How to use "handsome" in a sentence


Marius was a handsome young man, but he was also extremely shy

Marius, that you're a very handsome boy?'

She remembered the handsome young man she had seen so often in the Luxembourg Gardens

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

Cosette and Marius made a handsome couple on their wedding day

"Hello handsome," she always says to me, "another day at the office?" And I never say much, but I do not have to: we understand each other without words

He was a dark-haired, handsome man

He was a big, handsome man, but his face was red and his eyes were a hard blue

Male dancers, wearing black tuxedos for the opening number, stood tensely, an eye-pleasing collection of lean, handsome types.

On the other hand, he was handsome, and in his face was an appealing gentleness

He was a handsome, easygoing guy who ambled rather than walked

She pulled out a locket, and inside the locket was the picture of a very handsome and intelligent man, but a man who was obviously of African descent.

And he is as handsome as anything, and a good man, but you know..

Mrs Fairlie was a foolish ugly woman who had somehow managed to marry one of the most handsome men in England.

He is young and handsome