How to use "animal" in a sentence


It's just a small animal moving in the rock

Captain Nemo swam away from the rocks, with his knife in his hand, and began fighting with the animal

She jumped up and ran after the animal

'Perhaps it's a big fish or sea animal,' she thought

There was one chocolate for each bird and animal.

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

Now you're going to run like a wild animal

'What a funny animal you've got,' he said.

Maybe it was an animal in the garden.

Her mom was a food scientist in the meat-growing laboratory, developing different kinds of meat from just a few animal cells

Beneath his cordial, witty, slightly cool exterior, his secret response was that of a healthy male animal, and her awareness of it was more instinctual than intellectual, like a mare's response to the stallion's first faint stirrings of desire.

He was on the thin line that separated animal alertness from nervous frenzy.

"An animal awareness..

A warm, animal satisfaction rose in him, which was not an entirely welcome feeling, for he liked to think of himself as a civilized man

Theirs was an animal need for affection and companionship, a reaction to the death and destruction that had filled the day

The wind was an animal presence, growling softly

You see, my first experiment with a live animal was a complete disaster.'

He put the little animal on the floor of the booth and quickly closed the door

'If this little animal is still alive and well in a month, we can then consider the experiment a success.'

The horse did not move (his neck was broken, poor animal!) and by the lightning flashes I saw the turned-over cart and one wheel still spinning slowly

He had almost sunk to the level of an animal

I was not the master now, but an animal among the animals, under the power of the Martians