How to use "lane" in a sentence


He probably ran into Whitechapel Road through a narrow lane called Wood's Buildings.

Walking more slowly now, thinking he was safe from his pursuers, Valjean followed the alley until he came to a lane that seemed to lead away from the city

He walked along this lane for a long time until, to his horror, he discovered his way blocked by a high wall

Seven or eight soldiers were moving slowly along the lane in his direction.

Shortly they would turn off the two-lane blacktop onto another road, which the map specified as "unpaved, nondirt," whatever that was.

It was little more than one lane wide, and the trees formed a tunnel around it, so that after fifty or sixty feet, it disappeared into premature night

They passed a few signs that told them the lane they were using was kept open for the exclusive benefit of federal and state wildlife officers and researchers

Danny's instructions are to take a turn north, off this lane, after about five miles."

He steered off the plowed lane, onto the snowy trail

The single lane widened to two lanes in places and switch backed up the ridges, through more densely packed strands of larger trees

He started out of the forest, toward the county lane, which is about five miles from the turnoff to the labs, and after only three miles-"

When I reached the lane, I immediately heard a familiar voice, 'Oh! Mr Clement