How to use "can" in a sentence


As I start cycling, I wonder how quickly I can get to the start of the trail.

I can now see the sign pointing to this end of the trail.

If these boulders move or fall, they can be dangerous.

I can't wait for adventure

I've stopped because I can hear voices

'We can finish the west canyon trail, go back to our truck and have a few beers.'

And I can't miss the paintings in the Great Gallery

I can see that the trail ahead becomes more difficult

After a sudden storm, canyons can quickly fill with water

In seconds, the water can throw you against the canyon walls and kill you

One thing is immediately clear: I can't go back.

Stuck between them, as far as I can see, are boulders of different sizes

I can think of three possible plans

'He's probably left already,' said Megan, 'but he can't be far away

Let's drive around and see if we can find him.'

Perhaps I can remove this large piece before I stop for the night

I hit the boulder as hard as I can and the piece of rock falls onto my trapped arm

I can now see some softer rock below

Now I can rest my knees instead of standing up all the time.

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

I can't do it

I can't free my hand

I can't lift the boulder

I can't amputate my arm

All I can do now is wait for someone to find me.

It looks funny and I can't help smiling.

I still can't sleep but at least I'm warmer.

What more can I do? No voice inside my head suggests anything useful

I can now only sit for a few minutes so I take smaller sips every hour.

I'll try to stay alive as long as I can, but I can't imagine living longer than one more day

I do everything I can to make it work

I feel like crying but I can't

I can't believe I've done this

I can see the bones in my arm through the hole

I have no idea how long anyone can survive on urine alone

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.

I promise myself that if I can escape from here back to the people, I will be kinder towards them.

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days

There is nothing else I can do to save myself.

How much longer can I survive? Death could come at any moment

I can't believe I'm still alive

Now I can only wait

I can't accept this

I've discovered that nothing I can do will help me escape

I pick up the black rock and hit it as hard as I can against the boulder

In the end, I can't

I can break my arm by using my own weight

I can't walk straight

I wonder if I can get back to the truck in time.

I am so weak and tired I can't imagine surviving that long

I still wonder if I can get back to my truck

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

The paintings are amazing but all I can think of is water

I want to stop and rest, but I can't

I walk as fast as I can

I can't believe it! It doesn't seem real

When I finish, I can see that Steve wants to ask me a lot of questions.

"My God! If a cannon can't kill this monster, what can?"

It can't turn around."

No man in your world can ever see these things

I can only say that I was very interested in this strange man

"Our escape? We are underwater! How can we escape?" "Not now

You, Mr Land, and Mr Conseil will stay in your rooms until I say you can leave."

"You can go, Professor."

"Not even the sharks can go there, Captain."

The pearls inside them can cost hundreds of dollars

'But we can go under it

We're close to Europe, and we can take the small boat to get to land

"What can we do?"

"We can take the ship up, then try to free the monster."

Ask him if we can leave."

"Captain, you can't expect us to stay on this ship for ever!"

"I can't hold it

'Please, madam, is this Australia or New Zealand?' No, I can't do that

'What's Dinah doing? Will they remember her milk tonight? Oh, Dinah! Why aren't you here with me? Perhaps there's a mouse here and you can eat it!'

'Why can't I get smaller?' thought Alice

'This is a very strange place - so perhaps I can.'

'Now I can go through that door,' she thought

'Perhaps I'll get bigger and then I can get the key

Then I can get under the door into the garden.'

'Goodbye, feet! Who will put your shoes on for you now? I can't do it! I'll give you some new shoes for Christmas

Oh! I can't remember! And she started to cry again.

'Now I can go into the garden!' thought Alice, and she started to run to the little door

Perhaps it can speak and understand me.'

'I can tell you,' said the Dodo,' but I won't

So everybody can have a chocolate.'

'What can you have?' he asked.

'I can have the box,' said Alice sadly.

She can catch a mouse in the morning for her breakfast and a little bird in the evening for her dinner - Oh! I'm sorry!'

'I can't do any more,' she thought

'Don't be stupid! How can it be an arm? It's too big!'

I can't get bigger!' So she ate the cake and two or three minutes later she was small again

'Why? I can change very easily.'

'I can't remember things, and my size changes all the time

'So you can't remember things,' said the Caterpillar

'I can't go inside, I'm too big,' Alice thought

'So Cheshire Cats can smile

'Here, you can have it now,' site said

'Please, can you help me? I want to go somewhere new,' said Alice.

'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat

When they saw Alice, they cried, 'No, no, you can't sit here! There isn't a place for you!'

So how can I have some more?'

'You can have more,' the Mad Hatter said

'You can have more than nothing.'

I can get through the little door into the garden.'

'Now I can talk to somebody.'

Alice said, 'A cat can look at a King

'How can I cut off its head?' asked the man with the knife

'I can't do it and I'm not going to.'

'It's got a head, so you can cut it off.'

'Then we can eat the tarts.'

'I can't remember,' the Mad Hatter said.

'You can go,' he said to the Mad Hatter.

'I can't do anything,' said Alice

'You can't get bigger here,' said the Mouse.

'Yes, I can,' said Alice

'Who can it be?' she wondered.

I can think things OK, but when I have to say them or write them down, sometimes they come out all wrong

You can't cook anything in that.'

'Gump! You can't go out there!' somebody shouted

During all of this, somebody shot me in the back of the leg, but I can't remember when it happened

You can come back and stay with us tonight.'

You can guess what I had to do, can't you? I had to throw away my medal with the other American soldiers

Later, we went back to Jenny's flat, and she said, 'You can stay here.'

'You can make a lot more money,' he told me.

'I can teach you.'

'I can't,' I said

'You can make a lot of money from chess,' he said

'It's all I can do.'

'Perhaps I can put things right with Jenny,' I thought, 'now that I've found her again.' But the more I thought about it, the more I finally understood that it was better for the boy to be with Jenny and her husband, and not to have an idiot for a father.

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality

We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities

We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by a sign stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given, will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded, for whatever cause - as cheerfully to one section as to another.

If the slave is to be surrendered, it can be of but little consequence to him or to others by which authority it is done

Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it - break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?

It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that Resolves and Ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances.

All profess to be content in the Union if all Constitutional rights can be maintained

Happily the human mind is so constituted that no party can reach to the audacity of doing this

Think if you can, of a single instance in which a plainly written provision of the Constitution has ever been denied

But no organic law can ever be framed with a provision specifically applicable to every question which may occur in practical administration

No foresight can anticipate, nor any document of reasonable length contain, express provisions for all possible questions

And while it is obviously possible that such decision may be erroneous in any given case, still the evil effect following it, being limited to that particular case, with the chance that it may be overruled and never become a precedent for other cases, can better be borne than could the evils of a different practice.

The fugitive-slave clause of the Constitution, and the law for the suppression of the foreign slave trade, are each as well enforced, perhaps, as any law can ever be in a community where the moral sense of the people imperfectly supports the law itself

Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.

Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL right of amending it, or their REVOLUTIONARY right to dismember or overthrow it.

The people themselves can do this also if they choose; but the executive, as such, has nothing to do with it

While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years.

Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time

If there be an object to HURRY any of you in hot haste to a step which you would never take DELIBERATELY, that object will be frustrated by taking time; but no good object can be frustrated by it.

You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors

Until we have wrung justice, and until we have wrung our self-respect from unwilling hands and from unwilling pens, there can be no cooperation

Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.

It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing great - greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our great natural resources.

Yes, the task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products, and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities

It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms

It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, the State, and the local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced

It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, unequal

It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms of transportation and of communications and other utilities that have a definitely public character

There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped by merely talking about it.

If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize, as we have never realized before, our interdependence on each other; that we cannot merely take, but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because without such discipline no progress can be made, no leadership becomes effective.

I can do no less.

Divided, there is little we can do - for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt, can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course - both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

I can see that, Mr Sampson, but I, too, have suffered a terrible loss recently

'Perhaps I can help,' I said

'But of course I can do that for him,'

I can give you news about him - I am Meltham!' he announced triumphantly.

'I must get some money or I can't sleep in my lodgings,' Annie said.

Although we do not know what time the killer arrived there, we know what his victim did and can follow her movements on the night of September 29-30th.

We can imagine her singing to herself as she walked along, a small woman, about 1.52m, and thin

Mr Lawende told the police later, 'I don't think I can recognise him again.'

John McCarthy said later, 'It looked more like the work of a devil than of a man.' And Mrs Prater, who looked through the window, said, 'I can never forget it if I live to be a hundred.'

An identikit picture of the man can be constructed from the descriptions by the few witnesses who possibly saw him

Finally, we can exclude the man with the bottle of beer who was seen with Mary at 11.45 p.m

Most of the hundreds of suspects can be eliminated

The letter was signed 'Catch me if you can

'What can I do for you, Monsieur?' he asked without looking up.

Then, seeing the visitors rough appearance, he added, 'If you can pay for it.'

'You can't stay here

'You can't eat here either,' the innkeeper interrupted

I can't serve people like you here.'

If you like, I can make arrangements now to get a lock put on the door

'You can keep your money,' the bishop replied.

So you can let him go at once.'

'I can't take her with me,' Fantine continued

'Now I can pay off all my debts and stay out of prison

'Then what can we say to her when she wakes up?' The nurse looked suddenly worried

And you can forget all that nonsense about your child.

'I can pay the price of a room,' the old man said.

'He dresses so poorly but can afford to buy the most expensive doll in Montfermeil!'

I can't afford to look after other people's children, too.'

How could I have thought such a thing? After speaking to him this evening, I can see that he doesn't look like the inspector at all.'

'He can't have escaped

If you ever find this man, I want you to help him in any way you can.

'I can feel her whole soul in it!' he told himself

'What can I do for you, Mademoiselle?' he asked.

'But as you can see, we are unfortunate in many ways

Is there anything that I can do?'

'Do you remember the little inn in Montfermeil eight years ago? You took away our Cosette, do you remember? Wearing that old yellow coat, pretending you were a tramp! Well, now you're going to learn that you can't make things right by just bringing a few hospital blankets! You're the cause of all my troubles

'You can't escape through the window

'Well, I can understand that

Forgive me for talking like this, I don't know what I'm saying - perhaps I'm annoying you? But the truth is, I can't live without you.'

'What else can I do?' she cried.

'How can I possibly do that?' he cried

'I can't hear you,' the old man said, looking annoyed

" That's what you think, isn't it? Well, my boy, you can do whatever you want

It's no use trying to move me, but I'll tell you how you can treat my wound better than any doctor

'I can't cheat you,' she said at last

But now we're both going to die, it doesn't matter, does it? I can't be jealous any more

You can give the letter to me

'How can we leave?' they protested

'You can wear these.' Enjolras pointed to the National Guard uniforms that had been taken off the dead soldiers.

'Now you can all leave,' he said.

'You can have your spy.'

'Then you can tie stones to the body and throw it in the river.'

After that, you can do whatever you want with me.'

I knew you were angry with me, and I thought, "What can I do to make him love me?" Then I thought, "I can give him Cosette." I wanted to invite her to see you, but the doctor warned me that you would probably get too excited

Then you can marry your Cosette and be happy.'

When can I see her?'

'You can see her tomorrow.'

'I can't believe it

Please Monsieur, if I can't see Cosette again, I'll have nothing left to live for

'You can come every evening,' said Marius

Oh well, I suppose we can relax.'

'And you can't refuse this time,' Cosette agreed, sitting on Jean Valjean's lap and kissing his forehead

I do not even know where this is because the fog is so thick that I can only see for a few metres in any direction.

I imagine I can see shapes and figures in the fog, and I want to run

"I just want Catherine," I say, but I can see the hate in the man's eyes, and I know that the only thing I can do now is run to the stone where I know she is tied and try to escape into the fog with her.

"Don't!" says the man, as if he can see my intention in my eyes, but I have to

For a moment more I run, and I can see the shape of the stone where Catherine is tied, and I fall to the floor in front of it

"Catherine," I say again, smiling, because she is all that matters, and I can rest now because I know that she is safe.

They are all focused on the road, and in the distance I can hear the music and the commentator, and I know that the race is starting soon.

It can't see us enter or leave."

I can see Robin's gun appear in his hand, and then I am inside too, and I pull the door shut.

"You can't be serious? A bank robbery?" And for a moment he looks surprised, but then he laughs

"Good Lord, you should leave now before the police get here, and maybe you can still escape," he laughs again, "but I doubt it."

Only Hastings can see now, but we stand behind him

I can see sweat on Hastings' face now, but it is on mine too

"No! I can't, I don't have that sort of money

I can't..

No one can trace it!"

"You think you can just walk out of here?" Robin laughs

Unfortunately, this, I can never tell you.

And he asks himself once more if he can do it.

And he knows that he can.

But can she still swim? He is not sure

"Can you pass me over the bag? Then you can come and sit here next to me," he says as casually as he can.

Just one push, and then he can shout for the attendant and pretend to help but really just watch the monster go down into the loch

Just one look back at the jetty to be sure no one can see, he thinks, and he turns his head.

You can call that stupid girl of yours 'Darling,' but not me

If he hears me, he can bring a boat out.

"But I can't understand a word you're saying."

"I see," he says, "maybe you can tell me your name first

I can get you a tea if you like," but she shakes her head and puts the bag at her feet

"Then maybe you can tell me why you're here," he suggests.

Sometimes he's so close that I think he can touch me, and other times he's far away, but I still know that he's there

"You work in Leeds, but you don't drive? I think your sports car can get you there a lot faster than the bus to Keighley and then the train to Leeds."

I turn on the lights, and I see nothing, but when I go to the window, I can see him in the field

Is she crazy or just terrified? "Miss Thornton, if this man enters your house, we can arrest him

"I'm sorry Miss Thornton, but there's very little that we can do

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

"What?" she says before he can open the door

"You mean," she continues, "that if I tell you his name, you can help me? You can stop this?" she says desperately.

"Do you promise? You can stop it?"

"I can't promise, luv, no

But I can try."

"I think you should tell me everything," he says, and he can see clearly now the guilt that fills her deep-green eyes

He cannot: not for someone who can do that

No, he cannot feel any sympathy for her, but maybe now she can find some rest

Maybe now she can forget the ghost of William Grey.

Gerry considers lying, but Big Jones can never find him here

They can chop you up into little pieces," says Darwin, and Gerry thinks about Big Jones and the old factory on the Thames.

Well, they can try!

"Well, you can't chop me into little pieces, can you?" he says to the crocodile.

"No," says a terrifyingly familiar voice, "but I can, Gerry

"How? Do you think you can steal from me and escape? Gerry, you know me better than that."

With a full belly you can sit and watch this all day."

You can get near to them

A guy's bag you can just walk away with

But you can't think about that, he tells himself.

Okay, you can do this, Jake tells himself.

From here Jake can see that he looks nervous.

And he begins to imagine Nick's face when he sees the bag, and he already begins to imagine the food that he can buy.

But can he get there before the man catches him?

Above the crowd he can see the NYPD camera on top of a tall post, and he pushes past the tourists to reach it

"Down here! Look down here!" but he has no idea if anyone can hear him

Just look at the view out there." And from the large glass windows they can see the majestic figure of the Statue of Liberty as the ship slowly moves away from the port of New York and heads into the deep of the ocean.

"No, I can't, I must find the captain: he promised to tell me all about the new people on board today; you know how I must know who I am sailing with." She looks at the men

"Oh, but can I trust you three to look after Eleanor? This is her first night, and her first cruise

"Oh, well, I suppose we can change the subject, but we are having a really interesting conversation."

"If they scare you, just scream, and I can rescue you."

"Oh, I think I can look after myself," responds Eleanor, and again Carolina thinks what a sweet, lovely thing she is

"Oh, we can't bore you with that

"See, Edward, we can continue to argue!" Michael jokes

And also a fire can look like an accident.

The icicle never can."

Only a small trace of it can be detected

They can't: they know it's too dangerous

He has at least ten minutes; no jury can make a decision in less than ten minutes.

And then I get his money, and you and I can get the hell out of this city and out of this country."

"Jesus," Nick says before he can stop himself, and the girl sees him and closes the mobile phone in her hand.

Why not? What can she do to him in here?

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

Maybe there is something we can do to make you forget this? Maybe you can take me for a drink." Then she smiles and takes his hand

So you can tell them what you want, but they can do nothing, and you are still here in Bristol, and so is my family

He understands, and she is right: there is nothing he can do.

But there is no time, and there is nothing he can do

He wants to say something, but without proof he has nothing, and the judge can do nothing.

And you can see your room now, though everything seems strange and different, and everything makes you feel more afraid.

You can imagine the street outside: twenty terraced houses stretching down the road

And you know that you can rest now: everything is okay

But can you do it? Can you hit someone? Can you hit a burglar?

And then you know that yes, you can do it if you need to

Someone who thinks they can enter your house in the middle of the night!

You quietly open it, just a little, just so you can see the dark landing.

Now you can hear the movement more easily

The door to the spare room is half open, and you can hear the sound of the wind outside

And then you can see his face, and you realise that he looks more afraid than you do, and he is stepping quickly backwards to the stairs

No, the only thing that is important is something that the church can offer him right now

The suitcase that can help him escape the country and live the rest of his life on a tropical island in the Bahamas.

He pulls the collar of his stolen coat up to cover his face, and he checks that no one can see the grey prison uniform that he is still wearing beneath it.

In the distance he can hear the siren of a gardai car in the city centre, but he is sure it is not for him

"Father?" he says, but there is no reply, and he can see no movement behind the grille that separates his small space from the other.

But after a few minutes he realises how tired he is, and he thinks that maybe he can close his eyes for a moment and even rest his head against the grille.

"Any man can listen," says the quiet voice.

"But can you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Maybe, but why, my son? I can only help you if you tell me why

No one can know."

there's something I need to get before I can go

Then I can get this..

and I can go

"I want to help you, and if you confess all your sins to me, then maybe I can

And this time the silence is heavy and tense, and Barry can hear the voices of the women as they leave the church

I can let you sleep here for a few days, and I can bring you some food."

I can go at night, dig up the concrete and get it, no problem."

I'm going to go close the church, then maybe I can find you that bit of food and some other clothes."

He can really taste the freedom now

"Now, son, I told you that any man can listen, didn't I?" it says

But you know, I think I can do that next time

Soon he can stop, find a quiet area off the road and push back the chair and sleep

So instead he just wants to get as far from the town called Needles as he can before the night comes.

He can forget about last night, about the girl

But he can get a new shirt, and the whiskey will help the pain.

"Dead? No, no it can't be her!"

If things get serious, then maybe he can manage if there is just one.

But before he can decide what, the cop is at the door, and Dan drops his cigarette.

If he can get the gun, then he can escape

If the cop asks to look in his bag, he can reach in, grab the bat and take a swing...

Maybe it can work.

He thinks that if he keeps running he can escape and find help; find the real police.

We tell them to tell the parents they can have the kid when they leave us the money

No one can get hurt."

You can't find work if you can't drive

Now, alone in the forest, he thinks he can hear the sound of feet in the snow behind him, and he tries to move faster.

And he pushes through the snow, and he thinks that maybe, if he can get to the sound, he can flee into the mountains and never come back.

I just know that if we ask them for a small amount, then they can pay

They can get twenty thousand from the bank at Banff

He can see nothing because of the trees, but he knows he is very near

"How? How can they know where we are?" said Greg

And he can't remember where Greg is.

The secretary outside the headmaster's room tells them they can enter, but Smith stops

The best thing a good detective can do is listen and observe

"Miss White is here to take notes and can give you some more details about Mr Fletcher."

Well, the problem is that we can't find one of our members of staff: Mr Fletcher."

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

"Politicians and doctors? They can't even dress themselves." And Smith puts the tie in his pocket.

We can also check one or two of the local pubs on the way back to the city."

I think he hits the boys sometimes, but I can't prove it."

I can teach you a few things I think, West." And Smith nods to the workmen.

"They're children, West: they can't even put a tie on

Owen looks back at the car and hopes that no one can see it from the main road

"I can't smell anything."

"And one day they can be yours if you want."

"Really? And I can shoot things: animals and things?"

"So what can we shoot?" Junior asks.

"At this time of year, we want to look for rabbits, Son, but if we can get a hare, even better."

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

Sure, he likes films and television and not sports, but maybe this can be their thing

Then maybe in a few years they can start to go for a pint like Owen and his father did.

"Now, I'm going to load the guns, and then we can follow the path there into the forest

Don't shoot unless I can clearly see that there is no one near the target

He thinks there is someone or something moving, and it is big: bigger than a rabbit or a hare, but he does not think it can be a person

Behind him he can hear Junior, who sounds like he is very scared.

But before he can do this, Junior, who does not know what is making the noise, remembers his dad's words:

Now, it's not a very nice story, and I can't promise you that there will be a very happy ending

I know it because I can read people, and I could see all this when I looked at Jimmy Lane.

You see, there are two things you can do with a talent like that

You can either play the game right: you play it straight

Or there's the other thing you can do.

You can cheat.

They all think they can win

They all think they can cheat and beat the casino."

Then he shouts as loud as he can

No one can hear you

But I can play cards

You can hit me, or you can try to scare me, but I never cheat!"

She can get it as she passes the restaurant, buy a bottle of wine from the local shop and be in bed by ten o'clock.

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

I'll move my bag so you can sleep."

She can see the stairs to the street, and she wants to walk to them, but she feels so weak

Her arm hurts, so she takes her jacket off, and in the mirror she can see a small drop of blood on her skin.

You can't live like that

The government uses most of the city's energy to build virtual simulations, so that people can experience beautiful places without actually going anywhere

"You can stay here if you want."

"They've developed these special pods that you can actually live in

"I've had a great time, and I can't wait to go swimming with dolphins."

But I don't know how he can afford something like that."

We can get what you paid for this back, I'm sure..."

You can earn a lot of money for it - a real salary, like your mom's."

"You're thinking of leaving me for two whole years and you can't see the problem?"

"Gran, I can't believe he's even considering it." Her eyes filled with tears

I'm sure he loves you, but you can't blame hint for thinking about the future

But of course it can't have come in from outside..

I can see that all those units and the extra money would be useful

A virtual world where we can see each other and talk and everything

We can think about it more clearly afterward."

"You can change over there." She handed them each a slippery, silvery suit and pointed them in the right direction.

"I don't think you can depend on that, Gran," she said

Hopefully we can still go up to the Real Space?"

Cham, I can't do it

I just can't

And I can't leave Gran and Mom and Apat." She hesitated

I know you've thought about it, and I can see you've decided the answer is no

"I'm counting the weeks until I can sign up," Niki told her

"You can see that, can't you?"

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

"Mom, why can't they just use people instead of replacing them with robots and nanobots all the time?" Suddenly, Sala felt more angry than upset

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

We think we can trust them, but we know that this letter could put you in danger

"But we can trust Cham!" protested Sala

"You can tell him, Sala

"We can't spread this news any further

But we can meet before? Outside, fifteen minutes early?"

Please can I?"

"You can see some of it," he said

"I'm sorry, but you can't come any further with us

You've reached the limit of what I can show you

"You can just stop people's ultranet connections? How? Who are you?"

"I can't tell you everything," said Wena cautiously

"But I can say we're a rebellion

"I can't tell you that."

"Well, he can't leave the pod for two years, can he?" Wena's eyes were calm, but hard, too

"Sala, I can't believe you took such a risk

It can't be real

why can't that be real?"

We can wait, can't we? If everything you say is true, we can do something about it then."

"Let's get Gran, then you can tell both of us."

But we don't know that what this woman says is true - and nothing can happen right now anyway."

We want to have them beside our beds, so we can think of you every night." Cham looked over at Sala apologetically

"Until we can all go."

Then when you get faster, you can try more difficult ones."

I can't injure myself, so I get up and try again

I can't believe how fresh the air is and the sky is just..." At last, he paused for a second.

"I can try to contact them again, if you like."

I'll just see what I can find."

I can just wait for Wena or Oban to appear.

"How can you be sure?"

"Maybe we can find an answer

If I find some, I can test them to see if they belong to someone in our family."

"It can't be that bad

"So what can we do?" Sala cried

"You can try to talk to him then."

If you come out of the pod, we can try and find it together

If you're in here, I'll know they can't reach you," he said

"I can't help it," he said

"So there's not much he can report."

"We can't let that happen!"

"But the problem is, they can test Cham to check if he's lying

"If we can find them again, that is

"Well, I can recommend it," said Cham, looking straight at Sala

If they can't surprise you, it's harder for them to control you.

'You can't sit here now,' he said

I have no family and there is nothing else I can do.'

'An empty house, even a very beautiful one, can be lonely,' de Winter said.

'You can take the book and look at it, if you like,' de Winter said

It can sometimes be like a terrible illness.

If you don't believe me, you can get out of the car now.'

'I can't understand you

I can't afford to leave her.'

Which do you prefer? You can take your choice.'

'You can't marry me,' I said at last

Everything can be arranged in a few days.'

Well, I can't stop you

He can't live in that empty house without Rebecca

He's marrying you because he can't go on living there alone.'

'It won't take long and then you can have your tea in peace.'

'You can't see the sea from here,' I said, turning to Mrs Danvers.

'No, not from this wing,' she answered, 'and you can't hear it either

I know I can leave the housekeeping to you

Of course, I can give orders for the fire in the library to be lit.'

'If you want to see the rooms in the west wing, I can show them to you at any time.'

I can swim too, when the weather is warmer.'

'I can see that you do

'You can smell the flowers already

'Pull at that string, can't you?' he said to me.

'Oh well, you are very young, aren't you? We can't all do everything

'I can't help being shy.'

'I know you can't, darling

'They can't find me very interesting,' I said

'How can I answer you?' he said

'Do you think she can see us now?' Mrs Danvers asked me

'You can tell Favell to keep away from Manderley

Mrs Danvers can help you

'I'm the host, so I can do as I like.'

'You can't come in.'

'No, no,' I said, 'you can't come in

Tell Maxim that he can't come in either

'Now, what can you wear?' Beatrice said

'I can't, I can't,' I answered.

Nothing can be changed now

He can't forget her

You can jump

I'm going back to the bay to see if I can do anything.'

'They want to see if they can get the ship off the rocks.'

'Maxim,' I asked him, 'can't we start again?'

'You can't understand me, can you?'

I can't tell you about those terrible years with Rebecca

"I can't stand any more." Rebecca looked at me and smiled.

There's nothing we can do.'

But I can't forget what this has done to you

'Aren't you Mrs de Winter? You can wait inside if you like.'

I can't understand why it sank that night.'

The past can't hurt us if we are together

But I can still make life unpleasant for you

'In what way can you make things dangerous?'

Come down as soon as you can

'You can't frighten me, Favell,' Maxim answered

'Shall I phone Colonel Julyan? You can tell your story to him.'

Could you come over to Manderley at once? No - I can't say anything over the phone

'Unless you can find someone who saw him do it.'

I think I can find someone who saw him.'

'I think Ben can go home now, don't you, Colonel Julyan?' Maxim said

I'm afraid you can't prove your story.'

'Mrs Danvers,' Colonel Julyan said quietly, 'can you think of any reason why Mrs de Winter killed herself?'

'We must be together as long as we can.'

You've been lucky, haven't you? You and your young wife can go back to Manderley now

'Favell can't do anything,' Colonel Julyan told us

But they can't do anything to us.'

We can be at Manderley by two o'clock.'

But it can't be, it's too early.'

'I can get hundreds of dollars for these!' he thinks.

you can't see Brad

But Brad, you can see Natalie, and you're waiting for her...'

'I can do that,' she thinks

'Mr Wakeman, please can I do some of my stunts?' asks Natalie

'I can give you twenty dollars to park the cars at my party tonight, Nathan,' he says

'I can drive really fast.'

'And you can call me Natalie.'

'It's OK, we can tell them everything later

'So, who can run the fastest?'

'I can't see them

'How can I get away from her?' he thinks.

Who can do her stunts?'

'She can do her stunts!'

To Tina, Stryker said, "But if it's flattery you need - and I'm sure you already get a lot of it, lovely as you are - no one in Vegas can flatter with more charm and style than Helen."

Get out as fast as you can.

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

He said, "How can Batman wear an armored rubber suit all the time and not have a chronic rash?"

"You can go straight from office work to scuba diving without changing clothes."

After a hard day of crime fighting, you can get stinking drunk and throw up on yourself, and it doesn't matter

But nearly all of that can be handled out of my office

"We can stop in here and watch the first few numbers in Magyck! And then go to the restaurant."

"If I can actually do it, I'll be proud of me."

"Your ad in the Yellow Pages says you can have a man here to change my locks in one hour."

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

"I can't hear myself think."

He's been drinking pretty regularly, but he's so deep in a trance that he can completely ignore the call of nature until - bingo! - He has a bladder spasm

He can't relieve himself, and he has to be taken to the hospital and catheterized."

"I still don't see any place where we can talk privately," Tina said.

I'll get a cone, and then we can go outside, walk around the parking lot

And when all of a sudden someone does hit it big, especially on a slot machine where it can happen in a flash, they're so surprised they pass out

They can't believe it

We can have it again if we really want to try for it."

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

Now that you've proved whatever you needed to prove, you can relax."

"We can do it, Tina

It can be good again

But we can take care of two easily enough, and maybe we'll get lucky and have one boy and one girl

Then we can-"

I can't believe you said that! It wasn't a fling

And I certainly can be more than just your trinket and your housekeeper."

Why on earth would I? What do you have to give me that I can't get elsewhere? You've never been much of a giver anyway, Michael

"You can't blame yourself for that

The bus opened like a tin can and rolled another hundred feet into the trees.

I can pour anything straight or over ice, but I can't even mix vodka and orange juice properly."

and it's apparently a personal loss to him, so it can hardly be a stranger."

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

that alone will require a lot more manpower than the police can spare for anything except a murder case, a hot kidnapping, or maybe a narcotics investigation."

But I can't

And I'm positive it can't be a stranger, which rules out most of the world."

Apparently, when a child dies, one of the worst things a parent can do is refuse to look at the body while it's lying in a casket

Tomorrow's a holiday, so we can't get anything done officially until Friday."

We respect each other, and I'm sure he'll do something for me if he can

"Well, let's see if I can actually pull it off."

"You can

Besides, you can help by doing the drudgery, like cleaning the vegetables and chopping the onions."

"You can drive it

Maybe you can tell me..."

I can't take a whole lot of credit for that

"If it doesn't work out, we can always jump in the car and go to McDonald's for a hamburger."

"You really can cook."

"Before the father can get a restraining order from another judge," Kennebeck said.

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

You understand what I'm saying - the less a guy knows, the less he can be nailed for later

So will you cool it? Just come over here, sit down, let me inject you, give us a few answers, and we can all get on with our lives

We can't just stand here forever."

"So how can an agency that doesn't exist go to court for a subpoena? Get serious, Mr

"How can I be sure?"

"Hell, you won't be able to tell them who we were or where they can start looking for us

And if they do pick up our trail somehow, we can put pressure on them to drop it fast

But you never can tell

"You can bet on it

But we ought to lie low until we can figure this out."

"I can't figure why they'd come for me first."

"You can't save it now."

"He can't catch up with us," Elliot said

"The best he can hope to do is avoid losing more ground."

The only thing I do know is they can't let us just walk away."

Grinning broadly now, Tom said, "Well, you can look at it that way if you want

Or you can think of it as an important lesson this here Fitzpatrick fella taught you."

There's bound to be a lot we can learn from him."

"I'd sure like to interrogate Vince, but we can't

We can hide from them for a long time if we have to

If they can't find us, they can't kill us."

"Why can't we?"

"The cops might be a part of it, at least to the extent that Vince's bosses can put pressure on them

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

If you're looking for a freelance hit man, someone who deals in carload lots of illegal weapons, maybe a mercenary who can put together a small expeditionary force for an overseas operation - you can find all of them here

"But that's hopeless! How can we?"

Maybe we'll come up with someone who can help us."

I'm pretty sure we can find a reporter who'll go with that much and write a story about how a bunch of nameless, faceless people want to keep us from reopening Danny's grave, how maybe something truly strange lies at the bottom of the Sierra tragedy

And now, just when I'm beginning to think I can face up to it and put it behind me, I discover he might not have died accidentally after all

"I can't make it out."

It can't be coincidence."

as if something I can't see is standing right beside me

I can feel the weight of it, a pressure in the air..

If they're waiting, watching - we'll be dead before we can tell a reporter more than a sentence or two

Ideally, I'd even like to be able to hand the reporter a neat theory about what really happened to those scouts, something sensational that he can hook his story onto."

I can't see what else would have brought an organization like Vince's so deeply into this

"I just can't believe the government would murder a group of little children just because they accidentally got a glimpse of a new weapon or something."

But it's the kind of theory that almost any smart, ambitious reporter will go for in a big, big way - if we can come up with enough facts that appear to support it."

"But we can't reopen the grave ourselves," Tina said

"We can't sneak into the graveyard in the middle of the night, move a ton of earth with shovels

So if we can't examine the body, we'll have to do the next best thing

There might be a lot he can tell us

No, it can't be done long-distance

If we know the truth, we can use it to save ourselves

"If we can use the Cessna, how soon would we get to Reno?"

I think it would be wise for us to stay up there for a couple of days, even after we've talked to Bellicosti, until we can figure a way out of this mess

And one thing on which you can bet

Oh, hell, I can't really explain it

I don't know how long they think they can keep him bottled up like this

He certainly wasn't old enough to remember all the cards that were dealt and calculate his chances from that, like some of the very best players can do

He can't handle a deck well enough to stack it while he's shuffling

"As far as I can see, you haven't shot one hole in it yet

"I can't think of a better explanation, but I'm not ready to accept yours

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

And he can influence dreams to some extent

He can't transmit detailed thoughts

He can't send 'concise mental messages' because he doesn't have that much power or control

So he has to try to reach me as best he can."

"I can't

Damn it, I can't," he said, sounding like a priest whose faith had been deeply shaken

"Still think you can shoot my theory full of holes?" she asked.

"I still can't believe you're right

I can't bring myself to accept this psychic crap

"I'll do what I can to see it isn't."

"But there isn't much I can do

He reached into a pocket of his leisure suit and took out a tiny aerosol can that was only slightly larger than one of those spray-style breath fresheners, small enough to be concealed in Bruckster's hand.

"I can't help feeling guilty about involving you."

"You can cook."

I'll call the night manager at the airport down there, pretend to be FBI, see what he can tell me."

Look, they can't be going up to the mountains, because they don't know where the laboratories are

They figure there's something wrong with the little boy's body, something odd that we can't afford to let them see

They'd exhume it illegally if they could, but they can't get near the cemetery with us watching it

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

"We can call the rental agencies at the Reno airport."

The hacker geeks in computer operations can probably access all the rental agencies' data files long distance."

Then you can follow him without being seen, at your leisure."

"I think I can find it without any trouble

Hear me if you can, baby

We've got a gauntlet to run before we can find him and bring him back

"That can't be good for the boy."

"What the devil is wrong with the engineers? Why can't they correct the problem?"

"Surely you can't mean that," Zachariah said

"You can't blame me because the work is dirty

"They can't be waiting for us, can they? They don't know we're in Reno."

We can't get away on foot."

"But they can't follow us now," she said.

They can watch our progress on that, even if they can't get their hands on us till another chase car catches up

"We can't work it out tonight," he said wearily

The best decision we can make is to make no decisions at all

"You think you can actually sleep?"

"I can see it now

We can't just charge in like the cavalry

"The two of us can't fight the entire organization that's behind Kennebeck plus the staff of some secret military research center."

how can he help us? How can he guarantee our safety?"

"Maybe if we can get a map and spread it out..

He can't get away with that

I'm hoping Danny can do it."

I'll hold the pen against the map, and maybe Danny can draw the route for us."

I can't help stiffening a little

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that

If you can get hold of Billy, he can hypnotize me

I can get through to him that way."

More than you can imagine."

"We can do it

Do you know how to use snowshoes? It can't be that hard."

We might get to this place and find we can't slip around its defenses."

I can't explain that part of it

Tina said, "Elliot, what happens if we stay here, hiding out until we can think of an alternative? How much time do we have? Not much

We don't want to walk at all if we can help it

You can do that sort of thing as long as they know for sure you're capable of paying the entire bill when it comes due a month later."

"But I guess we can try."

Billy said, "You can borrow the Explorer

You can at least tell me a little of it

"We can still turn back," Tina said.

"What if Danny didn't have anything to do with it? They might just be letting us in so they can trap us inside."

Even if they locate the main gate, they can't get any farther than that

They can't get close to it, let alone inside."

"They can get inside easily enough if they have a friend in there."

No storm can knock out all communications

We'll meet him at the airport as soon as we can get there."

"And if he can jam a submachine gun, why couldn't he interfere with a closed-circuit television transmission?"

"Let's see if we can get inside."

"Let's make this as easy as we can."

"We can't just go around jerking open doors."

Lock it if you can

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

"How can you be here?" Zachariah asked

"You can't

You can't possibly be here."

"You can't do that!"

"Well, if you don't think I can, just sit back and listen

Zachariah, so we can listen to Dr

Ignoring Hensen, Alexander said, "Morgan, goddamn you, I know you can do it."

But I think maybe I can

"Then I can tell you how he came to be here."

For almost two months, they've been reinfecting his body over and over again, letting the virus wear him down, trying to discover how many times he can lick it before it finally licks him

It's like strep throat or the common cold or like cancer, because you can get it again and again..

"I can't believe what I just heard."

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people

No other living creature can carry it

And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can't survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can't permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can

For one thing, you can become an infectious carrier only four hours after coming into contact with the virus

"As far as we can determine, it's not a tumor

But we've checked our data a hundred times, and we can't find anything wrong with that diagnosis

Take him to a dozen specialists until someone can tell you what's wrong with him

And for God's sake, splash it all over the newspapers as fast as you can

He can't walk

If I can make them think that Zachariah was the one who spilled the secrets to you, if I can protect my position here, maybe I'll be promoted and have more influence." He smiled

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting

'Who can this be?' I asked.

I hope you can enjoy it, but if not, give it to your worst enemy

Sherlock Holmes is a very clever detective, but he can do nothing about the weather

'But Francois...! I can't explain all that over the telephone

'Under the steam hammer! Please come quickly, Francois! I can't bear it much longer!'

'How can we raise the hammer, Monsieur Delambre?'

'My dear Commissaire, how can there be any doubt?'

'I can understand that,' I said.

I can make no promises until I know everything.'

I promised Andre that fly would be destroyed, and I can say nothing until it is.'

'Then I can protect your boy.'

But if you don't, there'll be nothing more I can do, because Commissaire Charas will have the fly.'

'Now you can take off your glasses, Helene,' Andre said.

'If this little animal is still alive and well in a month, we can then consider the experiment a success.'

Helene, first of all I rely on you to be brave, because you alone can help me

'My dear, you can rely on me,' I said gently

Women know things that can't be explained by reason; this kind of knowledge is rarely understood by men

It can't be far away

Now, can't you let me see your face, Andre? I won't be afraid.'

I must destroy myself in such a way that nobody can possibly know what has happened to me

I have thought of a way which is neither simple nor easy, but you can and will help me.

Nothing can ever make me forget that dreadful white hairy head with its two pointed ears

You can see that there is only one solution

You can, of course, guess the rest

You know the rest and can now do whatever you think right.

"I can put it in a bag for you," the woman says.

"I can wear it

"What can I do with it?"

"I can't find my hat, Natalie," he says.

"I can buy you a new hat, Bernardo," Natalie says

"I can get some flowers for it."

"This is a lucky hat! We can eat at the cafe today

"I can wear this hat." The taxi arrives at Los Angeles airport.

'He's coming here tomorrow evening so we can do it together

'I can't understand why.'

'If there is anything I can do...' I said.

No, I don't think anyone can help me.'

He has dark hair, his eyes are bright blue, and he can tell a good story

I will do everything I can to help her.'

'Well, he can't have stayed more than two minutes.'

'I can't be sure until we get the bullet out

'When that bossy little man wants me, you can send him over to the surgery

'It can't be true,' Griselda said

'I can't believe it, even now,' Griselda interrupted

'I'm afraid you can't get it now,' I said

'It was something very different, but I can't say more just now.'

I can't believe he is a murderer.'

'Please can you come with me, Vicar,' he said

'In fact I was in my garden from five o'clock onwards yesterday and from there, well, I can see everything that is happening next door.'

'Well, can you think of anyone else?'

I can think of at least seven people who might be very happy to have Colonel Protheroe dead.'

And, Mrs Clement, you are the only person in the village I can talk to, except a lot of old women.'

'Yes, you can go.' She left the room, and I turned to Griselda

So while Mary can't cook we're safe, because nobody else would want her

You can think of them yourself, I am sure.'

'I can't

But I can't think of anyone else.'

And yet at twenty past six he sits down and says he "can't wait any longer".'

'Then can you tell us where the vicar was in the room?' asked Inspector Slack.

'Then - can I go?'

'No, you can't,' I said

'Well, have you anything you can tell us about it?' Melchett asked.

'I can't remember.'

'But can you tell me exactly what was said?'

'We'll see what we can find out for you.'

'What can I do for you, Inspector?'

If your maid is in, she can say you are not at home

'I can't remember it very well,' said Lawrence

Perhaps, Mr Redding, you can find out

Anyone can walk in

'But, of course, she can't have telephoned Mrs Price Ridley and shot Colonel Protheroe at exactly the same time,' he continued

For some reason she can't leave her house

'But you can never be sure they will be on time

I can imagine that Lawrence must have looked very attractive, with his blue eyes shining.

'So can you tell me anything about the lady who called to see Colonel Protheroe the night before he died.'

But something in me said, 'It can't be her!' Why? And then something else replied, 'Because she's a very attractive woman

Old Hall goes to me, but Lettice can choose enough furniture for a small house, and she will have enough money to buy one.'

'Mrs Protheroe, can you tell me if the contents of Old Hall were ever valued?'

'So he can't have done it.'

'How can you possibly know?'

'I'm not sure that I can save him, Melchett.'

'Well, anyway, there is nothing you can do,' Melchett said

That's why I am so glad Mr Hawes is safe in hospital where no one can reach him

'But I don't believe you can prove any of it.'

But here is Dr Haydock, so we can ask him.'

It's coming into your life, too! And you can't call me a dear child any more when we have a real child of our own

And looking across space, with instruments and minds more powerful than we can dream of, they see, at a distance of only 56,000,000 kilometres, a morning star of hope - our own warmer planet with its green land and grey seas, its cloudy atmosphere and its growing population.

'We have to try not to kill them,' he said, 'if it can possibly be avoided.'

'We can't stay here,' I said, and as I spoke the firing started again for a moment on the common.

'But where can we go?' said my wife in terror.

How can I describe this Thing that I saw? It was an enormous tripod, higher than many houses, stepping over the young trees

'What can we do?' he asked

What does it all mean? The Martians can't get out of their pit, can they?'

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

You can imagine, too, how they watched as the blackness rose into the sky

You can understand the wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world at dawn on Monday morning

You can't possibly move without making a noise, and I think they are outside.'

People who have never seen these things can hardly understand how alive they looked.

But no human being saw as much of them as I did and lived to tell the story, and I can say that I have seen four, five or six of them slowly performing the most difficult work without sound or any other signal

Nobody saw me kill him, but I have described it here and the reader can make a judgement.

There's nothing we can do

But men like me are going to go on living - so human beings can continue

But not all of us can live like animals, and that's how we'll have to live

'Well, we have to invent a life where people can live and have children, and be safe enough to bring the children up

And we can dig passages between the drains and buildings

We can't have any weak or silly ones

We must make great safe places deep underground, and get all the books we can; not novels and poetry, but ideas, science books

'Oh, one can't always work,' he said, and in a flash I understood the man clearly.

I can only regret now, as I finish my story, how little I can help with the many questions which are still unanswered

We can never know what unseen good or evil might come to us suddenly out of space

If the Martians can reach Venus, there is no reason to think that this is impossible for us

So when the slow cooling of the sun means that we cannot continue to live on Earth, it may be that life which began here can reach out and continue there.

This money was invested, and she can live very well with the income from it

'Now we can do nothing except wait for Mr Munro to call us, and then we will see if my theory is correct.'

'We can talk it over more comfortably at home,' he said

You can't even find a newspaper! If you want a rest and a change, then the best place is the sea.'

On Saturday you can finally drink a few teaspoons of tea

On Sunday you can walk again and eat some food

If I see a rat, you won't stop the boat so I can run after it

'I can imagine it all!' I said

I know a place around the corner here, where you can get some good whisky

You'll feel better soon.' Harris always knows where you can find a good whisky.

'What?' he shouts, 'I can't hear you.'

Aunt Podger asked, 'Where can we put this picture?'

'With a small boat, we can carry only necessary things

We can put a canvas cover I over the boat at night

For lunch, we can take biscuits, cold meat, and fruit - but no cheese

'For dinner, we can take meat pies, fruit pies, tomatoes and green vegetables

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

You can never escape from that woman

After a long time, we heard George shout, 'We can't breathe under here! Why don't you help us, you idiot!'

'You donkey! I Why can't you be careful with things? Why don't you go and get dressed on the river bank? People like you don't know how to live on a boat!'

'Now you can start,' we said.

The adult world can be a cruel place.

'Ah, I can't wait!' I said.

'But we can't drink the river!'

'No, but you can drink some of it,' said the lock-keeper

We can put everything into one big pan.'

'You two can peel the potatoes.'

You can put anything in a stew.'

Do you think I can't count?'

Harris said, 'George, you and J can row

You and George row, so that I can rest.'

I can sit and look at it for hours

You can't give me too much work

You can see many fish swim past, but you can't catch them.

When you go for a walk by the river, you can see hundreds of fish

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

'With this weather, we can have dinner and take a walk in the rain

Or, we can have dinner and spend an hour in a pub,' I said.

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

Would it really be so dangerous? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives

The driver can drop her under the neem trees in the morning and pick her up from there in the evening..

'But what? It's my fault - is that what you're saying? I didn't do well enough in the exams, so I can't be a teacher

'Little sister, you and I can be truthful with one another

I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little

I'm sure I can love several men at the same time.' 'Mercy!'

What use is a sister, if you can't have a talk with her? And what would their parents say if they were alive? They were good church-goers

A car like the ones she has seen in films, with tyres that can do everything..

He may be able to speak to someone in your government office so that after the baby is born you can keep your job there.'

I feel free already and I can't wait to get out and enjoy it.'

I can't sit and see her life going wrong without feeling it

'If I were you, I would stop worrying because it seems Mercy can take care of herself quite well,' said James.

'I can't say his name; it upsets me too much! Tell me the names of the aristocrats you know.'

'I can't talk about it,' she said.

You see, Mr Hartright, she's the perfect student: she can't wait to begin her studies.'

A drawing teacher must spend his life in the company of beautiful women who can never be his

But it can't be the same man! I must be going mad! Ever since I saw the similarity between Miss Fairlie and the woman in white, I've connected them in my mind

I'm not surprised that it made you worry, but I can explain everything.'

He said that if you want to break your engagement, you can.'

'I can never break my engagement,' said Laura

But I can tell him that I love someone else

And her husband? What can I say of Count Fosco? He has certainly tamed his wife, and he looks like a man who could tame a tiger

'I can't sign it unless I've read it

I can't be a witness unless Laura understands what she's signing.'

'Yes, I suppose it can.'

'I can tell you everything now, Marian,' she said

When we speak of your husband's secret, we must be in a safe place, where no one can hear us.

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

I can't stay in a house where women are treated like this.'

I hope you can both forgive her.'

Our dearest friend Walter is in Central America, where no letter can reach him

I've tried to find her, but I can't.'

'I can't work here anymore

'We must bring them to justice! We must give Laura back her true identity! Mr Kyrle says we can't prove that she is Lady Glyde, so we must force one of them to confess it

Then I can use the secret to force Sir Percival to tell the truth about Laura.'

'I can't tell you, but it's true,' I said

'Please can I see the register of marriages in this church for the years just before 1804?' I asked.

'Well, I suppose you can

Please help me if you can

Now I'm older, I want to leave the Brotherhood, but I can't

One thing is clear: he looked afraid when he saw me, so he has probably betrayed the Brotherhood; he probably thinks I'm following him so that I can kill him

It may be the most important topic, because women can only be equal to men if they have an equal education.

Any woman who has the vote, and can read and write, can say thank you to Mary Wollstonecraft.

As Malala has said, "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world."

In most countries, they can now vote

Women from all over the world can write to the website about the things that happen to them.

Because the Nobel Prize can only be shared between three living scientists, Rosalind's work was not spoken about when the prize was given to James, Francis and Maurice

Who is he? Where is he from? He wears a black mask and no one can see his face

"No one can stop him

One of my servants can bring me your answer tomorrow."

"But why can't you come tomorrow?" asks Lolita.

I can stay here and read."

What can I do?" asks Don Diego.

You can put your swords and pistols near the door," says Don Alejandro

"Come with me and we can fight together! We can make California a better place to live," says Zorro.

"I can't tell you

"What a good idea! My soldiers can arrest them today," says the Captain.

"Yes, I can protect her," says Friar Felipe

"My son, Don Diego! I can't believe it!" exclaims Don Alejandro.