How to use "houses" in a sentence


There were stone houses and ancient temples on it

From the dirty streets, dark passages and slum houses of Whitechapel hundreds of people went to watch the fire

They lived and slept in squalid lodging houses

Buck's Row was a quiet, narrow road with warehouses on one side and some small houses or cottages on the other

She lived in workhouses and, when she had the money to pay, in lodging houses

He knocked on the doors of people's houses, but news of his arrival had quickly spread and nobody would offer him shelter from the cold

Looking up, he saw a pale-faced boy, dressed in rags, studying the numbers of the houses in the street.

But houses aren't

Even big houses with alarms and safes

You can imagine the street outside: twenty terraced houses stretching down the road

Small houses, with neither rich nor poor people inside them

And so he watches the street and the small redbrick houses

People say that Manderley's one of the most beautiful houses in England

I wanted to draw some of the old houses in a nearby town

On Sunrise Mountain most of the big, expensive houses featured natural landscaping - which meant rocks, colored stones, and artfully arranged cacti instead of grass, shrubs, and trees - in acknowledgment that man's grip on this portion of the desert was new and perhaps tenuous

On the brown hills, the huge houses thrust like the bleak monuments of an ancient, dead religion

I think all the houses in this area have gas furnaces

Few Vegas houses had basements

Along the street, people came out of their houses, seeking the source of the explosion

Too late, he saw the sign at the fourth intersection - NOT A THROUGH STREET - but they were already around the corner and headed down the narrow dead end, with nothing but a row of ten modest stucco houses on each side.

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

There were lights in the upper windows of the houses as people went to bed

Areas of bush and a few trees still smoked, and the houses towards Woking station were sending up tongues of flame into the stillness of the evening air.

Two men and a woman were talking at the gate of one of the houses

Surprised people were coming out of their houses.

How can I describe this Thing that I saw? It was an enormous tripod, higher than many houses, stepping over the young trees

The view opened out until, on one side, it reached to the houses around Woking Station, and on the other, to the burnt woods of Byfleet

The fires had died down now, but the ruins of broken and burnt-out houses and blackened trees were clear in the cold light of the dawn

All the houses seemed empty

It seemed like any other Sunday - except for the empty houses, and the other ones where people were packing.

The ground moved and a heavy explosion shook the air, smashing two or three windows in the houses and leaving us shocked.

The air was full of deafening and confusing noises: the loud sounds of the Martians, the crash of falling houses, the flash of fire as trees and fences began to burn

The houses fell as it touched them, and exploded into flame

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

There was a noise of doors opening, and the lights went on in window after window in the houses across the street.

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

Yellow lights moved around in the houses

When the smoke had begun to settle, it stayed quite close to the ground so that even fifteen metres up in the air, on the roots and upper floors of houses and in high trees, there was a chance of escaping its poison

Then came the dull noise of the shots that the Martians fired, and the cylinder flying over the trees and houses and breaking in the neighboring fields.

They also noticed a long line of dust rising among the houses in front of them

It is possible that many people stayed in their houses through Monday morning

When we got to Sheen, the curate said that he felt unwell and we decided to try one of the houses.

The earth all around had been thrown up over the neighbouring houses

When I had last seen this part of Sheen, it had been a street of comfortable white and red houses

Here I moved through areas which had been totally destroyed and others which were totally undamaged; houses with their curtains and their doors closed

I went into a couple of the houses, looking for food, but all of it had already been taken

All these - the sort of people that lived in these houses, all those little office workers that used to live down that way - they'd be no good

After that, the streets became clear of powder and I passed some white houses which were on fire

Where there was no black powder, it was curiously like Sunday in the financial area of London, with the closed shops, the houses locked up and the curtains closed

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

When I passed streets that ran to the north it grew louder, and then houses and buildings seemed to cut it off again

It seemed that all the empty houses had found a voice for their fear and loneliness.

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

The sound of tools would soon be heard in all the burnt and broken houses

I saw the houses stretching away and disappearing into the smoke and mist, people walking up and down between the flower-beds, and the sightseers around the Martian machine that still stands there

There is an inn and two houses near our house, and a single cottage across the field in front of our house

I have got you one of the government houses.'

I named three gentlemen in whose houses I had taught drawing.

We left the Heath and entered an area of houses

He wrote some laws in 1870 and 1882 that allowed women to keep their money or houses after they married