How to use "hate" in a sentence


This was enough to fill his hate-filled heart with sudden joy

There is nothing cruel about the face, but I know instantly that this is the man that has Catherine, and I hate that face with all of my heart.

"I just want Catherine," I say, but I can see the hate in the man's eyes, and I know that the only thing I can do now is run to the stone where I know she is tied and try to escape into the fog with her.

Hastings! I hate the name, and I hate the man

I hate her

And listen, I don't hate them for that

They hate Mr Fletcher

"I'd hate it," said Sala

'I hate waiting around when everything is packed,' Mrs Van Hopper said bad temperedly

I'll hate New York.'

She must hate you being here.'

'Why must she hate me being at Manderley?'

'I hate being here without you.'

I always hate going there.'

It was a look of joy - of joy and the most terrible hate

'Why do you hate me?' I asked

'You hate me, don't you?' he said

I was no longer afraid of Rebecca; I did not hate her any more

"I hate New Year's Eve parties

"You're a damn hard woman to hate."

Oddly enough, I don't really hate you anymore

What stranger could possibly hate her so much?

"Obviously, it's somebody who at the very least dislikes you, if he doesn't actually hate you

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

I even tried to justify some of his actions, because I didn't want Danny to hate him

I hate flying the Tahoe-Reno shuttle

Zachariah was on the floor, bound and gagged, glaring up at them with hate and rage.

Women servants hate talking to the police

They learn to love them (if they don't learn to hate them!) after they're married

Sir Percival is certainly an admirable man - and yet, in three words, I hate him!

I hate fighting and I hate violence