How to use "handkerchief" in a sentence


Mr Slinkton took out his handkerchief and dried his face

She had a comb, a white handkerchief, and a broken piece of looking-glass

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

He wore a grey cap with a peak, a red handkerchief around his neck, and had the appearance of a sailor

One evening, he found a handkerchief lying on the bench which M

It was a plain, white handkerchief with the initials U.F

He kissed the handkerchief, breathed in its perfume, wore it next to his heart by day and kept it under his pillow at night.

In fact, the handkerchief belonged to M

He never appeared in the Luxembourg Gardens without the handkerchief pressed to his lips or his heart

Bending down, he took a handkerchief from his pocket, wet it in the river and bathed Marius's blood-stained forehead

Then he gave me his handkerchief

He picked up a handkerchief.

I put the handkerchief in my pocket and walked slowly across the hall to the library

I gave Jasper a piece of cake and took out the handkerchief to wipe my hands

The handkerchief was not mine

She had left the handkerchief in the pocket

The scent on the handkerchief was the scent of the flowers in the Happy Valley

Elliot worked a wadded handkerchief into Dombey's mouth.

I lay there unconscious for a long time, the curate told me, and when I woke up he was wiping my face with a wet handkerchief.

The other wants her handkerchief

I opened it and found Madame Fosco there, holding my handkerchief

'I'm afraid that when you so kindly brought my handkerchief to me you probably heard Laura say something very offensive