How to use "hear" in a sentence


I hear the voice in my head

I've stopped because I can hear voices

Suddenly, I hear voices.

But then I hear a sound from above and realise my mistake

3.45 pm I suddenly hear another man's voice

No one could hear me

Do you hear me? I want out!"

"Captain, did you hear me?"

The only sound we could hear was the ship's engine

He didn't hear me go in

Something was in the water - Alice could hear it

'I never speak about cats! Our family hates cats! I don't want to hear any more about them.'

When she could hear the Rabbit outside the window, she moved her arm up and down

'The Queen will hear you, she hears everything

She could hear the Queen at the other end of the garden

And then I told him something that he didn't want to hear.

We could hear shooting all round us, but they didn't hit us

Nobody could get any help to us, and the enemy soldiers were so near that we could hear them talking

I could hear the music that was playing inside and, after a minute or two, I began playing with it

'I don't hear from her very often,' she said

Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

He did not see or hear anything when he entered it and discovered the body at 1.44

Although men went in and out of the court, she did not hear anything suspicious

'Did you hear what Mme Magloire was saying?'

Valjean seemed not to hear him

'I know what you've come for,' he said quietly so that Fantine wouldn't hear

She was talking quietly to her father, and Marius could hear the soft, exciting murmur of her voice

He replied, in a voice so low that she could hardly hear it, 'I don't understand what you mean.'

'I can't hear you,' the old man said, looking annoyed

In the pauses between shooting, the rebels could hear the sound of fighting in other parts of Paris

Javert did not seem to hear

'They are incorrect, and I do not like to hear a man unjustly accused

'Cosette, did you hear what he said?' Marius cried, tears of shame and guilt rolling down his cheeks

"All the better to hear with, my child."

Do I hear voices in the fog behind me? I try to turn to look, but the fog behind me is too thick, and I only see the occasional light in the distance.

At first, I think that maybe I am quick enough, but then I hear the snap of the gun and feel the explosion in my back.

They are all focused on the road, and in the distance I can hear the music and the commentator, and I know that the race is starting soon.

In the distance I hear the sound of a gun, and the crowd outside cheers.

Outside we hear the crowd cheer, and we see the first runners pass by

There is no one near to him to hear

And he cannot hear from there, Oliver is sure

But Sylvia does not seem to hear and instead looks out at the dark loch.

He expects to hear a shout, but there is nothing

"Down here! Look down here!" but he has no idea if anyone can hear him

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

You think that if you scream, someone will hear you.

And then you hear it!

Then you hear another noise from the spare room.

Now you can hear the movement more easily

The door to the spare room is half open, and you can hear the sound of the wind outside

Your hand is nearly on the light switch when you hear another noise from the room

You hear your new computer fall to the floor and break, and the burglar shouts again.

In the distance he can hear the siren of a gardai car in the city centre, but he is sure it is not for him

And this time the silence is heavy and tense, and Barry can hear the voices of the women as they leave the church

And there is no one in the church to hear those.

Now, alone in the forest, he thinks he can hear the sound of feet in the snow behind him, and he tries to move faster.

Did you hear him? This Fletcher likes a sherry

The door to the tower is in another corridor, and when they open it, they hear footsteps on the stairs

And they will hear.

Okay? So remember: if you see or hear someone, put it down nice and gently, and there will be no problem."

But then they reach another clearing, and they hear something behind the trees.

Behind him he can hear Junior, who sounds like he is very scared.

Did you hear that, Jimmy? So before I take this gag out of your mouth, and before you think about saying something stupid again, think about this

No one can hear you

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

All they could hear were the sounds of the waves and the gentle wind in the trees

Everyone wanted to hear about Sala's pod experience, so she described it slowly, giving every last detail

I meant what I said." It was good to hear him say it again so clearly.

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

We needed to hear what she said

She was at the kitchen table with Mom and Gran, but Apat was in his room, and she didn't want him to hear them.

"Glad to hear it," said Cham

I looked down at the floor and tried not to hear Mrs Van Hopper's loud voice

I did not want Mrs Van Hopper to hear me

I thought I could hear her voice calling him

'Manderley at last.' I could hear the excitement in his voice.

'No, not from this wing,' she answered, 'and you can't hear it either

Yes, Mrs Danvers was right, you could hear the sea from here.

'Didn't you hear their car? Frith took them to the morning-room

I could hear the sound of voices from the morning-room

'Do you hear that?' I said

When I stood on the terrace, I could hear the sound of great waves on the shore

'Maxim would be very unhappy to hear you talking like this, Mrs de Winter

I could hear the sea clearly

Even with the shutters and windows closed, I could hear the dull, harsh sound of the sea in the bay.

The door was shut, but I could hear what he said.

Maxim still thought of me as a child - someone who must not hear unpleasant things

'Didn't you hear what I said?'

I could hear the sea and I could smell it in the fog

How do you think I've felt, watching you sit in her place, using the things she used? I hear the servants calling you Mrs de Winter

What's the use of this, Mrs Danvers? I don't want to hear any more.'

Mrs Danvers did not seem to hear me

I could not see him, but I could hear his voice

'Did you hear the rockets, Madam?' he said

The rain was falling so heavily that I did not hear Frith come in.

The rain was so heavy that we did not hear the sound of the car

'I want to hear your proof.'

She had come back to hear the result

There may be some talk, but I'll make sure that people hear about Dr Baker.'

They cannot see or hear The Cat

At the time, Tina was certain that Danny was aware of the nightly arguments she and Michael were having in their own bedroom, which was next to his, and that he wanted to move into the den so he wouldn't be able to hear them bickering

No one was in the house to hear it.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

She doubted that he would be able to answer that question even if he were present to hear it

"I can't hear myself think."

I'm even sorry if some of what I said about Danny hurt you, although, God knows, you deserve to hear it

She hesitated, trying to hear how it was going to sound before she said it, wondering if she really believed it enough even to give voice to it

As he showed her through the house, he was eager to hear her reaction to it, and she didn't make him wait long.

He's going to hear the questions anyway when he finally sits down

They were unhappy to hear the judge's name.

Elliot couldn't see it, but he could hear the beating of its wings.

"What are you talking about? Did you see what I saw in there? Did you hear the jukebox? I don't see how that could have cheered you up

Alexander didn't want to hear it

"I hear they're bringing in the original design team," Dombey said

"I really don't think I want to hear your opinions on either subject," Dombey said

With every step he took, Elliot expected to hear a shot fired a cry of alarm, and the sounds of men in pursuit of quarry.

He didn't hear a shot, but a bullet shattered the rear side window behind his head and slammed into the back of the front seat, spraying gummy bits of safety glass through the car.

She said, "People who believe in the occult have a thing they call 'automatic writing.' Ever hear of it?"

They didn't even hear gunfire.

When they took Danny out of the small room, they couldn't hear Zachariah's shouted invectives through the airtight steel door.

"I'm glad to hear it

'Yes, Monsieur, I hear you..

At last I cried, 'Andre, do you hear me?'

Behind it I could hear the noise of Andre's typewriter

Colonel Protheroe would hear about it - and things would be made much worse for her.

'Where she wouldn't hear anything that went on in the study

'I hear they've arrested Lawrence.'

'I wonder why Miss Marple didn't hear it

'What about a silencer? Nobody would hear anything then.'

And you didn't hear a shot?'

'I didn't hear a shot then,' said Miss Marple.

'But you did hear one?'

As I entered the vicarage, I could hear voices

Although I did hear her saying, she wanted to work herself

When she came in, I asked her, 'Mary, are you sure you didn't hear the shot yesterday evening?'

'Yes, but did you hear any other shot - one down in the woods, perhaps?'

'What time did you hear it?'

So when you hear a shot, you naturally think it comes from there.'

'Nothing that you didn't hear.'

'I believe I did hear some shots.'

She didn't hear any shot

This was just what he wanted to hear

'I didn't hear much,' she told him.

'Did you hear anything else?'

'Did you hear the lady speak at all?'

'Yes?' I knew that it was easy to hear the bell from outside

'And Clara couldn't hear Mary sneeze in your kitchen if she was standing at my gate.'

'You couldn't hear anyone sneezing in my study from your gate,' I said.

If I do not hear, I will come at the time I have said.

'You didn't hear the shot?'

He could hear movement from inside but thought this was due to it cooling down

At the same time we could hear a faint sound, which changed into a long, loud humming noise

'You'll hear more soon," I said, and went on to my home.

I could hear people jumping off boats into the water.

A man, knee-deep in the water, shouted to me and pointed, although I could not hear what he said

Plenty of Londoners did not hear of the Martians until Monday morning

Everyone was shouting and they could hear shouts and cheers from the other ships and the boats

We both sat in complete silence, so we could hardly hear each other breathing

'I have been still too long,' he said, loud enough for the Martians to hear, 'and now I must tell the world

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

'What?' he shouts, 'I can't hear you.'

My friends and I are very unhappy to hear men of your age use such bad words.' The three old men did not agree with Harris.

After all, she was sure to hear it one day.'

'I certainly could hear you

I hear that you are going to marry Sir Percival Glyde

'And it's strange to hear you talk of right and wrong; a woman who had a passion for her drawing teacher!'

'Did you hear anything?' she asked me

When we speak of your husband's secret, we must be in a safe place, where no one can hear us.

I thought to myself, I must hear their conversation.

There I could hear the voices of Sir Percival and the Count through the open windows.

Up on the roof, I was getting wet, but I had to hear their conversation to the end.

At 7:42 a.m., the Itasca got the message, "We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but Amelia's aeroplane did not hear it

In one test, the women were placed in special rooms with water where they could not hear anything or see anything