How to use "begun" in a sentence


Leblanc had begun to suspect what was happening because often, when Marius appeared, he got to his feet and walked away, taking his daughter with him

Monte Carlo had begun to bore her

'It's begun,' he said.

Unaware that she was staring at him, the boy put one hand to his mouth and bit gently on his bent thumb knuckle, which Danny had begun to do a year or so before he died

After the initial shock, after the funeral, she had begun to cope with the trauma

But then, a few weeks ago, she had begun to slip back into the dreadful condition in which she'd wallowed immediately after she'd received news of the accident

A month ago, for the first time, she'd thought that at last she had begun to overcome her grief

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

She and Michael hadn't yet begun to raise their voices to each other; their disagreements had been conducted in normal tones, sometimes even in whispers, yet Danny probably had heard enough to know they were having problems.

Already, a platoon of white-coated waiters, waitresses in crisp blue uniforms, and scurrying busboys had begun serving the dinners

He'd hardly begun to live

"Is it? I thought I'd begun to get over Danny's death back in September

While Tina and Elliot had been joking in the kitchen, even before dinner had been completely prepared, she had begun to think they might go to bed together

When Danny had first begun collecting horror comics with his allowance, she had closely examined those books to decide whether or not they were harmful to him

Frightened, dazed by the incredible speed at which her world had begun to disintegrate, she did as he said.

She became aware of the familiar, spiritlike presence that had been in Angela's office when the computer had begun to operate by itself

The active poison itself had already penetrated the victim's body, done its work, and begun to break down into a series of naturally occurring chemicals that would raise no alarms when the coroner later studied the results of the usual battery of forensic tests

The blood had begun to congeal.'

After the lightning had begun, it flashed again and again, as quickly as I have ever seen

When the smoke had begun to settle, it stayed quite close to the ground so that even fifteen metres up in the air, on the roots and upper floors of houses and in high trees, there was a chance of escaping its poison

He would probably have stayed longer it the sound or guns had not begun at about that time in the south

They haven't begun on us yet

'Not begun!' I cried.

'Not begun

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.