How to use "country" in a sentence


Since that time, the area has been called Robbers Roost country.

This is one of the dangers of hiking in canyon country

When we get close to a country we know, we'll try to escape."

We moved down below the country of Egypt

'Perhaps I'm going to come out in Australia! I'll have to ask the name of the country

She was outside again, in the country.

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing

One section of our country believes slavery is RIGHT, and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is WRONG, and ought not to be extended.

A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country cannot do this.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it

Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today

Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

'This is a poor country

The new king, Louis-Philippe, was a brave and clever man who loved his country

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen

Bloody country

And then I get his money, and you and I can get the hell out of this city and out of this country."

The suitcase that can help him escape the country and live the rest of his life on a tropical island in the Bahamas.

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

In a country that worshiped youth, most elderly Americans devoutly desired to discover a place where they belonged, but unlike the duchesses, many of them never found it.

Bill Jaborski was supposed to be one of the ten top winter-survival experts in the country

Kevin's parents went away from the city immediately after the funeral, intending to spend a month at their summerhouse in the country, where they could be free from the press of business and social duties, the better to mourn their lost child

But the first night in the country, the mother received a vision in which Kevin was buried alive and calling for her

Nevada offers more personal freedom than anywhere in the country, and that's good, by my way of thinking

The jukebox played a country tune by Garth Brooks, and the music shared the air with the delicious aromas of fried eggs, bacon, and sausages

They listened to the country music on the jukebox and watched Charleston Boulevard through the window, where the desert dust storm clouded oncoming headlights and forced the traffic to move slowly

On the jukebox, which stood to the left of the door, a currently popular country ballad was playing:

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

His time was enormously valuable to the country; his work was sensitive and often-required urgent decisions based upon first-hand examination of information to be found only in distant places

Most of them had served their country openly, in a supremely visible fashion, where everyone could see and admire their selfless public-spiritedness

George was encouraged by the President to believe that eventually he would be promoted to the bureau chief of the entire western half of the country - and then all the way to the top, if only he could get the floundering western division functioning as smoothly as the South American and Nevada offices

As he sat in the dimly lighted cabin of the fan-jet and watched the clouds racing below, Alexander wondered what his father and his uncles would say if they knew that his service to his country had often required him to issue kill orders

"It's not going to be easy getting into country like that," Elliot said.

Snowshoes in case we have to walk very far in open country

"You'll be a traitor to your country."

But not to my country

My country's far from perfect, but what's been done to Danny Evans isn't something that my country would approve of

"If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn't be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory."

So in 1869 he came back to England and went to live in a large house in the country

Two left the country, but one didn't, so the K.K.K

It seemed odd for such a cultured woman to be living in a small country village.

I turned my desk chair to the window and stared out at the country and, in particular, at the three enormous black Things that were moving around the common

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave the country with her immediately

If I had been alone, I think I would have taken my chance and gone straight across country

By Byfleet station we came out from the trees and found the country calm and peaceful in the morning sunlight

Many field-guns, the report said, had been hidden around the country near Horsell Common, and especially between the Woking district and London

Towards Sunbury there was something dark, like a hill, hiding our view of the country further away

This rose up in a cloud shaped like a hill, then sank and spread itself slowly over the surrounding country

So, doing it methodically, as a man might kill insects, the Martians spread this strange killing smoke over the country towards London

They only used the Heat-Ray from time to time that night, either because they had a limited supply of material for its production or because they did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people

He suggested that they should drive across Essex to the sea at Harwich, and from there get right out of the country.

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

On Tuesday the three of them, still intending to get out to sea, drove through the busy country towards Colchester.

She had never been out of England before; she would rather die than be friendless in a foreign country

When we looked out I saw the country covered with black dust, but we were no longer trapped

'This is my country: all this hill down to the river and up to the edge of the common

And they've taken over the capital of the most powerful country in the world

All down the line from there, the country looked empty and unfamiliar

We rented a nice house in the country near Norbury

Harris said, 'Oh, how boring! In the country everyone goes to bed at eight o'clock

'How beautiful,' we said, 'sleeping in the country, under the stars, by the river!'

Find out something she wants very much but cannot get in this country.'

If there is anything people in this country have, it is a big mouth.'

'Look at the excellent job the soldiers have done, cleaning up the country of all that dirt

He wrote to me, asking me to use my contacts to find him a job in a distant country

I had placed myself between those two young lovers! It was all my fault! Now Walter is thousands of miles away in a foreign country

I know that Hartright's left the country

The dead lady's husband was out of the country, so my mistress arranged for the lady to be buried in her home town in Cumberland in the same grave as her mother.

Spending money on girls' education is very important if each country wants to become richer and happier.

Rigoberta Menchu is also an important woman who fought for the rights of Indigenous people in her country

After leaving school, Rigoberta worked against human rights crimes by Guatemalan soldiers from 1960 to 1996, during a war in the country

The first country in Europe to allow women to vote was Finland, which was then part of Russia

Little by little, women have got the vote in almost every country in the world.

Saudi Arabia is the newest country to give women the vote, in 2011

In World War One (1914-1918), men left home to fight, and women were needed to work both in the army and in their home country.

Polonium was named after her country, Poland

She came from Ceylon, a country that is now called Sri Lanka

Sirimavo came from a rich family, but she always wanted to help the poor people in her country.

She became the world's first woman prime minister, and she led her country's government three times

In a talk in 1995, she said, "Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." She said that a country cannot be great if its women are not free

Usually, in the world, the number of women in a country's parliament is 23 percent

In 2017, Rwanda had more female MPs than any other country.

The USA wanted to be the first country to put women in space, so, in 1960, William began to test women in the USA as astronauts.

They helped to make a big change in their country.

But the big problem in any country is changing the way people think about child marriage - and that takes time.