How to use "faces" in a sentence


When we cleaned our faces and our eyes, the squid was gone, taking the man with it.

The three gardeners fell to the ground, with their faces down

They were on the ground and she couldn't see their faces

People were watching us with strange looks on their faces, but it didn't matter

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

I liked to study the faces of new customers before I spoke to them.

He mutilated only the faces of Eddowes and Kelly, which, in the opinion of modern experts, indicates that he knew them.

He could see their faces clearly in the moonlight, and one of them belonged to Inspector Javert.

And on the television screens there are giant faces, clips from movies, news headlines, commercials for cars and perfume, chocolate and beer.

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

Twenty tired faces: some talking, but most are silent and waiting like her.

Strange faces surrounded her; everyone looked miserable and gray

"What's wrong?" he demanded at once, looking around at their troubled faces.

Sala watched them, searching their faces for clues

I could see their faces, all turned towards us

Many of the faces were familiar to Elliot

Laden with dust and with the powdery white sand that had been swept in from the desert, the air abraded their faces and had an unpleasant taste.

Four airtight rubber seals - one around the both faces of each pane

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

It had teeth, and it nipped their exposed faces

As I left, I saw of a group of young men with bright, interested faces waiting outside

I saw shock changing to horror on the faces of the people around me, and there was a general movement backwards

The faces of the people showed that they were very tired

There was a new inscription written on it: 'Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde...' In the near distance I saw two women with veils over their faces