when we were young

Here, we are free, and we have beauty all around us, but my heart breaks when I think of you trapped in that city, like a bird in a cage.

If you are reading it, be glad: it means there is hope

I'm sure Cham's parents are good people, but we don't know them well enough."

"Who are they? How did they get it across the boundary?"

If the government finds out that messages are getting through the force field and passing across the city boundary, there could be big trouble."

Only parents and close relations are allowed beyond this point, so Kaz here is going to take you back."

"You can just stop people's ultranet connections? How? Who are you?"

"Why are you talking about it with me, then?" said Sala

Our wrist chips are real

So if people are fighting it, secretly..

"How are you?"

"OK, so, some things are boring

How are you?"

"My mom and dad are waiting to speak to me," said Cham

are you sure you're OK?"

"Cham doesn't even believe anything the rebels are telling us

"There are fingerprints on the paper

"Hey, you're not jealous, are you?"

"Yes, you are," said Cham cheerfully

Two years are going to fly past

you're not planning anything with that woman, are you? They teach us to report things like that." Report it? Sala's stomach turned to ice

"Cham, what are you talking about?"

They make you realize how lucky we are

The pods are a great invention," he said, in a strangely mechanical voice.

"These people are dangerous

"Anyway, we don't have a clue where the rebels are," said Gran

'No, you are my guests,' said de Winter

'You are wrong, I could never forget you,' said de Winter in a cold, hard voice.

I wonder what you are doing here in Monte Carlo?'

You must look at people when they are speaking

You are not a child, you know.'

'We are alike in some ways

We are both alone in the world

What are you going to do?'

'You haven't got enough to do and so you are doing nothing,' she said unpleasantly

You are getting lazy without me to watch you.'

All my memories are unhappy

'You are so young, I don't know how to speak to you

We are going too

'What a strange child you are,' Mrs Van Hopper said

'What are you doing in there?' she said

'Am I going to tell Mrs Van Hopper or are you?' said Maxim with a smile.

'I'll tell her we are getting married very soon

'Well,' she said, 'you are more clever than I thought

'Here we are,' Maxim said

'They are all very interested in you

'Who are all those people?'

'Well, here we are, Frith,' said Maxim

'We are all very glad to see you at home again

We hope you are well

'Yes, we are both well, thank you, Frith

I think that some of the young servants are afraid of her.'

'You know,' she said, 'you are much younger than I expected

As I said before, you are not what we expected

You are so very different from Rebecca.'

'There are plenty of raincoats downstairs,' Maxim said

'Oh well, you are very young, aren't you? We can't all do everything

And when I meet anyone new, I know what they are thinking: "How different she is from Rebecca." '

They are in an envelope in a drawer of the writing desk.'

'What does it matter? They are interested in us, that's all.'

'If you are happy, then we are both happy.'

'But you are disappointed in me

'You wanted to see this room, didn't you? Now you are here, let me show you everything.'

These are her slippers.'

'All her evening clothes are here

'Well, my dear, how are you?' she said

'You are much too thin

'You are not going to have a baby, are you?'

'Oh, but you are wrong,' said another woman

After all, you are a new bride

'What are you standing there for?' he asked me

'My dear,' she said, 'are you all right?' I put a hand up to my head and took off the wig

What are you going to do? Can I walk back with you to the house?'

'What are you trying to tell me? Captain Searle told me about the boat

'What are we going to do?' I said.

We are the only two people who know what happened that night, Maxim.'

'The sea-cocks? What are they?' asked the Coroner.

'Can you think why they are there?'

'But what are they trying to find out?'

The past can't hurt us if we are together

'What the hell are you doing here?' Maxim said to Favell.

'There you are! What did I tell you?' Favell shouted.

I'll tell him you are here.'

'We are sorry to trouble you, Dr Baker,' Colonel Julyan said

The people in the house are having a party

The stand-ins are Nathan and Bud

'We are beginning again in twenty minutes.'

'The stunts are too dangerous.'

'There are lots of movie stars here tonight,' he thinks

'Yes, we are!' Natalie tells him.

'How fast are they going, Joe?'

Soon after, Natalie and Nathan are jumping from Natalie's car

'Where are they, Sam?' asks Joe.

There are too many people.'

'Nathan, are you all right?' calls Natalie.

'So who are you?'

"Me? What are you thanking me for?"

To Tina, Stryker said, "But if it's flattery you need - and I'm sure you already get a lot of it, lovely as you are - no one in Vegas can flatter with more charm and style than Helen."

"Yeah, but there are advantages to a rubber suit."

"Well, now that the show's opened successfully, most of my share of the producer's chores are public relations and promotional stuff

"You are asking me for a date," she said, pleased.

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

"My God, are you serious?"

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

"You are serious."

Voice quavery, she said, "What are you doing here?"

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

But the cops are a literal bunch, not much impressed by implied threats

"What are they like?"

Do you really think you're so far gone that you could do something like that and not remember it? Do you think you've got multiple personalities and one doesn't know what the others are up to?"

"We are?"

"Dental records are almost as good as fingerprints."

"Whoever the creep is, whatever his motivations are, he's not well-balanced

"Anyway," she said, "even if reopening the grave doesn't help me find who's responsible for these sick jokes - or whatever the hell they are - at least it'll settle my mind about Danny

But still there are moments when..."

"You are."

"Their hamburgers are hard to beat."

"Elliot, are you sure you aren't feeling those cognacs we had at my office?"

"-their French fries are terrific."

"Who are you guys?"

"What are the hypodermic needles for?"

"What are they for?"

"What are you talking about?" Vince asked

"Now," Vince said, "counselor, are you going to walk over to the table and sit your ass down, or am I going to have to motivate you with this?" He gestured with his pistol again.

Why in the hell should Kennebeck care whether or not Danny's grave is reopened? Why should you care? Who the hell are you people?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Where are we going?"

"So who the hell are they?" she asked,

Even if he really doesn't know why his organization is interested in the exhumation, he'll at least know who his bosses are

"The only way these people are going to get us," he said, "is if we just give ourselves over to them

No matter who they are, they're not omniscient

Its tax rates are low

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

"So there really are eyes everywhere."

"So what are you saying?" Tina asked

Then a lot of people are going to be pushing for an exhumation of all those boys

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

"There are similarities," he said.

"You're damned right there are

That might be just what Vince's bosses are expecting us to do

And most of those remote areas are owned by the federal government

"Vince's friends are sure to be waiting for us there."

"But how are we supposed to get it? From where? From whom?"

"Why on earth are you so-"

"What are you talking about? Did you see what I saw in there? Did you hear the jukebox? I don't see how that could have cheered you up

They are exactly what they appear to be!"

And even if those were examples of psychic ability, little tricks like that are light-years from what you're attributing to Danny now."

"But the world is full of illogical things that are nonetheless true

My public opinions are the same as those I express privately, and that's a virtue he doesn't possess

Besides, there are more hotels and motels in Vegas than in any other city in the world."

here you are, running for your life, and all because of me."

There are a lot of airports within the range of that little Cessna."

Look, they can't be going up to the mountains, because they don't know where the laboratories are

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

"All the others are full of test animals in the middle of one experiment or another."

The kid's a lot more important than they are

His eyes are strange

"Neither are you."

"Where are you going?"

"Except we're locked in, and the killers are running around loose on the outside."

Like an old athlete back on the playing field after a long absence, testing his reflexes, taking pride in the fact that his old skills are still there."

"Your eyes are open, but you are in a deep, deep sleep."

Sandstone stared at him as if to say, You're nuts, but are you dangerous?

And since the banks are closed for the holiday, we couldn't do anything until next week

"Maybe things are breaking right for us," Elliot said

"Well," Elliot said, "I happen to believe that individuals are more apt to act responsibly and morally than institutions ever do, which at least puts us on the side of justice

And I also believe individuals are always smarter and better adapted to survival, at least in the long run, than any institution

Danny's instructions are to take a turn north, off this lane, after about five miles."

"He's trying to figure out who the devil we are," Elliot said

There are thousands of acres behind the fence, and the lab is right smack in the middle

"The phones are out."

Their lines are underground

"Your guns are useless," he said

"Who are you?"

"Who are you people?"

"In these mountains the downdrafts and crosscurrents are going to be murderous."

"People are going to be behind some of them."

"Who the hell are you?"

"My degrees are in biology and biochemistry."

The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people

There are a lot of people here who have some sense of social responsibility about this work

The book you now hold in your hands - assuming that you are not quadridexterous and holding it with your feet - was the second book I wrote under the pen name Leigh Nichols

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business

Those are the words that were in the letter to my father.'

'How stupid they are!' cried Holmes

How are you going home?'

He and his men are sailing back to Georgia, USA, now.'

I have liked telephones, and here in France we now have so many of them that you are never safe from interruption

but who are you? What is your name? Where do you live? I said, where do you live!'

The controls are just here

'You are very fortunate to understand anything, Monsieur Delambre,' he said

I only know one thing, and that is that you are not insane

'Helene, as soon as the police examine that fly they will know that you are not insane, and then...'

'Andre, please! What on earth are you talking about?'

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

'It's possible because the atoms that make up objects are not close together like the bricks of a wall

They are separated by the hugeness of space.'

'The words are still there, Andre, but..

'There are some parts I do not yet fully understand myself,' he said

Knock on the door when you are ready and I will explain what you have to do.

What are you doing this afternoon, Griselda?'

'I think married ones are the worst.'

'These windows are beautiful,' she said.

'You are a married woman...'

He has dark hair, his eyes are bright blue, and he can tell a good story

I want to see if there are footprints.' He moved towards the open window.

And young men are so hot-headed and so quick to believe the worst.'

'Will you tell Mrs Protheroe we are here

'But they are the only two people who had a reason for killing Protheroe.'

And, Mrs Clement, you are the only person in the village I can talk to, except a lot of old women.'

'Well,' I said, 'things are a little uncertain.'

When she came in, I asked her, 'Mary, are you sure you didn't hear the shot yesterday evening?'

'Because the potatoes are probably burning.'

'You are laughing at me,' said Miss Marple, 'but that is a very good way of finding the truth

'I wish you would tell me,' I said, 'who your seven suspects are.'

Fingerprints on the pistol are Lawrence Redding's.

'You're not arresting Uncle Len, are you?' asked Dennis.

'Where are you going? Can I come, too?' asked Dennis.

'Ah! I am glad you are taking action after what happened

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

'"Unless you keep quiet, it will be very bad for you." I replied, "Who are you?" and the voice answered, "The Avenger"

If your maid is in, she can say you are not at home

If you are alone and do not want to see people - well, the only thing to do is to let them ring.'

'I don't think you are the best judge of that.'

But remember we are going to find out the truth.'

For Anne's sake.' He paused, then said, 'What are you doing in the woods, Vicar?' I didn't know what to say.

'What are you both doing here?' A little ashamed, we explained.

They know you are out

'Well, Sir, you are a vicar,' he said

'He writes very clever books, though in real life people are not nearly so unpleasant as he makes his characters

'You'll miss your train if you are not careful,' interrupted Gladys.

And I thought, "Men are all alike

So I said, "If the vicar and his wife are satisfied, that is all that matters." And she laughed and said, "Oh! But are they?"'

His books are about unpleasant people with very boring lives.

'There are so many letters to write

'You know,' I said gently, 'not all girls are like Lettice Protheroe.'

Even the Napiers are saying awful things about her! Just because she left their tennis, party a bit early

'What are your plans?' I asked suddenly.

'When the six months are over, I am going to marry Lawrence.'

'And now I know that you are not speaking the truth, Lettice

You are not well...'

They are having a love affair

Unless you are going to arrest me.'

'Dear Vicar, you are so kind to come round so quickly

'I think that you are wondering why I am so interested in this murder

'You usually are,' I said, smiling

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

Where are you? I've found out about that call

'Is that where you are speaking from?'

There are some things that Lettice will never understand.

'What are you going to do now?' I asked her.

'But of course you are feeling very cheerful.' She paused by the window

But people are so blind that no writer, before the end of the nineteenth century, suggested that much more intelligent life had developed there than on Earth

We, the people who live on this Earth, must seem to them at least as different and less developed as monkeys are to us

He approached it, surprised at the size and even more surprised at the shape, since most meteorites are fairly round

'They are the slowest, fattest things I ever saw crawl

but they are so horrible!'

'You are safe here.'

'You are the first people I've seen coming this way this morning,' the officer said

'I was explaining that these are valuable.'

'Why are these things allowed? What have we done - what has Weybridge done? The morning service was over

Besides this, Londoners are very used to feeling safe, and exciting news is so normal in the papers that they could read reports like this without great fear:

No details are known

Machine guns are completely useless against them, and field-guns have been put out of action

People in West Surrey are very worried and defenses have been built to slow the Martians' movement towards London.

'There are lots of people coming into Kingston in carts and things, with boxes and cases,' he said

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

'They are coming!' a policeman shouted back, banging on the door

'The Martians are coming!' Then he hurried to the next door.

The Martians are able to send out enormous clouds of black smoke

They have poisoned our gunners, destroyed Richmond, Kingston and Wimbledon, and are moving slowly towards London, destroying everything on the way, It is impossible to stop them

'Good heavens! What is this you are driving us into'"

'We are safe here - safe here,' he repeated.

You can't possibly move without making a noise, and I think they are outside.'

Which way are you going?'

'We are lucky ones!'

I believe they've built a flying-machine and are learning to fly'

And these are only the first ones

But men like me are going to go on living - so human beings can continue

And if I'm not mistaken, you'll show how strong you are too

'You are a brave man.' And suddenly I held his hand

'There are men who would do it cheerfully

Under London there are hundreds of kilometres of them

And then there are the railways, where they go underground

That's why men like you are needed

But there are no germs on Mars, and as soon as the Martians arrived, as soon as they drank and fed, our tiny friends began to destroy them

It is our home and would be ours even if the Martians were ten times as strong as they are.

I can only regret now, as I finish my story, how little I can help with the many questions which are still unanswered

I go to London and see the busy crowds in Fleet Street and the Strand, and it comes to my mind that they are just the ghosts of the past, walking the streets that I have seen silent and empty, spirits in a dead city

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

'The facts are these, Mr Holmes,' he said

Why are you looking at me like that? Are you angry with me?"

Who are these people?"

'"I know you are not telling me the truth

When her husband tells her that someone is living in the cottage, she knows that they are her blackmailers

After tea we received a message from Mr Munro saying, 'There are people in the house.'

'Let go of me! My friends and I are going to solve this mystery.'

What are you going to do about me and my child?'

'Our minds are tired from too much work

There are only twenty-four hours in the day, and you sleep most of that time

You are all wet

There is water in the boat and all your things are wet

You look at the other man and say, 'What are you doing with your side of the tent?'

'What are you doing?' he answers.

On Sundays, there are boats everywhere

'There are no pubs near here

When they are finally ready to pull, they start running

They pull the boat too fast, and they are soon tired

I'm surprised that we are still alive to tell the story.

If the water knows you are waiting for it, it will never get hot

You feel that you are part of nature

My friends and I are very unhappy to hear men of your age use such bad words.' The three old men did not agree with Harris.

'What! Where are your eyes?' the lock-keeper said

You and J are very lazy people.'

Their mouths are open for bread

Both are ancient British towns

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though

My fingers are dead with typing

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

'But you are young and beautiful

And marriage - well, it's you who are delaying it

Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie.

'Sissie, I don't like what you are doing

But what a pity that you are married already

'Ei, those are beautiful shoes

But they are very pretty

But men are like that.'

'They are selfish.'

And yet they are sad

'Who are you going with?'

Your little sister's eyes are looking angry

'Mercy, who are you going out with?'

They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

'What are you saying, my dear?'

There are always disadvantages

'We are here,' he said.

'My darling, you are too wise

Why should he? People are unimportant

He hates tears, because, like many men, he knows they are one of the strongest weapons that women have.

'Oh, are you still awake?' He quickly sits beside her

'James, you are terrible.'

'We are in here,' called Connie.

'Ruin, ruin, ruin! Christ! See, Connie, the funny thing is that I am sure you are the only person who thought it was a disaster to have a sister who was the girlfriend of a big man.'

Are those shoes the old pair which were new a couple of months ago? Or are they the newest pair? And here she is herself, the pretty one

'You know, Sissie, you are a new mother

'Of course,' say James and Connie, and for some reason they are both afraid of what is coming.

A lady called Mrs Fairlie was kind to me, but now she and her husband are both dead.'

Laura and I are very different: she's blonde, and I'm dark; she's beautiful, and I'm ugly; she's rich, and I'm poor

'Well,' said Miss Halcombe, 'I'm sure that Mr Hartright will pay us compliments even if our drawings are horrible.'

She isn't as pretty, but her hair, eyes, and figure are exactly like Laura's.'"

I hear that you are going to marry Sir Percival Glyde

Your mother was very kind to me, so you and your happiness are important to me.

They are married! My dear sister has gone! I am crying so much I cannot write anymore.

There are things now that she will not discuss with me - her husband, her married life - but before we kept no secrets from each other.

'Remember you are in the company of ladies!' They looked at each other, and Sir Percival was the first to look away

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

I can't stay in a house where women are treated like this.'

'There are no secrets between my husband and me,' she said

The Count replied, 'Later, when the ladies are asleep.' I said that I had a headache and went up to my room earlier than usual

'Percival, we are now at a financial crisis,' said the Count

There are hundreds of pages here, and I have read them all with pleasure

I'm sorry that our interests are opposed

And even though they are opposed, and even though I will be victorious, I want Miss Halcombe to know how much I admire her diary and that nothing in it contributed to my victory and her failure.

As soon as Miss Halcombe and my wife are well enough, they'll go to stay with their uncle in Cumberland

'Those registers are full of important documents,' I said

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

'Where are you going?'

Her books have been very important for women's rights, and they are still important today.

In many places in the world, girls and women are still fighting for an equal education.

This is because of things like war, or because girls have to get married when they are very young

Countries where girls are educated are richer, too

What are human rights? Having human rights means that we are all equal in society

We are born with our human rights

They are the same for every person.

Examples of human rights are the right to vote; the right to think and speak freely; and the right to free education

Human rights mean that people are not put into prison because they do not agree with the government, and that people are not hurt when they are in prison

It does not matter what gender or race you are, or how rich you are - you have the same rights

Human rights are a very important part of democracy.

Today, there are still many women fighting for human rights in different parts of the world

She said, "The men who are against us have to choose between giving us freedom, or giving us death."

When we use the word "feminism", we are talking about a number of political and social movements and ideas that have one goal

All over the world, feminist movements have fought, and are still fighting, for women's right to vote

These movements are also fighting for women's right to work, to earn equal pay and to own property

They are fighting for women to get an education and for women to have equal rights when they get married

We are born as a sex - either as a boy or girl, she said

Women, said Simone, are always described as "The Other" - she means that women do not act like men, and, because of this, men believe that women are not as important as them.

Her thoughts about women in society are still very important today.

Countries in the West are not the only countries that have important feminist writers and thinkers

These waves are also about the sexism that happens to women every day

Examples of fourth-wave feminism are: the 2017 Women's March; the 2018 Women's March; and the MeToo movement

But it's not true; women all over the world are still fighting for their rights.

They are also going into "men's" jobs - these days there are women pilots, judges and astronauts!

Women are now working in large numbers, and they are also becoming leaders in business and politics.

Women are becoming leaders in business, but equal pay is still a big problem

Women still do most of the work in the home, which means that many of them are working a lot more than men

They are often paid less, and sexism and sexual harassment at work are a problem every day

Women are 50 percent of the world's people, and, when they cannot work, it is a big problem for the world.

They are still important places to study medicine today.

The Curies' work helped to make X-rays, which are very important in medicine today

Now, more and more women are entering science

Today, still only 30 percent of the world's scientists are women

But the numbers are getting higher

Now, there is a group of young women scientists who are doing wonderful things

She loves answering questions from people who are not astronomers.

More and more women are now going into science because of female scientists like Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin and Emily Levesque.

These are a few of the women who have led or are leading their countries as prime ministers or presidents

In a talk in 1995, she said, "Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." She said that a country cannot be great if its women are not free

Hillary Clinton is an example of a woman who has achieved a lot in politics, and there are others

For example, there are not many women in the Parliament of Sri Lanka

There are more and more women prime ministers and presidents in the world, and they are also becoming younger

Half of the people who live in the world are women

At 7:42 a.m., the Itasca got the message, "We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but Amelia's aeroplane did not hear it

But now, things are changing

Things are changing fast in the world

The goals are there to stop people from being poor, to look after the Earth and to stop war

They are called the Sustainable Development Goals.

But there are still many things that stop women from enjoying an equal life.

This is often because families are poor

Parents in poor families marry girls when they are young so they do not have to give them food at home

In sub-Saharan Africa, 40 percent of women are married as children

For example, 32 percent of girls in Zimbabwe get married before they are eighteen years old

Nepal and Zambia are working on laws that help girls

Today, women in many different countries are using MeToo every day to tell people about the assault and harassment they get

They are asking for change.

In the 21st century, women are stronger and braver than ever

But thanks to the women in this book - and others - women are now much more equal in society than they have ever been before.

All around the village there are big homes with patios.

Inside the village tavern there are soldiers and other men

They are eating and drinking

"Your clothes are wet

Why are you out on this rainy night?"

"We are talking about Zorro

"You are a kind man

You are rich and noble," says the Sergeant.

Sergeant Gonzales and the other soldiers are standing near the fire

They are talking about Don Diego Vega and his rich family

The men in the tavern are very surprised and scared.

Perhaps you are not courageous, Zorro?"

The two men are good fighters

Both families are rich and important

I think love and marriage are boring but I must obey my father

You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita

Doha Catalina says, "You are lucky, Lolita

You are in great danger," says Lolita.

"You are beautiful and kind, Lolita," says Zorro

They are scared.

"Don't be scared! You are an honest man, Don Carlos

The two men are good fighters.

"You are a public enemy."

Diego and other men are watching

There are many soldiers on their horses

They are listening to Sergeant Gonzales

There are many rooms and many servants

There are many books in Don Diego's library

"I'm glad you are alone! You are a very beautiful girl

You are mine! Kiss me!"

"No, you are mine

At that moment Zorro appears in the library and says, "Captain Ramon, you are a villain

You are courageous and kind

I must tell him that Don Carlos Pulido and his family are traitors

They are Zorro's friends

"You are a villain

They are tired and angry

There are many people in front of the Presidio that morning

"No, you are wrong," says the cruel magistrate.

"There are many problems in my life

In the evening the magistrate and his friends are in the tavern

They are laughing about the old friar.

Why are you laughing?" asks a mysterious voice

I don't like friars because they are your friends, Zorro."

When Don Alejandro sees them he says, "Why are you all here?"

"We are looking for Zorro

But now we are tired and hungry

"Look, Diego, these young men are not tired

You are young but you are always tired," says Don Alejandro.

"Yes, father, you are right

What are your principles?"

"Our principles are the same," says another.

"But who are you? Where do you live?" asks a young man.

"Yes, we are The Avengers," they all say.

They are Zorro's friends

They are traitors

We must put them in prison and kill them! They are dangerous."

The Governor answers, "They are Zorro's friends

They are traitors!"

They are honest people

"You are wrong, Don Diego

Zorro says, "We are here to rescue Don Pulido and his family

They are innocent

They are sitting near the fire.

"Zorro! Why are you here?" asks the Governor.

"You are here to die!" says Captain Ramon.

"They are traitors

They are your friends, Zorro! They help you

Your friends are my enemies,'' says the Governor.

"They are not traitors

They are not my friends," he says.

He accuses the Pulido family." Zorro looks at the Captain and says, "Captain, you are a liar but I am here to punish you

"You are a liar

Outside the Governor's home there are many soldiers

There are soldiers all around us."

They are free

The Governor says, "Now that you are free, show us your face!"