How to use "kiss" in a sentence


'How long have we been friends, Forrest? Thirty years? Sometimes it doesn't seem true.' She moved nearer, and gave me a kiss

I had to carry her and she's fallen asleep.' As she spoke these words, she gave her daughter a loving kiss, which woke her up

'You must kiss me on the forehead after I'm dead..

When he refused to kiss her cheek, she began to feel unhappy, afraid that she had done something to offend him

She gave me a kiss and then looked at me carefully.

Then Maxim took me in his arms and began to kiss me

We began to kiss each other, like guilty lovers who had never kissed before.

"We got a hit, kid!" Joel said, and he hugged her fiercely, planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

She never was sure who initiated the first kiss

'Lawrence never even tries to kiss to me,' she said

You don't want him to kiss you, do you?'

My wife was just about to kiss me when suddenly she pulled away.

"Let me kiss your hand." Zorro takes her small hand and kisses it

Lolita pushes him away and says, "I don't want to kiss you

Now kiss me!"

They embrace and kiss.