How to use "help" in a sentence


Its words never help, they just make me feel bad

Its words are calm and sensible and nearly always help me

The voice in my head doesn't help

But will they realise that something is wrong and go for help?

The sound of my voice shouting for help frightened me.

My only hope is rescue, but I'll die before help arrives.

It looks funny and I can't help smiling.

This means help will arrive too late

Perhaps help will arrive in time

Steve immediately arranged for a rescue team to join the police and help in the search

I've discovered that nothing I can do will help me escape

That seems to help.

Even with Eric's help, I know I won't be able to climb it

A second man gets out of the helicopter and they help me inside

We tried to help each other swim

"I have a man who needs help

Ned Land could not escape without our help.

The man cried for help.

He turned to help his own man, but it was too late

It isn't going to help you

Alice wanted to ask him for help

She wanted to help him, but she couldn't see the hat anywhere

'Please, can you help me? I want to go somewhere new,' said Alice.

'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat

Some couldn't eat or go to the toilet without help

But it was time for us to move up north to help some of our other men in the jungle.

Nobody could get any help to us, and the enemy soldiers were so near that we could hear them talking

I cried that night, but it didn't help.

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich

With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

'Perhaps I can help,' I said

I did everything that I could to help him, but the poor man died a few months later.

The police had no other clues to help them find the killer

At the same time Morris Eagle, another member of the club, ran for help in the opposite direction

With the help of another constable Robinson took her to Bishopsgate Street Police Station

It is probable that Mrs Prater and Mrs Lewis paid no attention to Mary Kelly's last terrified cry for help!

It describes him as a solitary man who worked alone, without the help of an accomplice

Also, some Jewish tradesmen organised a vigilance committee to help the police and offered a reward.

Thousands of letters offering information and help were sent to Scotland Yard

His doors were never locked, so that anybody who needed his help could find him easily.

'I honestly didn't know that you had lost your job, but I'll try to help you now

'Oh God help me! Please, dear God!'

If you ever find this man, I want you to help him in any way you can.

Life was hard for him, but he never forgot the promise he had made his father: that he would find Thenardier, the man who had saved his father's life, and help him in any way he could.

'Then I'll be in a better position to help them.'

The man I've promised to help!'

You're probably in trouble with the police, or you're in debt, and you've run back to me for help

Marius saw a soldier attacking Enjolras, who had fallen backwards and was calling for help

They were filled with hope that help would come soon, but the hope did not last long

'Will you help me to take him home?' Valjean said

He was, without doubt, a bad man, but Marius had promised his father to find him and help him

Marius, meanwhile, was grateful for finally having the chance to help Thenardier, and therefore to keep the promise he had made to his father

I only know that I must find her, that I must help her.

Just one push, and then he can shout for the attendant and pretend to help but really just watch the monster go down into the loch

"Help me, for the love of God, help me!"

"You mean," she continues, "that if I tell you his name, you can help me? You can stop this?" she says desperately.

The suitcase that can help him escape the country and live the rest of his life on a tropical island in the Bahamas.

Can you do that? Can you help me hide here in the church?"

"Maybe, but why, my son? I can only help you if you tell me why

"I want to help you, and if you confess all your sins to me, then maybe I can

And I will help you

But he can get a new shirt, and the whiskey will help the pain.

He thinks that if he keeps running he can escape and find help; find the real police.

Then Greg was on the floor; Brandon wanted to stop and help him, but Greg told him to run

"Your chief inspector said you could help

His wife Rhea is a good woman and pretty too, but sometimes he cannot help but look at Junior and wonder.

If he follows me, I will shout and scream for help.

I gave you a little medicine to help you sleep."

But it's okay now: I'm here to help you."

There was a choice of lifelike views in 3D - not as clever as the illusions in the simulator, but they did help the family to forget, at times, that they lived deep under the ground.

"Sala," said Cham, "you know I'd love to help my parents

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" gasped Sala, and she bent down at once to help him pick them up.

For now, though, we want to help people like your grandmother

They're trying to break down the force field and maybe help some people escape."

"They want to help you leave

"I can't help it," he said

Then maybe they would help us escape across the boundary."

I could not help looking at it as we drove along.

'I can't help being shy.'

'Now, Mrs de Winter, you must help us

Mrs Danvers can help you

He could not help me

No one could help me, but myself.

Maxim is always a great help at times like this

'I want to help you, Maxim,' I said

Frank was a great help to us

'You all help each other down here, don't you?' he said

'We must thank you for all your help,' Maxim said as the magistrate got out of the car.

'I've been glad to help

"God help me," Vivienne said.

"You'll probably need professional help to catch him in one of his tricks."

"I don't think the police would be much help

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

It won't help you discover who's been harassing you."

"Anyway," she said, "even if reopening the grave doesn't help me find who's responsible for these sick jokes - or whatever the hell they are - at least it'll settle my mind about Danny

Besides, you can help by doing the drudgery, like cleaning the vegetables and chopping the onions."

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

We're strictly hired help

By the time he called the police and managed to explain the situation, they might be too late to help Tina.

"Listen, Tina, they wanted to kill me just because I was going to help you get Danny's body exhumed."

Thanks for your help." He got in the car and backed it out of the garage.

Maybe we'll come up with someone who can help us."

"They're cries for help."

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

"If he thought he could get any help from the cops, he'd have been there already," Kennebeck said

I practically volunteered to help you with the exhumation, and it all just fell apart from there

"I can't help feeling guilty about involving you."

"Then you might need my help," she said

"He's going to use this power of his to help us get in there."

how can he help us? How can he guarantee our safety?"

That doesn't help us a whole hell of a lot

I can't help stiffening a little

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that

If you'd tell me what this is all about, maybe I could help you better."

Based on what you said happened in it, I don't see how you reach the conclusion that Danny's going to help us get into the installation

I'm sure he was telling me that he could help us get to him."

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

We don't want to walk at all if we can help it

"And it doesn't help that you're right

"Danny will help," she said

"Someone, some damn turncoat on Project Pandora, must have revealed enough about its location for them to find it with just a little help

He's going to help the bitch get her son out of there!"

Tina had the sickening feeling that someone had been about to step out, had sensed their presence, and had gone away to get help.

They'll help support your story when you go to the press with it

'I've come to ask for help,' he said

Haven't you found anything which will help us?'

'He came to me for help and those men murdered him! I'm going to find them, if it's the last thing I do!' he said to me, and he hurried out of the house.

Helene, first of all I rely on you to be brave, because you alone can help me

My life depends on the help you give me.

'Can you help me? Knock once for yes, twice for no.'

I have thought of a way which is neither simple nor easy, but you can and will help me.

'They will help you and save you, Andrei'

No, I don't think anyone can help me.'

I will do everything I can to help her.'

Your house is next door to the vicarage so perhaps you saw something that would help us.'

'It is supposed,' I said, 'to help me to be on time.'

'There must be some clue that would help us.'

I rushed to help him

'I feel that someone might have seen or heard something, and I wondered if you could help me?'

Miss Cram is going to Old Hall to help her

Please, dear Vicar, could you come to my house this afternoon and help me?

The thought of the creature trapped inside was so terrible to him that he forgot the heat, and went forwards to the cylinder to help

Of course the two were quite unable to do anything, so they went back to the town again to get help

For a moment I wanted to go back and help him, but I was too afraid.

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

He would have had very little chance if the younger lady had not very bravely stopped the cart and returned to help him

For a time the curate was silent, then he said, 'God help us!'

I can only regret now, as I finish my story, how little I can help with the many questions which are still unanswered

It has taken away our confidence in the future, which was making us soft; it has given great help to science, and it has made us think of human beings as one family.

'I beg your pardon,' said the man, 'I should have knocked, but I am very upset, and I need help.'

'Anyway, my friend and I have heard many strange secrets in this room, and we have had the fortune to help many people

I told her that I was her neighbour, and asked her if she needed any help.

'"If we need any help, we'll call you," she said and shut the door in my face.

That was yesterday, Mr Holmes, and then I decided to come and see you for help.'

The other man is of no help at all

They all started calling for help

A young keeper 4 heard them and came to help

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

Harris stood in the middle to help George with the cover

After a long time, we heard George shout, 'We can't breathe under here! Why don't you help us, you idiot!'

When someone calls for help, I always answer

I went to help them

We used an oar to help us

George came over and said, 'When you finish resting and dreaming, please help me wash the dishes and other things.'

Will you help me?'

Could you help me to get a carriage?'

She kissed my hand and said, 'I'll always wear white! It'll help me to remember how kind you've been to me!' Poor little soul!'"

He wanted to do something to help the poor woman

Imagine my feelings, Walter, when I saw my dear sister there in the asylum, and that everyone believed she was Anne Catherick! I gave the nurse one hundred pounds to help Laura escape

The vestry was on fire! I heard the sound of a man crying for help

Then he said, 'You've been very helpful to me, so now I'll help you

Please help me if you can

"Schools do not help girls and women," wrote Mary

They want to help to give girls an education

She also knew that she had to help other slaves to find freedom.

In the West, doctors could help women to choose how many children they had

Today, in many countries, women need to go out to work to help their families

Lean In is a book to help women to achieve their career goals

She wanted to help other people

Sirimavo came from a rich family, but she always wanted to help the poor people in her country.

Nepal and Zambia are working on laws that help girls

"Please help the Captain!" Zorro says to Don Carlos

"Thank you for your help, Zorro

They help him."

A group of young men want to help Captain Ramon arrest Zorro

I fight to help the poor, the natives and the friars

"We want to help the poor, the natives and the friars too," says one young man.

They help and protect him

They don't help bandits," says Don Diego.

We must be silent, enter the prison and help them

They are your friends, Zorro! They help you

They do not help me