How to use "list" in a sentence


He had found a list of email addresses for Aron's climbing friends

Another friend, Jason, had sent Steve a list of all the canyons Aron said he wanted to hike in Canyonlands

There was a screen on the wall with a list of places to choose from: places they would never see for real.

You will find the list on the desk beside you.'

"But if you just put your name on our work list, we'll most likely have a man there by four o'clock this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

"I'll get the list."

She scanned the list of VIP customers who hadn't attended the opening of Magyck! Using a red pencil, she circled those names that were followed by anniversary dates, trying to ascertain how large a promotion she was proposing

She had counted only twenty-two names when she came to an incredible message that the computer had inserted in the list.

The remainder of the list was as it should be.

Tina paged through the book until she found the code that she needed to call up the list of the hotel's best customers

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

She typed in the code for the list of complimentary guests, and the machine responded at once.

We've just crossed you off the list of suspects

He spent an hour and a half in his library, paging through legal casebooks, boning up on precedents for the exhumation of a body that, as the court had put it, "was to be disinterred in the absence of a pressing legal need, solely for humane reasons, in consideration of certain survivors of the deceased." Elliot didn't think Harold Kennebeck would give him any trouble, and he didn't expect the judge to request a list of precedents for something as relatively simple and harmless as reopening Danny's grave, but he intended to be well prepared

Elliot's mind raced through a list of cases that his law firm was currently handling, searching for some connection with these two intruders, but he couldn't think of one.

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

But before we go in, let's check out that list of questions they were going to make you answer."

They don't know anything more about Project Pandora than what they picked up from that list of questions they took off Vince Immelman."

It's right up there on the bad-word list beside broccoli."

I'll write the list.'

George will write the list, and I'll do the work.'

The first list was too long

We started another list.

We made a list of all the clothes we needed

In 2012, she was named in the Time 100, a list of the 100 most important people in the world