How to use "laugh" in a sentence


'This is very stupid,' thought Alice and she wanted to laugh

I laugh when I'm sad, and I cry when I'm happy

Alice started to laugh.

With a little laugh, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran to play with the two girls on the swing.

The courtroom filled with laughter and Champmathieu began to laugh himself, which did him no good at all.

'Do you think I'm stupid?' Javert gave an unpleasant laugh

With those words, she gave a little laugh and wave, grabbed some dry bread from the table and disappeared out of the door.

With an ugly laugh, he pulled his cap down over his eyes and left the room.

The old man gave a high, unpleasant laugh.

He tries to picture Emily: her eyes are so loving, her laugh so light and pretty

No more listening to that awful laugh, no more looking at her boring face

She lets out a laugh, a laugh that is horrible to Branwell

Best be careful." And they laugh again, and Gerry smiles.

And the brothers laugh as they watch Gerry and the truck drive up the road to Hobbs Creek while the great Australian sun begins to fall behind the horizon.

And he is about to laugh again, when he hears a noise from the trees.

The other two men laugh

And this one, he hopes, will have a little more respect for him and won't laugh at him.

Then he laughs, and the two assistants laugh, and then the back of Hank's hand slaps Jimmy's face hard

Best of all, he made her laugh

Usually, Cham had plenty to say, and loved making everyone laugh.

But he didn't laugh.

I did not know whether to laugh or cry

Someone to make him laugh perhaps.

'What? He's left you all alone? That's not fair, is it?' The man gave an unpleasant laugh

I expected everyone to laugh and clap as I walked down the stairs.

'Well, he's a man, isn't he?' she said with a hard laugh

'I let her laugh

Favell began to laugh, a high stupid laugh, as he twisted the note round and round in his fingers.

Thank God for Favell's laugh

'He's not going alone,' Favell said with a laugh

She had a throaty laugh that was not unlike Nancy's had been.

A thin, humorless laugh escaped Carlton Dombey, and he looked away from the window

"The next time I read a story in the newspaper about some guy, who says he was picked up in a flying saucer and taken on a tour of the universe, I won't be so quick to laugh

I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle's white face.

"No, they'll laugh at me

'Protheroe.' He began to laugh

I must have looked shocked, for he started to laugh

'Do I really?' she said, with a little laugh

'"Are you awake, Jack?" she cried with a nervous laugh

Holmes, with a laugh, put his hand behind the ear of the little girl, and pulled off the mask, and there was a little coal-black girl

They sit down on the grass to rest and laugh

They laugh, jump up and start pulling it again

'I don't see anything to laugh at,' I said.

I never saw a man laugh so much

And as they laugh, they know that something has happened

That made me laugh