How to use "happen" in a sentence


From this point, everything seems to happen very slowly

'What's going to happen next?' she wondered.

'I know something interesting will happen,' she thought

'What will happen to me?' She waited for some time, but she didn't get bigger

'But it will happen

How did it happen? I'm not sure

'I knew this would happen, Forrest,' he said

He looked up at me, and said, 'Forrest, why did this happen?' What could I say? Then he said, 'Play me a song on the harmonica, will you?'

How did it happen? I don't know

The others were talking about something that would happen the next day

Why do things like that always happen to me?

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

She was worried about what would happen to her uncle when she died

Everybody in the town agrees that something terrible will happen tonight

'We mustn't let that happen again,' Enjolras said

Surely, this wasn't really going to happen? But there was nothing she could do

But we don't know that what this woman says is true - and nothing can happen right now anyway."

for something to happen.

This is our future, isn't it? There's no point in sitting back, just waiting for it to happen."

"We can't let that happen!"

She had known what would happen.

'I was afraid something like that would happen,' Frank said at last.

She had planned all this to happen

'You wanted this to happen, didn't you? Are you pleased now? Are you happy?'

'I always knew this would happen,' Maxim said

She knew this would happen

Someone had seen it all happen - someone who was often down there in the bay - Ben.

But she wasn't going to allow such a thing to happen to her

And when all of a sudden someone does hit it big, especially on a slot machine where it can happen in a flash, they're so surprised they pass out

"When did this happen?"

She wanted to see what would happen next if no one interfered with the presence that had taken control of the jukebox

You couldn't have known what would happen after I talked to Kennebeck."

"Well," Elliot said, "I happen to believe that individuals are more apt to act responsibly and morally than institutions ever do, which at least puts us on the side of justice

Now what? You don't happen to have a key card, do you?"

'And I want you to be the first to see it happen.'

Hurst asked Dr Haydock, 'When, in your opinion, did the death happen?'

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

'I think you made this happen

He has seen things happen along these beaches

Women from all over the world can write to the website about the things that happen to them.

But we must remember that it almost did not happen! In 1903, the French Academy of Sciences wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee