How to use "guests" in a sentence


One of the other guests was Mr Julius Slinkton

While guests and visitors ate and drank noisily, Cosette - now eight years old - sat in her usual place under the kitchen table

'No, you are my guests,' said de Winter

Here she had chosen her guests and written letters to her friends

The guests were coming out of dinner

After the relative quiet of Christmas week, an uninterrupted stream of guests was pouring through the front doors

Eighteen hundred guests had been invited - Las Vegas movers and shakers, plus high rollers from out of town

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

She typed in the code for the list of complimentary guests, and the machine responded at once.

Approximately two hundred guests danced or milled about behind the house, and another hundred partied within its twenty rooms.

Half of the guests were attorneys and their wives