How to use "hears" in a sentence


'The Queen will hear you, she hears everything

When she hears

'She'll be heart-broken if she hears the truth about me

If the person who has Catherine hears me, she is in danger

Then he hears the sound of his wife's laughter from the terrace bar of the hotel, and he shakes his head.

If he hears me, he can bring a boat out.

And on the small jetty on the bank of Loch Ness, the attendant hears, he takes the cigarette from his mouth and smiles

And he is about to laugh again, when he hears a noise from the trees.

But the scream he hears is not his own.

Then he hears the man shout, and he looks up and sees his angry face running towards him through the crowd.

He hears another shout, and knows that the man is nearly here, but the camera is not looking at him

You see, she runs until she hears the fire engines

Tonight is a good night to go out for a few drinks, he thinks, and he is deciding whom to call, when he hears a female voice.

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

And he hears the door to the judge's chamber open.

And before Barry Brennan begins to shout and scream to the empty church, he hears the soft voice one more time.

But then he hears someone running behind him, and he screams instead.

And he hopes that someone hears him soon.

She hears the train in the dark tunnel and tells herself to wake up and to focus for another forty minutes.

And when she hears the topic that they are talking about, she suddenly feels cold.

'One often hears shots in the woods

Then, years later, she hears that he is living in this village, so comes down here and tries it again

Suddenly she hears a noise and turns around

When Don Diego hears about this, he goes to the Governor