How to use "helped" in a sentence


I began to play football with the high school team, and Coach Fellers helped me

But one day when he had to change a wheel on the car, I helped him.

Bubba helped me to put my things in my suitcase, then he walked to the bus with me to say goodbye

Yes, the task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products, and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities

It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms

It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, the State, and the local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced

It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, unequal

It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms of transportation and of communications and other utilities that have a definitely public character

There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped by merely talking about it.

Alcohol was cheap and it helped people to feel better

Her son, John, helped her in the business but he did not live in Hanbury Street

He was proud of having helped to bring her happiness with Marius, but another thing troubled his soul: the fact that nobody, not even Cosette, knew the truth about him

Thenardier sat down and told Marius about the time he had helped Valjean to escape from the Paris sewer.

Studying at home helped with overcrowding, used less energy, and made teaching easier: well, that's what the government said.

I turned away as he helped me off with the raincoat

'We all helped,' he said.

'Couldn't anyone have helped her?' I asked.

'Maxim has told me to take you back to Manderley.' Frank helped me to get up.

Michael and Tina had helped him move his belongings to the den, then had shifted the couch, armchair, coffee table, and television from the den into the quarters the boy had previously occupied.

He helped her to discover new reserves of energy, new areas of competence in herself

"Was your client helped by exhumation?"

Good, healthy lovemaking with a man who cared for her would have helped her recover much faster than she had done, for sex was the antithesis of death, a joyous celebration of life, a denial of the tomb's existence.

He helped Tina over the cemetery wall, and then, clambering after her, he was sure that someone grabbed his coat from behind

She's going to tell me who helped her get into the labs even if I have to break her fingers one at a time to make her open up."

Dr Haydock helped her

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

When Uncle Podger did a job, everybody in the house helped

She went back to the south and helped to free other slaves

First, she helped her family, and then she helped others

She helped many people in prison, and she stopped them from getting hurt by the prison workers

When she was young, she helped with the family's farm work

In 1903, she helped to start the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), which became famous

The Curies' work helped to make X-rays, which are very important in medicine today

During World War One, Marie helped to put X-ray machines in ambulances, which Marie herself drove to the places where they were needed

Her work helped other scientists discover how DNA is made.

He had helped to choose the first seven astronauts

All the women in this book have felt empowered to achieve great things, and they have helped to empower other women.

They helped to make a big change in their country.