How to use "guns" in a sentence


We jumped into the boat, leaving all our food and guns behind

They taught me how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, and move along the ground on my stomach.

'Take these with you,' the inspector went on, producing two small guns

When you think it's getting dangerous, shoot one of these guns

Marius opened a drawer and took out the two guns which Inspector Javert had lent him in February

Around the corner, he could see a row of soldiers aiming their guns down the rue de Chanvrerie, waiting for the order to fire.

Marius took Javert's guns from his pockets and shot the soldier dead.

Marius, who had thrown away his guns and was now without a weapon, began to move towards a barrel of gunpowder he had seen near the door of the wine shop

The survivors were reloading their guns in silence, when suddenly a loud voice called, 'Get out now, or I'll blow up the barricade!'

The barricade was stronger than it had been for the first assault, and the rebels were at their positions, guns loaded and ready for action

The rebels fired their guns but, when the smoke had cleared, they saw the soldiers, unharmed, steadily aiming the cannon at the barricade

As other guns began firing at the smaller barricade, the rebels fought back bravely, but they were running out of bullets

"Oh, and just to let you know, there are no bullets in any of our guns." Hastings starts to shout, but we do not listen

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

"These were your granddad's guns," he said to him in the kitchen

He puts the guns next to a tree and takes them out of the bags carefully, and, yes, there is the interest in the boy's eyes.

"Now, I'm going to load the guns, and then we can follow the path there into the forest

No James Bond cars with machine guns hidden behind the headlights

He wanted them to think that guns didn't scare him

I don't enjoy taking guns away from men half again as big as I am."

"Your guns are useless," he said

He told me that during the night the Martians had been surrounded by soldiers and that field-guns were expected.

Then came the sound of a gun and, almost immediately, other guns across the river, unseen because of the trees, began to fire

Their metal bodies shone in the sun as they moved forwards to the guns

When I lifted my head it was looking towards the guns that were still firing across the river

The guns fired again, but with no effect.

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

Machine guns are completely useless against them, and field-guns have been put out of action

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

Then trains carrying large guns and many soldiers passed through the station, moving towards Kingston

They could move quickly and strike with such power that even the biggest guns could not stand against them

Many field-guns, the report said, had been hidden around the country near Horsell Common, and especially between the Woking district and London

In other cases the shells had missed, and the guns had at once been destroyed by the Heat-Rays

The sound of guns continued from time to time and after midnight there seemed to be lightning in the south.

They moved forwards slowly and carefully towards Ripley and Weybridge, and so came in sight of the waiting guns

It was this howling and the firing of the guns at Ripley and Weybridge that we heard at Walton

The guns fired one ineffective shell each, then the soldiers ran away

The Martian, without using his Heat-Ray, walked calmly over their guns.

They aimed their guns well and fired at a distance of about one kilometer.

The guns were reloaded quickly

The other Martians used their Heat-Rays on the guns

The shells blew up, the trees all around the guns caught fire and only one or two of the men escaped.

A dozen signal lights went on as soon as they began to move, warning the waiting guns around Esher

And then the Martian closest to us raised his tube and fired it towards the guns, with a loud bang that made the ground shake

There had been no explosion, no answer from the guns

Far away to the north-east we heard the Martians calling to each other, but our guns were silent.

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

From there we could see the searchlights on Richmond Hill and Kingston Hill moving in the sky, and at about eleven the windows shook, and we heard the sound of the large guns that had been put in position there

They never gave the guns any chance against them

Wherever there was a possibility of guns being hidden, they fired a cylinder of Black Smoke at them, and where the guns could be seen they used the Heat-Ray.

There were shouts of fear, the guns suddenly left behind, men on the ground struggling to breathe, and the fast spreading of the dark smoke - a silent black cloud hiding its dead.

Farmers defended their animals and crops with guns in their hands

He would probably have stayed longer it the sound or guns had not begun at about that time in the south

The guns of the Thunder Child were heard going off one after another, and one shot hit the water close by the steamboat.

Then suddenly, out of the golden sunset, came the sound of guns and the sight of black shadows moving

But on the fourth or fifth night I heard a sound like heavy guns.

Then I heard a noise exactly like the sound of big guns

As soon as they've destroyed all our guns and ships and railways, they'll begin to catch us one by one, picking the best and keeping us in cages and things

In that case, the cylinder could be destroyed before it was cool enough for the Martians to come out, or they could be killed by guns as soon as the door opened