How to use "happened" in a sentence


I describe all that has happened in the last two days

He asks me what happened in the canyon and I begin telling my story

He wants to know what happened in the canyon

We filmed the place where the accident happened

And then, it happened...

But what happened to the ship?"

"May I ask what happened?"

The same thing happened after the death of one of his men

I do not know what happened to Captain Nemo and the Nautilus

But nothing happened - she stayed the same size

'What happened to the baby?' it asked.

Then something happened which was not so good.

The only other important thing that happened to me at the university was the Big Game at the Orange Bowl in Miami that year

'What happened to Jenny Curran?' I asked.

During all of this, somebody shot me in the back of the leg, but I can't remember when it happened

When we got there, he bought me a beer, and he was telling me about the President and my medal when something happened

As it happened, I didn't stay in prison long, because they soon realized that I was an idiot, and they put me in a special hospital for idiots

'I don't know what happened to Jenny

'What happened to him?' she asked.

It is only twelve minutes' walk from Berner Street to Mitre Square, where the second murder happened

It happened in Castle Alley, close behind Hutchinson's home

He tried another inn, but the same thing happened

'But I saw what happened in the street just now,' M

Champmathieu went home in a state of total confusion, thinking all men mad and understanding nothing of what had happened.

When he returned, one summer morning six months later, he saw the same couple sitting on the same bench, but something amazing had happened

Something had happened at the far end of the Gardens

When this happened, Marius did not stay in the Gardens, which was another mistake.

He spent the next two nights walking around the garden, checking the gate, listening for noises, but nothing unusual happened.

It's a long time ago, but do you remember the day when you first looked at me - in the Luxembourg Gardens? And the day you walked past me? Those things happened nearly a year ago

For a moment, nothing happened

Night fell, but nothing happened

But this was the worst thing that had ever happened to him - someone was threatening to rob him of the only person he loved!

If he kept the letter in his pocket, Cosette would never know what had happened to the other man, and life with her would continue the same as before

Marius, meanwhile, tried to make sense of what had happened to him

The skin is raw, and he tries to remember exactly what happened last night, but he cannot

What did he do last night? He tries to remember, he tries to remember exactly what happened

He remembers that afterwards they were in the hotel room kissing, but then something happened, and she laughed

He tries to remember exactly what happened

"Cham, has something happened?"

They find problems even before they've happened, and fix them."

"What's happened?"

She had lost sight of the woman - where had she gone? She tried to message Cham, but nothing happened

Sala half-wanted to rush home to tell Gran and Mom what had happened, but she didn't want to lose any of her remaining time with Cham

"Sala! What happened to you?" He wrapped his arms around her

Something had happened to Cham

She wasn't even sure if his family would give them time alone together - but she'd have to make sure it happened

If he hadn't been so generous, buying her that pod experience, none of this would have happened.

'What's happened to your friend?' de Winter asked me

Something happened a year ago that changed my whole life

I want to forget everything that happened to me before that time

The same things happened at the same time every day

As I took an egg and some coffee, I wondered what happened to the food that was left

I did not know what had happened down in the bay

What happened to it? Was it the boat Rebecca was sailing when she died?'

She had heard what had happened

Don't tell anyone what has happened.'

'It has happened

'What has happened?'

Nothing else happened

Something has happened

I knew what had happened as soon as they came back

We are the only two people who know what happened that night, Maxim.'

Nothing happened

'Accidents have happened before,' the Coroner said

What do you think really happened to Mrs de Winter?' Favell looked at Maxim.

What happened then?'

Whatever happened to us, life at Manderley would go on

If Magyck! Was a hit and packed the showroom for four or five years, as sometimes happened with successful Vegas shows, she'd be a multimillionaire by the end of the run

Neddler, the cleaning lady who came in twice a week, to vacuum and dust his unused bedroom as if nothing had happened to him

Vivienne had no logical explanation for what had happened, but she knew one thing for sure: She wasn't going to tell anyone what she had seen here tonight

He truly seemed unaware of what had happened at the house

"Tina? What's happened?"

"Did she tell you how it happened?"

"Have the authorities ever figured out exactly why it happened?" Elliot asked.

"It happened," she said.

The first week, it happened twice

"What happened?"

They both realized that they were in need of each other, physically and mentally and emotionally, and that whatever happened between them would be good.

Even if the government had established a secret police force, however, why was it so anxious to cover up the true facts of Danny's death? What were they trying to hide about the Sierra tragedy? What really had happened up in those mountains?

While Elliot drove, he told Tina what had happened at his house: the two thugs, their interest in the possibility of Danny's grave being reopened, their admission that they worked for some government agency, the hypodermic syringes...

"I won't stop until I know what really happened to Danny."

But now that it's happened, now that it's been thrust upon you, you're not entirely unhappy

Ideally, I'd even like to be able to hand the reporter a neat theory about what really happened to those scouts, something sensational that he can hook his story onto."

Anyway, I'm not saying that's what really happened

"The only alternative is to give up, to back off and never know what really happened."

"Anyway, we have to learn what really happened in the Sierras

they think someone involved with Project Pandora has turned on them and told me what really happened to Danny

Do you have a better explanation for what happened in the diner?"

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

"Then explain what happened in the diner."

What had happened to Danny might still prove to be terrible, shattering, but she didn't think it would be as hard to accept as his "death" had been

But when Bruckster had come into the hotel thirty minutes ago, Evans had been chatting with the players at his blackjack table, cracking jokes, and grinning as if nothing of any importance had happened in his life lately.

What happened here?"

Surely, if someone from Project Pandora had told her what had happened to that busload of scouts, she wouldn't have reacted to the news with equanimity

"Something extraordinary happened to that expedition of scouts

And something downright uncanny has happened to your son."

"Every time it's happened, it's never seemed to bother him," Dombey said.

Based on what you said happened in it, I don't see how you reach the conclusion that Danny's going to help us get into the installation

Tina said, "Elliot, it wasn't only what happened in the dream that led me to this conclusion

I don't know what's happened to him, and I don't understand what he's become."

"Something's happened up there," Alexander said as he slammed the handset into the cradle

As long as you're the only ones outside of here who know what happened, you're marked people."

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

'I didn't understand what he meant, and nothing happened for a few weeks, so I did not feel so worried

What could be the reason for such a terrible crime? What had led up to it? Just exactly what had happened?

'I don't know what has happened, my love, but I promise to be brave.'

'Andre, my love, tell me what happened

'I want to know exactly what happened,' I said as he closed the door after me

I must destroy myself in such a way that nobody can possibly know what has happened to me

'A strange thing happened to me this morning, Charas

'What happened exactly?'

'Did he describe what happened?' I asked

'Well, I shall never forget his face when I met him outside my gate, or the way he said, "Oh, you'll see Protheroe all right!" That should have made me suspect what had just happened.' Haydock stared at me

'What do you mean - what had just happened? When do you think Redding shot him?'

'What happened after lunch?'

So I told Griselda everything that had happened that morning, then rang the bell for Mary

If I had, I would have gone in to see what had happened.'

'We want to ask you a few questions, here where it happened,' Colonel Melchett said

'Ah! I am glad you are taking action after what happened

'I called to tell you how sorry I was that such a death has happened in the vicarage

It was about a strange thing that happened last night

Could you and the vicar come for lunch today? Something strange has happened, and I would like Mr Clement's advice.

'I wonder what has happened?'

I just thought something had happened and that was why Mrs Protheroe had asked to see you.'

'What's happened, Clement?'

'I did not think it was right to speak until now, because I still needed one more fact in order to explain what had happened

She's been Archer's girlfriend for a long time, and she was alone in the house when it happened! And then, of course, there was Lettice - wanting freedom and money to do as she liked

'So that no one could discover what had happened?'

Despite everything that has happened since, I still remember that night very clearly

The sun went down before anything else happened

All this happened so quickly that I stood without moving, shocked by the flashes of light

I asked myself if these things had really happened

'What's happened?' I asked.

My brother read and reread the paper, thinking that the worst had happened to me

'What's happened?' said the curate, standing up.

You have to imagine what happened to the gunners towards Esher, waiting so tensely in the evening light, because none of them lived to tell the story

But I do not know who these people were or what happened to them

For some time I could not remember what had happened.

Then I raised my head cautiously to see what had happened

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

Very gently, when my mind was working again, they told me all they knew about what had happened in Leatherhead

And then a strange thing happened.

Perhaps, across the great distances of space, the Martians have watched what happened to the ones that landed on Earth and learned their lesson - and have found a safer home on the planet Venus

It may have nothing to do with what happened afterwards, but I thought that I should mention it.

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

This is what I think happened: this woman was married in America

No one knew what happened to Aunt Mary.

'What happened to you, Harris?'

And as they laugh, they know that something has happened

Laura told me what had happened through the door

On the train Miss Halcombe told me everything that had happened since she last wrote to me.

He was so concerned about the registers that he kept copies of them locked up at his home, in case anything happened to the originals

Mr Kyrle told us that if she could not remember what had happened to her, we had no hope of proving her identity.

Nobody knows what happened to them.

The Riggs-King match happened in Texas on 20th September 1973