How to use "music" in a sentence


The music is perfect for the way I feel: lucky, free and happy

"The sea, Professor, and music make me feel very peaceful."

As I walked through the museum to the stairs, I heard music coming from Captain Nemo's library

I went back to my room, but I heard music from somewhere upstairs

'I'm taking lessons in music, and I want to be a singer,' she told me

The music sounded like a plane that was taking off! But the students loved it.

I could hear the music that was playing inside and, after a minute or two, I began playing with it

Cosette sat down and began to read, enjoying the music of the language and the beauty of the handwriting

Jean Valjean listened as she described the view from the room that would be his, the beauty of the garden, the singing of the birds, but he was listening more to the music of her voice than to the meaning of her words

They are all focused on the road, and in the distance I can hear the music and the commentator, and I know that the race is starting soon.

Remember the music, Marian," Robin says.

The music is so loud, and the bank, so hot

And for a few seconds there is only the sound of Beethoven as the music begins to reach its molto allegro.

Then the music stops.

The sounds never stop: the horns of the big yellow taxis, the music from the bars and the restaurants

The band in the corner is playing soft classical music.

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

Real music.

"He doesn't like our new music teacher, Mr Cliff

"I'm the music teacher, Mr Cliff."

"What? But I want to listen to my music."

Vegas, wow! What a city! The lights, the music, the atmosphere.

Just listen to the music, she tells herself

They watched their favorite story-streams, and listened to their favorite music

I was not troubled by the sea's unhappy music.

'And there was dancing, and music and flowers everywhere.'

Scraps of music, split-second flashes of disc jockeys' chatter, single words from different somber-voiced newscasters, and fragments of commercial jingles blended in a cacophonous jumble of meaningless sound

The digital display began to sequence up the band once more, and scraps of music blasted from the speakers.

Snippets of music and shards of voices crackled in an eerie audio-montage that echoed and re-echoed off the walls of the frigid room.

A five-piece band hammered out wildly amplified pop music from the small stage in the open cocktail lounge beyond and slightly above the slot machines

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

They sat side by side on the sofa in front of the fireplace, watching the flames and the occasional bursts of orange sparks, listening to music, and talking, talking, talking

The jukebox played a country tune by Garth Brooks, and the music shared the air with the delicious aromas of fried eggs, bacon, and sausages

They listened to the country music on the jukebox and watched Charleston Boulevard through the window, where the desert dust storm clouded oncoming headlights and forced the traffic to move slowly

Split-second blasts of music, commercials, and disc jockeys' voices blared senselessly out of the speakers.

Even at 1:45 in the morning, as they passed the entrances to casinos, loud music and laughter and the ringing of slot machines gushed forth, not a merry sound at that hour, a regurgitant noise.

Coming home, a group of party-goers from Chertsey passed us, singing and playing music

'There won't be anything important for a million years or more - no music, no art and no nice little visits to restaurants

At that time, girls from richer families only learned music, drawing, and maybe a little French and Italian

They said, "People cannot have a television or play music." In January 2008, the Taliban said, "Girls cannot go to school."

You like music and poetry