How to use "hours" in a sentence


It's not difficult and I should be able to finish in about eighteen hours

That means I've cycled thirteen kilometres in less than two hours

I've spent the last eighteen hours alone

7.0 pm I've been chipping at the rock for almost three and a half hours

At this speed, it will take me 150 hours to free my trapped arm.

1.00 pm I've spent four hours trying to lift the boulder, but nothing has worked.

2.45 pm It's exactly twenty-four hours since the accident.

I have been trapped in Blue John Canyon for the last twenty-four hours

The long, boring hours of the night pass slowly by

I've been here for exactly forty-eight hours

But there was something the officer didn't tell them: a person has to be missing for at least forty-eight hours before the police will start a search and rescue operation

3.00 am It's now sixty hours since my accident

That's sixty hours of pain, no sleep, and very little water.

Two hours later, it's time for my next sip of water

They'll wait forty-eight hours before searching

Three hours later, I have reached the end of my third day trapped in the canyon

By 6.00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days

I have been awake for over a hundred hours

120 hours without sleep

It has taken me two and a half hours to travel six kilometres

127 hours

It's the third time I've done this in two hours

I realise that my nightmare has lasted for exactly 127 hours

For many hours, I stood in front of the window in the museum.

After about a hundred hours on a bus, me and a lot of other new young soldiers arrived there

So I sat down and waited for five or six hours.

'I finish work in three hours, Forrest,' Jenny said

This was where Jack the Ripper murdered another woman in the early hours of September 8th.

She slept in a police cell for three hours

Nearly four hours later Mary Ann Cox, who lived in Miller's Court, saw Mary walking along Dorset Street with a man

Around two hours later she woke up suddenly because her kitten was walking over her

The Ripper did not stay with his victims for hours before killing them.

It took him more than twelve hours, and when he arrived, he discovered that Champmathieu's trial had already started

Valjean gave Cosette lessons in reading and writing, and spent hours watching her as she dressed and undressed her doll

He walked for a couple of hours every evening, sometimes alone, sometimes with Cosette

You try to see the clock in the dark, but it is impossible, and you think that it must be somewhere between four and six o'clock: the darkest hours of the night when even the lively and vibrant city of Manchester sleeps.

We tell them they only have six hours

Six hours, that's it

Six hours to leave them the money in a safe place

"How? How did you find us? You only had a few hours to get the money."

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

Because after hours of struggling his foot is now finally free to move.

He loved the walk up from the town of Sennybridge; he loved the hours of walking and hunting in the forests and valley.

Short and thin with a pale and unhealthy complexion from hours of playing his computer games and watching television.

For the next twenty-four hours, Sala tried to think clearly

Instead, she spent hours sitting on her bench in the Real Space, looking out over the city with a distant expression

She was counting the hours until she could speak to him again.

Only three hours to go

Two hours

I thought of the long hours to bedtime

In twenty-four hours, you have grown so much older.'

The hours passed and the miles went by, Favell's car always behind us.

'You've slept for two hours,' Maxim told me

Each time, for a few hours after she woke, she could not face reality

In less than seventeen hours - at 8:00 P.M., December 30 - the Golden Pyramid Hotel would present a special, invitational, VIP premiere of Magyck! , and the following night, New Year's Eve, the show would open to the general public

Shortly before noon, two high rollers from Dallas sat down at a blackjack table and, in three hours, lost a quarter of a million bucks; they were laughing and joking when they left the table to try another game

And in just four hours Magyck! Would premiere.

She had two and a half hours to fill before she had to leave for the hotel again.

Instead, she was coming in for a few hours this evening, while Tina was at the premiere.

They pulled the handles for hours at a time, often making a twenty-dollar bill last a long afternoon

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

Later, after no more than two dreamless hours, she suffered another nightmare about Danny

She'd been asleep less than three hours.

He was sitting here for eight hours straight."

But once in a while, a guy really loses track, doesn't get up for hours and hours, just keeps on playing like a zombie

She'd need two hours to get ready for her date with Elliot Stryker.

Just a couple of hours ago she had concluded that the person behind this harassment had to be a stranger

She recalled the hatred in Michael's face when she'd left him a few hours ago

For a long, long time, they forgot that death existed, and they explored the delicious, silken surfaces of love, and it seemed to them, in those shining hours, that they would both live forever.

The sky was cerulean blue and clear, and he wished he had time to take the Cessna up for a few hours

Elliot remained at the party only two hours

The conversations were like those in which he was involved at work, eight or ten hours a day, five days a week and he didn't intend to spend a holiday nattering about the same damned things.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

She was filled with a new dread, a fear greater than the one that had burned within her during the past few hours

"A few hours

"Stryker and the woman took off from McCarran International more than two hours ago

This was his second pill since he'd gotten out of bed just three and a half hours ago, but he still felt edgy.

For one thing, you can become an infectious carrier only four hours after coming into contact with the virus

Once infected, no one lives more than twenty-four hours

He told the guards he was going snowshoeing for a couple of hours

Bollinger was probably at the bottom gate two and a half hours after he walked out of the door here, three hours after he was infected

"He must have reached the scouts five or five and a half hours after he was infected

She was allowed to go into the garden during certain hours of the day, and had been given a little square where she could grow flowers

Staring at her, I was about to say that her boy had asked the very same question a few hours earlier

I talked to him for hours about me, about our boy, about his family, but he did not reply.

I'm asking everyone where they were yesterday evening between the hours of six and seven p.m.'

That night, too, there was another sudden cloud of gas from the distant planet as a second missile started on its way to Earth from Mars, just under twenty-four hours after the first one

He went to bed a little after midnight and was woken in the early hours of Monday morning by the sound of knocking on doors, feet running in the street, distant drumming and the ringing of bells

London, which had gone to bed on Sunday night not knowing much and caring even less, was woken in the early hours of Monday morning to a real sense of danger.

They stopped and waited for a few hours, but the doctor did not appear

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

After several more hours on the road, they suddenly saw the sea and the most amazing crowd of ships of all types that it is possible to imagine.

Our situation was so strange and unbelievable that for three or four hours, until the dawn came, we hardly moved

For hours we lay there in the darkness, while from outside came the sounds of hammering and then, after some time, a sound like an engine

In twenty-four hours they did twenty-four hours of work.

He had no self-control at all and sometimes cried for hours at a time

We walked for two hours, and it was almost five when we returned to Baker Street.

Every six hours: lb of good, fresh meat, pint of beer

There are only twenty-four hours in the day, and you sleep most of that time

Harris fought with courage for four hours

I can sit and look at it for hours

They also worked long hours and got very low pay - and it was very hard work.

In 1932, she was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic, which she did in 14 hours and 56 minutes.

She was the first person to fly alone from Los Angeles to Mexico City, which she did in 13 hours and 23 minutes

And she was the first person to fly alone without stopping from Mexico City to Newark, USA, which she did in 14 hours and 19 minutes.

Funk was in there for 10 hours and 35 minutes

Today, Wally Funk has thousands of flight hours, and she has taught over 3,000 students how to fly