How to use "lights" in a sentence


The lights went on and off, and the engine stopped.

Captain Nemo turned on the outside lights.

It was like a palace to her, with its bright lights, shining glass and pretty objects

She had soon left the colourful lights and the happy laughter of the village behind her, and was running down the hill into the frightening darkness of the wood

Once again, there were no lights in the windows

Looking up, he saw that there were no lights on in the house and that all the windows were closed

The interview room is cold, the lights weak and grey, but he offers the woman a seat and hopes that this will be quick.

I turn on the lights, and I see nothing, but when I go to the window, I can see him in the field

He takes a cigarette from his packet, lights it and lets the hot evening sun shine down on his bald head.

The building is old but in okay shape, and he turns the generator on, and the electric lights start

For half an hour he unpacks his things; then he sits down on the terrace with his bag at his feet and lights another cigarette.

In its place there are a thousand adverts on a hundred television screens, a sea of lights that constantly move and change.

He looks up at the lights and the television screens

The tables are covered in white, and the lights are low and atmospheric

Then he pushes open a fire door to his personal smoking area at the back of the court next to the bins and lights his cigarette

You turn on the lights and swing the heavy statue in his direction, but you cannot see him now because the light is so bright

Its red and blue lights fill the evening, and the sound of the siren fills his ears.

So he stops on the edge of the desert, hides the flask of whiskey under the seat and lights a cigarette to cover the smell

Vegas, wow! What a city! The lights, the music, the atmosphere.

The air of the tube platform is hot and dry, and the lights weak and unnatural.

Cham's parents had furnished it nicely, and there were plenty of lights to make it bright

Inside, the lights were so bright they were almost blinding, and there was a constant soft noise of people working on computers

The lights had been turned off; soon she was in complete darkness, so she turned on the lights on her virtual interface to guide her

There were no lights on

Sala waited in the pod as they made the final checks, bright lights blinding her from above.

Coloured lights were hung in the trees outside

I could see the coloured lights in the trees

Every window of the house was coloured by the falling lights

The lights had been turned off

What if they came, lights flashing and sirens screaming - and found no one? If she had summoned the police every time that she imagined hearing a prowler in the house during the past two weeks, they would have decided long ago that she was scramble-brained

She switched on the lights and stepped inside.

Directly overhead, the ceiling of the immense porte cochere was lined with hundreds of lights; none of the bulbs were burning now, but after nightfall, they would rain dazzling, golden luminosity upon the glossy cobblestones below

Vivienne liked the action, noise, lights, and excitement of Las Vegas

When the stage lights were periodically dimmed, a score of revolving crystal ballroom chandeliers cast swirling splinters of color that seemed to coalesce into supernatural forms that capered under the proscenium arch

Helen Mainway chattered excitedly about the spectacular special effects, and Elliot Stryker had an endless supply of compliments as well as some astute observations about the technical aspects of the production, and Charlie Mainway poured a third bottle of Dom PS 233; rignon, and the house lights came up, and the audience reluctantly began to leave, and Tina hardly had a chance to sip her champagne because of all the people who stopped by the table to congratulate her.

In waves of dazzling color, millions of lights winked on in the enormous signs

They turned out the lights and left the room, closing the door after them.

But she and Elliot left the outer office, flicking off the lights as they went, and the computer remained dark and silent.

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

Above the lights that cast a frosty glow on the airport parking lot, the heavily shrouded sky was moonless, starless, perfectly black

They followed the blinking lights to the end of the short wing in which the elevators were situated

A policeman stepped out of the doorway and led us to one of the workshops where all the lights were on

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

I held the champagne and glasses while he unlocked the door and switched on the lights

I put the bowl on his desk, then walked into the next room where all the lights were on.

There were lights in the upper windows of the houses as people went to bed

There was a noise of doors opening, and the lights went on in window after window in the houses across the street.

Yellow lights moved around in the houses

A dozen signal lights went on as soon as they began to move, warning the waiting guns around Esher

There were signs of people in the next house on Sunday evening - a face at a window and moving lights, and later the closing of a door

The night was coming but the Martians had lights on their machines

The whole scene was one of moving lights and shadows, difficult for the eyes

The night before last I saw some lights up in the air

From there the happy news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, living in great fear, suddenly- turned on all their lights.