How to use "kept" in a sentence


None of the answers she gave worked but she kept trying

Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night

Thoughts of the people I love had kept me alive

And should anyone in any case be content that his oath shall go un kept on a merely unsubstantial controversy as to HOW it shall be kept?

But he kept his suspicions to himself, not daring to say what he really believed: that M

'When shall I see Cosette?' she kept asking M

His only neighbour was an old woman, who did his housework and kept his stove burning

As he walked past, he kept his eyes fixed on the girl, but she did not seem to notice him

He kissed the handkerchief, breathed in its perfume, wore it next to his heart by day and kept it under his pillow at night.

If he kept the letter in his pocket, Cosette would never know what had happened to the other man, and life with her would continue the same as before

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

Sala kept on running, forcing herself to look straight ahead.

She kept on smiling as Cham showed his little sisters where his body was connected to the pod.

'I hope I haven't kept you waiting,' I said.

He thinks that is why you kept your dress a secret

'Rebecca has kept us apart all this time

They must be kept tightly closed when the boat is sailing

I kept it because it was the last thing Rebecca ever wrote to me

'I kept all her things

'She kept it a secret from everyone, even Danny

His clothes weren't the only things that she had kept: His entire room was exactly as he had left it

But even if Vivienne had kept her scheduled appointment, she never would have written those words on the chalkboard

She kept thinking of the chalkboard.

He kept looking at Christina Evans, who was as dazzling as the show she had created.

When she shut off the radio the third time, she kept her finger pressed against the ON-OFF bar

Tina shouted at the man in black, but he ignored her and kept shoveling dirt on top of Danny

Michael kept up the friendly patter while he got his cone of ice cream

"So I'm not a giver, huh? Then who gave you the house you're living in? Huh? Who was it had to move into an apartment when we separated, and who was it kept the house?"

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

Tina kept a well-stocked bar in one corner of her office for those infrequent occasions when a business associate needed a drink after a long work session

But an image of crimson eyes, yellow skin - the leering face of death - flashed through her mind, and she kept moving.

No one was following them, but he kept checking.

Then as he had signed for the rental car and picked up the keys from the night clerk, he had kept one hand in a pocket of his coat, gripping the handgun he'd taken off Vince in Las Vegas - but there was no trouble.

Elliot Stryker drove cautiously and kept his eyes on the road.

But she kept pace with him, and she didn't complain.

He kept one hand on her back as she leaned toward the window, and he felt her go rigid when she glimpsed the dead man

Because its existence must be kept secret, the organization was funded out of misdirected appropriations meant for other government agencies

Tina said, "Elliot, listen, I told you he would show us where he's being kept, and he drew that route for us

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

Plows had kept the blacktop clean, except for scattered patches of hard-packed snow that filled the potholes, and snow was piled five or six feet high on both sides.

They passed a few signs that told them the lane they were using was kept open for the exclusive benefit of federal and state wildlife officers and researchers

Alexander suddenly realized what their edge was, what kept them going, and he sat up straight in his chair

Tina carried the remaining rope, and Elliot kept the gun.

Elliot lowered the gun but still kept it pointed in their general direction

Griselda and Dennis kept telling jokes and Lawrence cheerfully joined in

'But didn't you tell him that the study clock was always kept a quarter of an hour ahead?'

She kept asking if there were any suspects.'

'Do you know whether he kept a pistol anywhere?'

'Did you know where he kept it?'

I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about Colonel Protheroe, so I got up and looked out of my window

'Would you mind if I kept it a little longer?'

'Colonel Protheroe probably kept them locked away somewhere.'

He had read about archaeology, but he kept making mistakes and Protheroe must have noticed

He did not know that it was always kept a quarter of an hour ahead

'As I said, Mr Redding kept Colonel Protheroe's letter, and he realized that the colonel was saying that Mr Hawes was the thief

Mrs Elphinstone - that was the name of the woman in white - refused to listen to his argument, and kept calling for 'George', but her sister-in-law was very quiet and sensible and agreed to my brother's suggestion

After trying and failing to keep him quiet, I kept away from him in other rooms in the house.

We kept away from the road, moving through gardens and some areas full of trees

I kept her existence a secret from you for three years, but finally I had to see my little girl

There are things now that she will not discuss with me - her husband, her married life - but before we kept no secrets from each other.

'Surely they should be kept more safely?'

He was so concerned about the registers that he kept copies of them locked up at his home, in case anything happened to the originals